Crayo said:Miz has 2 catch phrases, Rock has over 20.
They both feel like you get a small amount of content in the middle of a bunch of catchphrases, but Rock does have more of them, and much better content in-between.
Crayo said:Miz has 2 catch phrases, Rock has over 20.
Crayo said:Content is out of Miz' hands, it doesn't take a genius to realise he's being told to say what he's saying. At least Miz sells the PPV's instead of ranting about non-kayfabe things. Rock has complete freedom.
As for Rock paving the way for movies - I don't think that's a reason for Cena to ease up. John doesn't want to be a big movie star, he insulted his own movies this week on RAW and would never leave WWE for movies, it's a nice thing to add to his goody goody character. The feud is better with more things being allowed to say as Rock and Cena are legitimately not friends, lol.
"Shine it up real nice and shove it straight up your candy ass" . Really mature.....JeebaK said:Fact is that kids within 6 15 year range will always like Cena. And there are people of that age range in this forum too im sure. The point that all the top guys get abuse from the Rock marks is ridiculous tbh. Cena is the only one who does. Cena is the only one who gets booed as a face, not punk, not Big Show, not HHH not anybody else. Cena started getting abused long before Rock's return so saying Cena gets abused by only Rock marks is kind of ridiculous too.
Tbh, It would take Cena a lifetime to achieve what Rock has in his short career. Kids like him because of his goody goody character and colourful gimmick. However to like the Rock u have to be mature, he isnt go "here kid take this candy, do u love me now?"
seabs said:"Shine it up real nice and shove it straight up your candy ass" . Really mature.....
Crayo said:Cena > Rock
umad jeebak?
JeebaK said:I find it more mature and entertaining than "never back down" shit that i have been listening from him every week.
Wait, i forgot you are one of them kids who have been taught swearing is a sign of immaturity.
Big Show > Jericho + Miz
seabs said:I wasn't brought up thinking swearing was bad but how does essentially admitting a homosexual fetish for placing an item up another mans rectum indicate being mature?
seabs said:I wasn't brought up thinking swearing was bad but how does essentially admitting a homosexual fetish for placing an item up another mans rectum indicate being mature?
JeebaK said:So according to your logic when a person tells someone "fuck you" hes implying that he wants to fuck that person?
Pwlease kid, i can understand you arent mature enough to dislike Cena, however stop trying to defend yourself, the number of boos u hear when he walks into that ring speaks for itself.
Crayo said:I agree there, I remember when Miz cut a promo on how he decimated Cena countless weeks in a row and started mocking him, cut to a be a star promo where Miz is asking people not to bully. Was pretty humorous.