Crayo said:
So it's okay to give El Generico a really shit name because he's going to be some comedic jobber? Regardless of his gimmick or position on the card, he could do wonders for the company but it's an unnecessary hurdle having a crap name. Sin Cara > > > > Sammy Sane lmao.
I admit he can't do as much as he did in the indies in WWE, but he can still do a lot. Did you see how over Sin Cara was by doing unorthodox big moves in the beginning of his career before he began his fetish for botching and injuries? You can still do a lot of holy shit moves in WWE; you can simply tone it down for the house shows.
The name 'problem' is probably over exaggerated, but it's still a problem imo.
Yep it is OK as neither of them are going to give him more credability than the other, it's not a case of he'll mainevent as Generico but not as Sammy is it? I mentioned position on the card to counter your Ryback point, he needed a big name to be a big deal as he obviously planned to be a big deal from the get go so inital impressions are important but with Generico not so much as he'll be able to be built in over ways. He's still working the comedy babyface style he always has also so what's the problem if he doesn't have a mask or not? Will that get him more over than without it?
Did you see how much Cara was shit on and incapable of working a match due to that same unorthodox style though? Generico is very similar in pace and needs people to take those moves, who do they have who can keep up? It's the same issue with Cara he's too quick for the roster. Also Cara was botching from his debut match, remember when he fell from the rope looking for the Spanish Fly because Primo wasn't ready to take the move or the botched headscissor with Chavo at OTL I think it was.
The name thing could be a problem sure, but it's so down the list of importance to make Generico work I don't see why people are worried. He's not that confident on the mic, his moveset will be criminally watered down due to the style and the extra dates and his look could be difficult for even the WWE fans to buy into as a believe as he's so skinny, remember when we were discussing Samoa Joe coming into the E and you mentioned how the fans would respond with "Why is this fat guy beating Cena?" I see the same happening with "Why is this scrawny guy beating any of the heels on the roster" masked or not Generico will struggle in the WWE as his main asset will be stripped away from him and I can see him being more Low Ki than Daniel Bryan.