A move called "World War III" It's a flaming barbed wire baseball bat to the crotch.
LOL'd :dawg:

A move called "World War III" It's a flaming barbed wire baseball bat to the crotch.
The Snuka case. Vince reportedly paid off the cops and lawyers to get Snuka off. This was after, in the words of the at the time DA everything was as good as complete on the case and all that was left was "getting everybody together,”. Then old Vince McMahon called everyone to a meeting and the case became a cold case until 2014-2015.
Wrestlezone has a article on it from when the case was re-opened a few years back.
Sounds like a totally made up conspiracy theory to me
Its been around for a long time.
NWA used to not exactly bribe cops but in America you can influence the local officals more who then have a word with the Police chief to drop a case unless they have very strong evidence.
Linda gave Trumps campaign 5 million and she has been better putting smaller businesses out of business.
Idk, I highly doubt it Vince actually paid cops off to silence a Freakin murder case. Just sounds ridiculous, but who knows.
And the McMahons and Trump have a history together. Trump contributed to Lindas senate campaigns before he was running for POTUS. And they have a lot of history prior to that. They are friends and not just donor buddies.