I'm voting this guy and haven't liked his response to my vote so I'll unvoteUNVOTE
not sure if I want a vote on 4th anymore - although don't think their response to my vote was very good
I'm voting this guy and haven't liked his response to my vote so I'll unvoteUNVOTE
not sure if I want a vote on 4th anymore - although don't think their response to my vote was very good
Sky and Juice competing for worst take alreadythe planet is healing
first vote of the game. random vote, no reason to really look at this in depth.
bringing in people's family. only someone with no honor would say such a thing. sussy.
strange post.
soft reveal that you can change teams?
offering a player profile, so early on. unless you want to be seen as his lawyer, is a big risk - but might just be a town tell here.
never a fan of definitive statements, so early on into a game
not even spoken yet. typical day 1 vote on me. no shock. but the name is 'The Outlaw'
Thinks 4th saying he is glad to be town, the most bizzare thing so far.
VOTE: The Fourth Wall
I was kind of wanting her to say it in her own words again but ty
I was kind of wanting her to say it in her own words again but ty
Vote Fourth
You know what they say, if the game is slow D1, throw out a vote
Vote: Wang
How dare you hang out at a family function when there's mafia to be played.
vote juice
Lets rattle some cages!
first vote of the game. random vote, no reason to really look at this in depth.
bringing in people's family. only someone with no honor would say such a thing. sussy.
strange post.
soft reveal that you can change teams?
offering a player profile, so early on. unless you want to be seen as his lawyer, is a big risk - but might just be a town tell here.
never a fan of definitive statements, so early on into a game
not even spoken yet. typical day 1 vote on me. no shock. but the name is 'The Outlaw'
Thinks 4th saying he is glad to be town, the most bizzare thing so far.
VOTE: The Fourth Wall
Also, multiscum? This is going to be a nightmare
Vote Fourth
Going back to my starting vote for now. Ultimately there's less reason why anyone couldn't be scum with multiscum running around, that removes my reservations
Gonna just throw down a vote before sleppening, laterrr
vote Grim
vote lynch: Lethal
Tweet thoughts on Lethal
Tweet's song and dance around me. Considering OMB did both meta things at once (immediately scum read someone, but also back off from confrontation), there isn't much reason to vote for him, it's the definition of null, regardless if he thinks I'm scum all the time.
In layman's terms: OMB hasn't actually given anything for anyone to work with.
While I'm at it btw Unvote
Vote: Poyser
Wake up ya bastid.
I really want wagons
Wagons gud
Vote TFW
I kind of prefer Haza's wagon on lethal
vote lethal
nothing super concrete but even more so than Juice, they haven't really made a game related post outside their initial readback and it was pretty tame. not that there was a lot to go on but I expected maybe a bit more thoughts or follow through on posts, and I didn't get that. feels like it has some potential struggling for content . tm
not sure if I want a vote on 4th anymore - although don't think their response to my vote was very good