Crayo said:
Fighters say it all the time. I would venture to guess that 90+% of fighters are on some sort of PED or another. Reasons?
1.) Lack of random testing. They decided to randomly test for UFC 146, but as a general rule the NSAC doesn't have the money to do random testing. So it's very easy for a guy to cycle and get clean by the time it's time to piss.
2.) There are tons of ways you can use PEDs that aren't going to show up in tests. The more money you have, the more sophisticated supplements you can get afford, and the less likely you are to get caught. Also see: HGH. Only detectable by blood test, which the NSAC cannot afford to do.
I've heard dozens upon dozens of past and present fighters talk about how many guys are on PEDs.
I would imagine that to some degree the WWE is pretty much the same. I know they aren't testing for HGH, and I really doubt they are too eager to actually pop top guys for roids. The WWE Wellness program was created to keep congress, the media, ect off of their back.
Admittedly I forgot what thread I was in when I starting posting my answer, but I tried to bring it back on topic towards the end of my post. If UFC Fighters, who have a lot more at stake by risking getting caught (one year suspensions as opposed to 30 days) then I don't see why the same percentage of wrestlers wouldn't be using PEDs as well. Not pointing directly at Cena or Rock, but just making a generalization.