What about this? Some of these forums have a thing where you can only rep once in awhile for somebody. I'm getting the impression that rep is endless here. This one other place I was at once you'd rep somebody either green, or red but you had to rep others before you could rep the first person again. That way just one person wasn't constantly the target of someone's bad day. If you limited the amount of rep someone can give to someone at a time it might keep everyone happier.
That way people don't get upset, and trigger happy folks can't go overboard with the red rep. I'm pretty neutral on the subject cause I rarely hand out any kind of rep...it threatens my neutrality. And I would have to have a really valid reason to give a red rep cause you can't take that back once you do it. It really is meaningless anyways...red dots, green dots how does it truly effect your life? I've been red repped before, but life still goes on as always. If it starts to get to you that much that's not good.