Insane Championship Wrestling: The Scottish Demolition Squad!

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May 14, 2013
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ICW Roster:


Andy Wild
Brian Kendrick
Christopher Saynt
Colt Cabana
Davey Boy
Jack Jester
Joe Coffey
Johnny Moss
Kasey Owens
Kay Lee Ray
Kid Fite
Leah Owens
Lewis Girvin
Nikki Storm
Noam Dar
Paul London
Red Lightning
Robbie Dynamite
Sean Maxer
Stevie Boy
The Wee Man
Yum Yum


Bete Noire
BT Gunn
Chris Renfrew
Dickie Divers
Jackie Polo
Jam O'Malley
James R Kennedy
James Scott
Jimmy Havoc
Joe Hendry
Kenny Williams
Liam Thompson
Mark Coffey
Mikey Whiplash
Rob Cage
Tim Wylie
Tommy End


ICW Champion: Jack Jester
ICW Zero Gravity Champion: Mark Coffey
ICW Tag Team Champions: Stevie Boy & Davey Boy

Tag Teams/Stables:

New Age Kliq: Chris Renfrew, BT Gunn, Dickie Divers, James Scott & Rob Cage
Polo Promotions: Jackie Polo, Mark Coffey, Liam Thompson & Carmel
The Kennedy Administration: James R Kennedy, Joe Hendry, Kenny Williams & Tim Wylie
The Bucky Boys: Davey Boy, Stevie Boy & The Wee Man
The Sumerian Death Squad: Dante & Tommy End
Mikey Whiplash & Jam O'Malley
Paul London & Brian Kendrick
The Knights of Greggs: Grado & Yum Yum
Liam Thompson & Carmel
The Owens Twins: Leah & Kasey Owens
Kay Lee Ray & Nikki Storm

Upcoming ICW Events!

ICW Shug's Hoose Party
02 ABC, Glasgow
July 27th 2014
Jack Jester Vs. Martin Stone
Mark Coffey Vs. Solar
Grado Vs. Johnny Moss
Kid Fite Vs. Liam Thomson in an I Quit Match
Joe Coffey vs. Jack Gallagher


ICW Get Mendoza!
Studio 24, Edinburgh
August 3rd 2014
Part of the Everything's Coming Up Milhouse tour at the Edinburgh Fringe festival!
Jack Jester & Johnny Moss vs Mikey Whiplash & Jimmy Havoc
BT Gunn vs Tommy End
Colt Cabana vs Grado
Liam Thompson & Carmel & Jack Gallagher vs Joe Coffey & ??? & ???
Joe Hendry & Kenny Williams vs The Bucky Boys
More information and matches to be announced soon
Single Tickets and Season Tickets On Sale Now!

ICW You Have The Right To Remain Dead
Studio 24, Edinburgh
August 10th 2014
Part of the Everything's Coming Up Milhouse tour at the Edinburgh Fringe festival!
Jack Jester Vs. Jimmy Havoc
More information and matches to be announced soon
Single Tickets and Season Tickets On Sale Now!

ICW Subject Is Hatless (Repeat Hatless)
Studio 24, Edinburgh
August 17th 2014
Part of the Everything's Coming Up Milhouse tour at the Edinburgh Fringe festival!
More information and matches to be announced soon
Single Tickets and Season Tickets On Sale Now!

ICW Ice To See You
Studio 24, Edinburgh
August 24th 2014
Part of the Everything's Coming Up Milhouse tour at the Edinburgh Fringe festival!
More information and matches to be announced soon
Single Tickets and Season Tickets On Sale Now!

ICW Space Baws 4: A New Hope
The Garage, Glasgow
September 21st 2014
A showcase of ICW's up and coming talent
More information and matches to be announced soon
Tickets On Sale Now!
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May 14, 2013
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Jack Jester vs Martin Stone

