nvestigator: Mr. Flair? What are your feelings on the relationship between Mr. Benoit and his wife, Nancy?
Ric Flair: If you want to be the man, you have to beat the man.
Investigator: Well, despite Nancy’s appearance in some photos, she wasn’t a man. Regardless, are you saying it was ok that he beat her?
Ric Flair: Woooooooo
Investigator: Woo?
Investigator: OK, that isn’t really helping us here. Who’s next?
Goldberg: YOU’RE NEXT!
Investigator: Shut up.
Ron Simmons: Damn.
Investigator: Mr. Stone Cold? Are you present?
Austin: What?
Investigator: Are you Mr. Stone Cold?
Austin: What?
Investigator: I take it you are. So Mr. Stone Cold, did you--
Austin: What?
Investigator: That’s annoying. Stop it. I was reading your statement and you mentioned something about Mr. Benoit going “Austin 3:16”. What does that mean?
Austin: Austin 3:16 says, “I just whooped your ass.”
Investigator: So you are saying that Mr. Benoit “whooped” his families ass?
Austin: That’s the bottom line.
Investigator: Why is that the bottom line?
Austin: ‘Cause Stone Cold said so.
Investigator: Good enough for me.
Investigator: Up next is a Mr. Snitsky. Mr. Snitsky, are you here?
Snitsky: It wasn't my fault.
Investigator: No one said it was.
Investigator: ………
Snitsky: IT WASN'T MY FAULT!!!!!!
Investigator: Ok, ok. You’re excused