Is the WWE Racist?

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Is the WWE/Vince Mcmahon racist?

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Cryme Time was getting a huge response when they came out with Cena. If WWE were racist, they would have picked two white boys to get a response instead of two black guys.

Booker T was done to death. I could have literally stabbed him and Sharmell once he started with all the King Booker shit. He was always on my TV screen. He got load of screen time and some big matches.

I think he did more in the WWE than in TNA. Granted, I don't watch every single episode of Impact but he just seems to be sitting with Sharmell in his little made up dressing room most of the time.

The Rated R CMStar

Ok first, Cryme Tyme getting fired wasn't about his race, it was about an incident with Cade&Murdoch and fans in a house show.

And boy, Brock Lesnar got that big of a push because from the moment he entered that ring he was cheered like crazy. Goldberg? He had a hell lot of fame previously from WCW. And you dare to compare the conditions of them to Lashley? Lashley entered and he got cheers yes, but not amazing receptions. Yeah, he was over, but as over to defeat John Cena? No, it isn't a matter of race that Lashley didn't defeat Cena because well, neither Edge, Umaga, HBK, Khali, none of them managed to end the reign of Cena.

And uhmm, you seem to forget that Booker was suspended for 60 days, and he left because he felt WWE was using him as a scapegoat with the suspension. That's the reason he left to TNA, not his race.

And to the guy that keeps bringing Ahmed Johnson, remember he was the one that walk out on the WWE, and a few months earlier this year he revealed is because his sisted died and he had to take care of his nephews.

Cena needs all the help he can get right now, he actually got a lot of boos last time on Raw although he is the biggest babyface of them all

He got booed when he acted heelish, like when he was walking out on the confrontation with Batista or when he bashed Batista. Then again, Batista also got booed when he bashed John Cena. Nice way to ignore the fact that Cena is cheered over Batista.

Cryme Tyme pushed with Cena? How, by being his bodyguards on call?

Uhmm, yes. They got to main event Raw and are closer than ever to the belts. Before that pairing, they were losing to Hardcore Holly and Carlito in 4 seconds.

Even big slow Batista knows Cena's fans are almost all under the age of 16

More like creative, as Batista doesn't make his own promos.

And now, let's be honest. If you're good, black, chinese, anything, and make Vince some money, then you are going to get pushed. Tell me, do you honestly think that Shelton Benjamin is not main eventing because he's black? Or because he has almost no mic skills and crowd reacts little to him. Or do you think that Mark Henry is ECW Champion instead of WHC because he's black, or because he has little in ring skills and cannot carry a big brand and sell a PPV?

Bobby might have left because he was disappointed and upset but who wouldn't be?

Bobby left because he was upset that he "only" got payed $300.000 for his Wrestlemania match. Oh, and let's not forget that for some reason he expected to be WHC in his rookie year and WWE to not release his bitchy girlfriend. Being black doesn't make you a bitch like Lashley was.

It didn't make any sense that if Lashley was being pushed that he would lose to John Cena at the Great American Bash.

Cena: More Over. Cena vs Orton prob already in the works.

Lashley: New to the Raw main event. Not being cheered as much as Cena.

Uhmm, to me, it adds up. But hey, apparently just because you are pushed and get in a title match, you have to win the belt automatically.

Why was it the ECW championship? It was supposed to be for the hardcore wrestlers not potential world champions

Yeah, John Morrison and Chavo Guerrero scream hardcore wrestler. Wake up, that was in the OLD ECW. Lashley's ECW reign was a test to see if he could carry up the brand, which he failed, considering how a midcard act like CM Punk ended up doing so with his feud against Elijah Burke


New Member
Aug 14, 2008
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No, I do not think so.

Vince McMahon is a typical successful business man, he just
care for his business and money. As long as you can make money for
him, he does not care who you are.

King Of Kings

Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
I dont think wwe is racist you dont just make a certain wrestler champ just because hes black. The rock is half black and has had multiple title runs. Bobby lashley was ecw champ and if he stayed would most likley get a wwe title run.