Closing Moments: Stone is in control as Jester is on a table outside of the ring. Stone points to Jack on the apron & hits a running elbow off the apron! Jack is down & Martin throws the ICW Champion into the ring. 1, 2, no! Stone punches Jester a few times before taunting Jester to get up. Stone goes for the Lariat but Jester ducks & hits a big boot. Jack grabs a chair thats in the ring & stabs Stone with it! Jester nails him in the back! Jester drops the chair & plants the former NXT Wrestler with the Tombstone onto the chair! 1! 2! No! Martin kicks out! Jester waits for Stone to get up & hits a Discus Elbow to the forehead. Jack grabs a table & sets it up in the corner. Martin kicks Jack in the gut & hits a left hand before hitting a Swinging Neckbreaker. Stone does a Rhyno taunt & goes for the Gore but Jester grabs him & throws him threw a table! 1! 2! 3! Jester retains the title! Wait! That's Jimmy Havoc! Havoc has the PROGRESS Championship staff & he's whacking & stabbing Jester with it! Death Valley Driver onto the chair! Havoc grabs a mic & tells Jester that at You Have The Right To Remain Dead, Jack Jester will defend the Insane Championship Wrestling Heavyweight Championship Title Belt....... Against the PROGRESS Champion Jimmy Fucking Havoc! Havoc says that at YHTRTRD Jimmy will destroy Jester & ICW will make big....... PROGRESS. Havoc low blows Jack before hitting him with his own ICW Belt.
Jack Jester defeated Martin Stone to retain the ICW Title

Mark Dallas Fear & Loathing Announcement!
Mark Dallas comes out to a huge ovation. Dallas says that Fear & Loathing is one of ICW's greatest shows of the year. So he's decided to take it outside of Glasgow for the 1st time ever.... & hold the event.... In The O2 Academy Islington London England! Mark says that at F&L he has a guarantee. Whoever walks out of A New Hope the ICW World Champion, will be in for a tough night as he'll defend the Championship against....... SABU!!! The crowd give a mixed reaction due to what Sabu done the last time he was in a ICW ring as he destroyed Jack Jester. Dallas thanks the crowd & walks off.

Grado vs Johnny Moss
Closing Moments: Moss has Grado in the corner & nails a vicious Lariat in the corner. Johnny is all over the Stevenson Dream with punches & slams as Grado tries to fight back but Moss alays cuts him off. Johnny Irish Whips Grado & hits a Double A Spinebuster for a close 2 count & hits a Lariat to the back of the head for another close 2. Mossy runs the ropes for a legdrop but Grado rolls out the way & hits a Standing Splash for the 2 count. Grado moves out the way of a Discus Lariat & hits the Bionic Elbow! Johnny falls back into the corner & the former ICW Champion nails the Roll & Slice! Grado goes for the Wee Boot but The Vigilante ducks & goes for the Tombstone! But Grado reverses & picks up Moss for the F5! But Johnny drops behind & hits a Bridging German Suplex! 3 Count! Johnny Moss wins! Grado offers Moss a handshake & The Vigilante accepts! They raise each others arms into the air as they go backstage.
Johnny Moss defeated Grado

Mark Coffey vs Solar
Closing Moments: Solar started strong with a Diving Crossbody but Mark has the advantage with his wide variation of ground & pound moves. Jackie Polo at ringside is Mark's cheering section as Coffey beats on the masked man with headbutts & a Yakuza Kick in the corner! Coffey mocks Solar's Ole chant & climbs up top for a Elbow Drop..... Connects! 1! 2! No! The Aerial Sensation kicked out. Mark goes for a Suplex but Solar knees Coffey in the head & Dropkicks the Zero-G Champ out of the ring! Corkscrew Plancha to both Polo & Coffey! Mark is dazed as Solar throws him back into the ring & the masked man stays on the apron. Springboard Hurricanrana! 1! 2! No! Coffey kicked out! But wait! Polo hits Solar with the Zero G Championship! Michinoku Driver by Coffey! 1! 2! No! Mark pulls up Solar's shoulder. Another Michinoku Driver! 1! 2! 3! Mark Coffey the ICW Zero G Championship! Polo strangles Solar & Mark kicks a downed masked man. Wait, Joe Coffey runs out from the crowd & hits Mark with a Discus Lariat! Polo hasn't noticed yet! Sweeney's theme music plays & Jackie stares at the ramp in fear but still doesn't know Joe's in the ring. Polo goes to run but bumps into Joe! Sweeney grabs Jackie by the singlet & holds Polo's arms as Coffey goes for the Discus Lariat..... Polo moves & Coffey plants Sweeney! Joe looks shocked as Jackie runs for the hills.
Mark Coffey defeated Solar to become ICW Zero Gravity Champion!

