Custom Starting Company (JoW Paid) Start with your own custom company in any scenario. Choose your company's size, finances and set events and championships, Draft your roster from the scenario's entire talent pool or generate it.
How It Works The custom starting company option can be found under New Game.
The 'Generate' button auto fills all company data for you.
The 'Draft' option allows you to pick from talent belonging to other companies and the indies.
The 'Protect Company Talent' option while drafting makes some top talent unavailable to be drafted. Popularity, being hot, loyal/rebel traits and being retired affect who will be protected.
While drafting, you can see your roster capacity as well as which company a talent belongs to when selecting them.
The main company of the scenario moves to the competitors when starting with a custom company.
Teams are drafted if all members are drafted to your company.
First championship is given the Main Eventer rank, while others are given the Upper Midcard rank.
This feature is not available in stories and is planned to be added to local multiplayer later.
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