So much respect for you Anna, I'm from Jordan and I can't say just how happy I'm to see a Jewish person who respects the Arabian and Islamic world.
Many people needs to grow up, they need to know that whatever our religion or countries are, we are still humans, we still share the same planet, and in order to live with each other in peace we need to respect each other.
People should understand that generalizing is wrong, if an Isreali person is doing something wrong, that doesn't mean that the whole Jewish community is wrong and bad.
If a Christian murders a child or something, that doesn't mean that Christianity is a terrible religion that orders it's followers to kill children, so single person actions shouldn't always be connected with his religious views.
The same goes for guys like Osama Bin Ladin, whose terrible actions only represent himself, even if he said he is doing them "in the name of Islam", most of the Muslims were total against his pathetic actions, hell many Islamic countries were after him because of terrorist actions, especially that he had many terrorist attacks against Muslims themselves, and the bad thing is that many people who live in Europe and US still don't get that the man was a maniac and the Islamic countries themselves wanted to catch him even more than US.
Many Muslims are now suffering from racism because of his actions, especially on the internet.