Kid Fite vs Liam Thompson

Closing Moments: This has been a bloody, vicious brawl between these 2 former best friends. Fite is showing his tremendous heart as Thompson is punishing Fite with a kinky whip he found under the ring. Sri Hari asks if he wants to quit but Fite tells him to get to fuck! Liam strangles Fite with the whip & his girlfriend Carmel screams with delight as Fite is bleeding buckets right now. Liam stands up & picks up a barbed wire bat as he taunts Kid to get up. OH! Barbed Wire Bat to the stomach! Thompson grates the bat across Fite's face. Kid ducks a swing of the bat & hits a Lariat! Kid goes outside & grabs a cane. Wow! A stiff shot to the head & now Liam's bleeding. Fite locks in a Crossface wih the cane! Carmel hits Fite with a lead pipe! Carmel whacks Kid's right leg over & over again & Thompson joins in! Fite rolls out the ring & throws Thompson into the crowd! Carmel goes to attack Kid but Fite caught the pipe! Fite plants her with the Short Arm Lariat! The Ball Drop! Carmel rolls out the ring but Jackie Polo low blows Fite from behind! Liam gets into the ring & grabs a pipe, Carmel grabs another pipe & Polo grabs a pipe. No! The 3 men viciously brutalise Fite's right leg! Fite screams "I QUIT! I QUIT! I FUCKING QUIT! I FUCKING QUIT YA WANKERS!" Liam Thompson wins!
Liam Thompson defeated Kid Fite in a I Quit match

Closing Moments: Gallagher nails Coffey from behind with a Jumping Big Boot to the back of the head. Gallagher works over Joe with deadly knees to the face & stands on Coffey's neck. Jack hits a Front Flip Legdrop. Gallagher starts headbutting the living hell out of the SWA Scottish Champion. Jackie Polo & Mark Coffey appear on the ramp but just stare at Joe as Jack wears him down. Gallagher locks in a Camel Clutch & Coffey manages to reverse into a Electric Chair! Jack goes for a Roadrunner but Joe reverses into a Powerbomb! 1! 2! What?! Jackie Polo knees Coffey in the face! Mark gets in & hits Joe with the Zero G Championship! Mark attacks his own brother! 77 Snap! 1! 2! 3! Jack Gallagher defeats The Iron Man with help from Polo & Mark! Jackie offers a handshake to Gallagher..... He accepts! Gallagher has joined Polo Promotions!
Jack Gallagher defeated Joe Coffey
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May 14, 2013
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ICW Get Mendoza Matches Announced!

ICW Owner & Founder Mark Dallas announced that at the next ICW event Get Mendoza, ICW World Champion Jack Jester will team up with Johnny Moss to take on the #1 contender for the ICW Championship, PROGRESS Champion Jimmy Havoc & former ICW Champion Mikey Whiplash. Moss says that since he defeated Grado at Shugs House Party, he wants added into the ICW Title match at You Have The Right To Remain Dead. Dallas said that if Mossy gets the pinfall or submission he'll be added into the match, if Whiplash gets the pin he'll be added into the match, if Havoc wins he chooses the match stipulation & if Jester wins he gets to choose the stipulation. Will anyone be added into the ICW Title match? What stipulation will it be? Well we will find out at Get Mendoza!

Also for Mendoza, Joe Coffey wants a measure of revenge on Polo Promotions after Jackie Polo & Mark Coffey cost him the win against the Punk Rocket Jack Gallagher. Mark Dallas is giving him a chance as Coffey will team with 2 partners of his choice to face Liam Thompson, Carmel & Jack Gallagher. Will Polo Promotions get the win over Coffey & his mystery partners? Or will Jor get a measure of revenge on PP?

Stevie Boy & The Wee Man of the Bucky Boys have had some Rotton luck as of late. 1st losing Davey Boy to a eye injury at the hands of the NAK, Darkside, BT Gunn & Dickie Divers injuring Stevie's partner Greg Burridge on ICW Worldwide & now The Bucky Boys will defend the ICE Tag Team Championships against The Kennedy Administration's Joe Hendry & Kenny Williams. With Stevie's original partners injured, who's going to replace the injured Davey & Burridge? The Wee Man & Stevie hinted that they have backup. A beast of a backup. What do the Bucky Boys mean?

