I'm not sure if that was supposed to be witty or not. To save you from some embarrassment, I'll just assume it wasn't.
Hey, Gates, go fuck yourself. We can't ban you, you aren't trolling, you're just trying too hard. And your music tastes SUCCCKKKKKK. That faggy metal you listen to is for people you have inferiority tough guy complexes. Go fuck yourself.
Ha. You know nothing of what I listen to. You, on the other hand, are one to promote what you deem to be the superior music. Always praising, promoting and bashing on others tastes. When you have the need to bash others tastes while singing the praises of your shit and shilling it at every turn possible, who's the sheep? When you have to adamantly defend your disgust for "corporate radio" everytime you bring up your music, you're a bigger tool than anyone who sings the praises of Lady Gaga or Lil Wayne, because they don't have to hate something to like another. We get it, YOU ARE NOT A ROBOT! But fo sho you are a fuckin tool, one of those "too cool for mainstream school" douches. So go pop in some queer black metal where the lead singer screams like someone pierced his hemorrhoids with a hot screwdriver and some untalented guitarist that relies on pedal and distortion abuse to bastardize metal some more.
BTW, here's your ass.
^^^Don't let Gates rile you, he's awful. His "comedic stylings", if you will, are unfunny and terrible. His tastes in music are awful too. He could be wrapped in bacon and he's still bland as mush. Tell him to go fuck himself.
Ha. You know nothing of what I listen to. You, on the other hand, are one to promote what you deem to be the superior music. Always praising, promoting and bashing on others tastes. When you have the need to bash others tastes while singing the praises of your shit and shilling it at every turn possible, who's the sheep? When you have to adamantly defend your disgust for "corporate radio" everytime you bring up your music, you're a bigger tool than anyone who sings the praises of Lady Gaga or Lil Wayne, because they don't have to hate something to like another. We get it, YOU ARE NOT A ROBOT! But fo sho you are a fuckin tool, one of those "too cool for mainstream school" douches. So go pop in some queer black metal where the lead singer screams like someone pierced his hemorrhoids with a hot screwdriver and some untalented guitarist that relies on pedal and distortion abuse to bastardize metal some more.
BTW, here's your ass.
Be a sheeple. Baaaaaa Baaaaa.
Yeah, cos all the free-thinkers of this world join the army and kill on behalf of, and to further the minortiy interests of, their corrupt goverment.