you're a shitty father?
I'd bet on that.
Nah. I am being cut out of being one at all. Which to be quite honest is at this point just great by me. The kid is 15 months old right. Now I don't have any experience with children but something tells me that some of her behaviours just aren't right.
Like when I am at work she takes naps and lets the little bastard run around unsupervised. What the shit is that?
Everytime she wakes him up from a nap (she insists on waking him up and not letting the nap run it's course) she makes a shit ton of noise and the poor little brat is crying his eyes out everytime he gets woken up. I'd fuckin be cranky too.
Now, of course when I say something I get told to stfu and that I don't know what I'm talking about. Although, I'm pretty fucking certain that I'm right in this case.
Don't worry, you're no worse than the lil bastard's biological father. As far as what you should do is start calling the mother and child Nancy and Daniel and go from there.
What I should do is get the fuck out of this horror show. But I like to do things gracefully when I can but there doesn't seem to be the opportunity for a graceful exit in this case.