ICW Get Mendoza!

Jack Jester & Johnny Moss vs Mikey Whiplash & Jimmy Havoc
BT Gunn vs Tommy End
Colt Cabana vs Grado
Liam Thompson & Carmel & Jack Gallagher vs Joe Coffey & ??? & ???
Joe Hendry & Kenny Williams vs The Bucky Boys

Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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Another new BTB project. Any plans for where this one is going? Looks different, that's for sure. I'll be keeping an eye on this if you stick with it. Good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2011
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If this continues I'll be shocked but hey good luck
May 14, 2013
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As a matter of fact I do want to continue with this the other btbs ive done i havent had much experience with but i have more experience with ICW so yea writing Get Mendoza as we speak. Thanks for the support Linebacker & BNP!
May 14, 2013
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ICW Get Mendoza!

We kick off tonight's show with the black cloud of ICW The New Age Kliq. Dickie Divers, Darkside, Rob Cage, BT Gunn & Chris Renfrew are in the ring & BT Gunn has a microphone. Gunn talks about how he's facing Tommy End later tonight & how he's going to kick the fuck out of the German Spunk Stain. The Oddity talks about how Stevie Boy is defending the Tag belts by himself. He says that he is sick & tired of seeing Stevie steal wins as he sits on his arse. So at Ice To See You he wants Stevie Boy & whoever his partner is tonight vs BT Gunn & Rob Cage! Dickie grabs the mic & says at Subject Remains Hatless he wants a Zero Gravity Title shot against Mark Coffey! Renfrew snatches the mic & says that Noam Dar has been going about trying to get on the card. Well Chris says he's a generous guy so he wants to give Dar a chance at YHTRTRD! Chris Renfrew vs Noam Dar! The NAK say that this month The New Age Kliq will takeover ICW if it's the last thing they do! The Kliq leave the ring as we go to the ring announcer for our opening match.

Joe Hendry's theme hits as Joe Hendry & Kenny Williams come out to big heat as James R Kennedy escorts them to the ring & Joe takes centre stage much to the chagrin of Williams.

The Wee Man & Stevie Boy come out & Wee Man has a mic. TWM says that The Bucky Boys promised some Beast of a Backup. Stevie tells the fans to get ready for the other half of the ICW Tag Team Titles....... The Beast Of Belfast Damo! Damo comes out & Stevie high fives the Belfast Beast.

ICW Tag Team Titles!

Closing Moments: Stevie Boy leaps off the top rope onto The Kennedy Administration on the outside! Joe Hendry takes advantage & throws Stevie into the ring apron. Joe worked on the back of Boy with a Backbreaker for 2. Kenny gets tagged in & hits a Slingshot Senton. Williams stomps on Stevie's stomach & hits a kick to the head for 2. Williams hits a Rolling Thunder before tagging Hendry in. Joe runs the ropes & hits a Legdrop. Hendry went for the Force Of Nature but Boy reverses into a Reverse STO & hit a Running Dropkick to the jaw. Stevie gives the hot tag to Damo! The Beast clotheslines Hendry a few times before nailing a Spinebuster. Damo slams Joe & threw him into the turnbuckle. Kenny tags himself in & Springboards into the ring. Damo knees Williams in the gut & throws her into the turnbuckle....... Brogue Kick! Tag to Stevie Boy..... Rocket Launcher! 1! 2! 3! Stevie Boy & Damo retain the ICW Tag Team Championships!

Jackie Polo came out with a mic. Polo starts talking about how he has expanded Polo Promotions with the signings of Liam Thompson, Carmel & Jack Gallagher. Polo says that tonight Liam, Jack & Carmel are going to prove why they are the best pure athletes in UK Wrestling. Then none other than Lionheart makes his way to the ring! Lionheart gets in Jackie's face & says that he isn't 100% after his neck injury but it won't be long before he can be cleared to kick his poofy, arrogant, disrespectful little cunt in! Jackie goes to speak but Lionheart it's the Rock Bottom! Lionheart smirks & leaves the ring.

Liam Thompson, Carmel & Jack Gallagher comes out to good heat as they help Polo to his feet & check if he's ok. Mark Coffey carries him to the back as Gallagher, Carmel & Thompson taunt on the turnbuckles.

Joe Coffey came out to a huge ovation wearing Iron Man face & body paint. Coffey grabbed a mic & said that tonight he has phoned in some good pals of his kick the shit out of PP. A familiar old WWE Theme plays & Brian Kendrick & Paul London come out! Carmel argues with the ref saying that it's a mixed tag match so either Kendrick or London needs to go back to where they belong. London grabs a bag from the stage & puts a tutu on & a bra! He grabs the mic & says his name is Pauline London! The referee lets him wrestle!


Closing Moments: Kendrick & Gallagher are having a great technical showdown. Countering submissions into pinfalls into high flying move. Jack seemed to be getting the better of Brian until he hit a Spinning Heel Kick. Kendrick arm wrenches Gallagher & tags in Pauline. Double Footstomp to the arm. London runs the ropes & ducks a clothesline & hits a Headscissors. Jack tags Thompson in & Liam looks nervous as he gets into the ring & has a waistlock on Pauline but s/he snapmares Liam & kisses him on the cheek! Thompson looks freaked out & Carmel is giving dogs abuse to Paul. London throws Liam into the corner & tags in Brian & they hit a Clothesline/Chopblock combo! 1! 2! No. Thompson kicks Kendrick in the face & Spears Brian! 1! 2! No. Liam sets Brian in the tree of woe. Tag to Gallagher & Carmel gets in the ring & the 3 representatives of Polo Promotions hit a Triple Dropkick! Jack gets a 2 count. Brian gets demolished by the 2 men with a Double Powerslam, Double Superplex, a Double Rock Bottom & a Double Irish Curse Backbreaker for 2 counts. Kendrick started his come back with clotheslines to Thompson & hits a Swinging Neckbreaker. Hot tag to Joe Coffey! Coffey & Gallagher trade hard strikes & Joe gets the better of the Englishman & nails a earth shattering Spinebuster! Jack tags Thompson in & Joe hits a backdrop & a Chokebomb! 1! 2! Oh! Carmel hits a hard kick to the back of Coffey! Pauline grabs Carmel & Coffey nails a Discus Lariat to Carmel!!! 450 Splash to Carmel!!! 1!! 2!! 3!! Joe Coffey & Londrick get the hard earned victory! The 3 men celebrate as Mark Coffey stares a hole through Joe. Joe looks at his brother & Mark gives him a smirk as he goes backstage. Sweeney comes out to a huge ovation as he gets in Joe Coffey's face. Sweeney challenges Coffey to a match at Subject Remains Hatless! Joe ribs his chin & says to Sweeney that he accepts his challenge.
Joe Coffey, Brian Kendrick & Pauline London defeated Polo Promotions

Mark Dallas comes out to a great ovation as he announces that at Ice To See You, Jack Jester, Jimmy Havoc, Mikey Whiplash & Johnny Moss will defend the ICW World Championship in a Triple Threat Ladder Match as the 1st #1 contenders match will be Colt Cabana vs Grado later tonight! & the 2nd match will be at Subject Remains Hatless with Darkside...... Vs BT Gunn...... Vs Dickie Divers! Dallas then says that Jimmy Havoc coming out & saying PROGRESS Wrestling is going to demolish ICW is a load of bullshit! Mark says that if anyone on the PROGRESS gets involved in any matches then The Land Of The Insane will declare war! Then none other than PROGRESS owner Jim Smallman comes out! Smallman grabs a mic & says that he doesn't know why Havoc is using PROGRESS as a excuse to attack ICW Competitors. But he won't stand for it as Jimmy might be the PROGRESS Champ but he will give Dallas a chance at revenge to let one of his ICW Wrestlers face him for the Title at PROGRESS Chapter 16! Dallas shakes Smallman's hand & says that he likes him but he doesn't trust him. Jim says that he gives him his word.

The lights go out & we hear the Rock's 2003 intro & then it kicks in to Like A Prayer. Grado comes out to a amazing reaction! Grado & his tag partner Yum Yum high fives the front row & gets into the ring. They taunt with his bumbag like it's his belt.

Boom Boom! Colt Cabana! Boom Boom! Colt Cabana! Boom Boom! Colt Cabana! It's Colt Ca! Bana! Colt comes out to a mixed reaction as he high fives members of the crowd. Cabana gets into the ring & shakes Tom McLovin's, Simon Cassidy's & Grado's hands before taunting on all 4 turnbuckles. Cabana has a bumbag on his shoulder & Grado looks pissed.


Closing Moments: Both Cabana & Grado trade punches at the same time & go hit a Double Bionic Elbow to each other! Colt is up 1st & hits a scoop slam & a Seated Senton for 2. Cabana locks in a Sleeper Hold. Grado elbows Cabana a few times before pushing him off & hitting a Spinebuster! Grado goes for the Peoples Elbow but Cabana moves out the way & does Rock's hand spit punches. The Stevenson Dream ducks a Lariat & hits a Neckbreaker. Colt takes something out his bumbag but Grado is doing the same thing. Oh! It's Cabana with the Pepsi! Grado with the Irn Bru! Colt opens his can & Grado does the same........ Argh! Both men spit the drink in the opponents eyes! Grado & Colt look like there powers are draining & they drink there respected drinks. Cabana hits Grado with the Pepsi can! Chicago Skyline! 1! 2! No?!?! What?!?! How did Grado kick out?!?! Cabana is legitimately shocked as he argues with the ref pleading it was a 3 count. Colt picks up Grado's Irn Bru & with regret drinks it. Cabana tans the can & gives a mighty yell! Colt goes to the corner & signals for the Wee Boot! No! Stunner! Cabana rolls out the ring & Grado puts is head in his hand. Grado throws Colt into the ring. 1! 2! No?! Grado now begs McLovin to make it a 3 count. Colt Cabana gets up & plants Grado with the Wee Boot! Yum Yum rolls into the ring & goes to attack Cabana but Colt ducks & hits a Bionic Elbow. Grado gets up & goes for the F5 but Cabana reverses into a Rock Bottom! 1! 2! No! Grado kicks out again! Cabana hits a 2nd Chicago Skyline! 1! 2! 3! Colt is going to Ice To See You! Cabana, Grado & Yum Yum have a Pepsi bash & walk backstage together.
Colt Cabana defeated Grado

Unearth Zombie Autopilot plays & Tommy End, with Dante at ringside comes out to a mixed reaction. End leaps into the ring & The Sumerian Death Squad wait for The New Age Kliq.

Ol' Dirty Bastards' Shimmy Shimmy Ya plays as BT Gunn & Rob Cage comes out to gigantic heat. Gunn around the ring & leaps onto the apron as he & Cage taunt in the corners.


Closing Moments: This is a full out war. End is bleeding from the mouth as BT throws Tommy out the ring. Suicide Dive! Gunn nails some knife edge chops to Tommy before slamming his head into the post. BT throws End into the ring & gets a 2 count. Gunn strangles End with his boot & laughs as Eddie Sideburns pulls BT off. Gunn waits for Tommy to get up & plants a vicious Superkick for 2. Gunn grabs Tommy's legs & kicks 1 half of The Sumerian Death Squad in the balls! End squirms around the ring as BT taunts the crowd. Gunn kicked End in the chest a few times before hitting a Spinning Backfist for 2. Gunn goes for the Codebreaker/Face Fucker but Tommy pushes him off & nails a Yakuza Kick! End throws BT in the air & nails a chop to the face! Gunn screams to the delight of the fans & Tommy takes Gunn's NAK shirt off & nails a load of STIFF high kicks & chops! Tommy hits a Enziguri to a cornered BT! 1! 2! No. End climbs up top & goes for a Double Footstomp but Gunn rolls out the way & nails a Backstabber! End goes for a Roundhouse Kick but BT ducks & hits a Superkick! Tommy goes to the apron & goes for a Springboard Clothesline but BT moves & hits the Face Fucker! 1! 2! 3! Gunn wins! BT & Rob Cage stomp on End until Dante runs in & nails Cage with a Spear! Gunn rolls out the ring & Cage is alone. Tommy climbs up top..... Double Footstomp! Rob rolls to the outside & BT grabs him & drags him to the back.
BT Gunn defeats Tommy End

Mikey Whiplash makes his way to the ring as he saunters out & rolls in. Whiplash looks at the audience & has a look of distain on his face.

Jimmy Havoc comes out to big heat as he carries the PROGRESS Staff. Havoc smirks as he threatens some fans before rolling into the ring & raising the staff high into the air.

Big Johnny Moss comes out & looks ready to eat someone. Moss high fives 1 or 2 fans before sliding into the ring & chasing Whiplash & Havoc out the ring. Johnny leaps on the turnbuckles roars to the crowds delight.

Finally Jack Jester's theme hits & he storms out & doesn't wait he gets right into it chasing Jimmy around the ring before Havoc gets into the ring & clotheslined by Johnny. Jester & Moss argue over who got the 1st punch but they hit a Double Belly To Back Suplex to Mikey.


Closing Moments: Moss throws Mikey into his corner & tags in Jester & they hit a Double Arm Drag/Backbreaker combo. Jester nails some chops to Whiplash & goes for a Backdrop but Mikey landed on his feet & dropkicked Jester in the left leg. Whiplash kicked Jester in the face & tagged Havoc in. Jimmy nails a Running Knee to the jaw for 2. Havoc headbutts Jester before nailing a DDT. Whiplash throws in a steel chair, a trash can & a trash can full of weapons. Jimmy picks up a trash can lid & cracks Jack square in the eyes. Whiplash gets tagged in & nails him with a trash can. Jester gets busted open & Mikey hits him loads of times with the can. Snap DDT onto the bashed can! 1! 2! No. Johnny gets into the ring & nails a Yakuza Kick to Jimmy off the apron. Whiplash throws a chair at Moss' head & Johnny rolls out the ring. Havoc pulls a cane from under the ring & cracked Moss in the head! Jimmy & Johnny kick the shit out each other in the crowd as Jack starts fighting back in the ring & hits Whiplash with a mop. Jester picks up the mini ukelele & busted it over Mikey's head! 1! 2! No. Whiplash gets slammed onto the chair & hit a Back Senton. Meanwhile Mossy & Havoc are at the bar & Jimmy hits Moss with a Vodka bottle! Havoc makes his way to the ring & Jester grabs his corkscrew. Oh my Christ! Jester is carving his name in Whiplash's forehead! Jimmy rolls Jack up! 1! 2! No! Havoc kicks Jester in the balls. Cookie sheet to the back of the head. Jimmy is in control with stiff chair shots to Jester. Whiplash picks up the STOP sign & plants Jester in the top of the head. Mikey & Jimmy grab 2 barbed wire bats from the weapon filled trashcan. Havoc grates the bat across Jack's head! Mikey waits for Jester to get & plants him with it! Moss gets into the ring with 2 beer bottles! Oh! 1 to the head of Jimmy! Another to Mikey! Jester rolls out the ring as Johnny goes to town on both men. Havoc kicks Mossy in the gut & Whiplash & him go for a Double Suplex. But Moss reverses & Suplexes both men! Whiplash rolls out the ring as Havoc gets battered by Johnny. Moss goes for a running move to Jimmy but the PROGRESS Champion throws a chair at his head. Death Valley Driver! No! Mossy drops behind &-HOLY SHIT! A German Suplex through the trashcan! 1! 2! 3! Johnny Moss & Jack Jester win! Johnny Moss will face Jester & Havoc & You Have The Right To Remain Dead! Moss offers a handshake to Jack. Jack accepts! Wait! Jester kicks Mossy in the gut & nails a Tombstone! Jester raises his ICW Championship above his head.

ICW You Have The Right To Remain Dead!

ICW Championship!
Jack Jester vs Jimmy Havoc vs Johnny Moss

Chris Renfrew vs Noam Dar

Joe Coffey vs Kenny Williams

Darkside vs Colt Cabana

ICW Tag Team Championships!
Guinness & Buckfast (Stevie Boy & Damo) vs Knights Of Greggs (Grado & Yum Yum) vs Polo Promotions (Liam Thompson & Jack Gallagher) vs Londrick (Paul London & Brian Kendrick)
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