INCW ~ The Grand Beginning

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Dirk Dickbutt

Dec 3, 2020
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Hell In Paris Card
An MSW, ELW, and CCW Production

Night One:

War Of The Champions
Calvin Cool (ELW) vs JWM (MSW) vs Kazzy (CCW)

The Woods (CCW) vs The Team Of Terror and Kenta Mashina (ELW) vs The Hunts (Buck and Chuck) and Terry Williams (CCW)

One Time Only
Jinto Keen (MSW) vs Erich Vawa Ramon (ELW) vs Killamanjaro (CCW)

Night Two:

CCW Champion
Kazzy (c) vs Darby Zian

ELW Champion
Calvin Cool (c) vs David Castleberg

MSW Champion
JWM (c) vs Korbin

Kenta Mashina (ELW) vs The Savior (CCW) vs Shockwave (MSW)


Ultimate Indies 2002 Bracket and Results up when Challonge wants to work​
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Dirk Dickbutt

Dec 3, 2020
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{Every Episode from now on will be dedicated to Mr. Brodie Lee}

INCW Weekly #3

Next Week:

#1 Contenders Battle Royale

Including: Hank Malphis, Everest Sky, Marvin Uleister, Dravo, Anakin Loco, Bobby Dann, Bergz, Erich Vawa Ramon, El Tigre, Dr. Dynasty, and James Butler


We kick off the night with Movi Ruder vs Santiago Garcia. Having the body of an Argentinan God, Garcia dominated his opponent. Ruder was only able to get a single punch in before being laid out with a Hammerlock Brainbuster.

Match Time: 3 Minutes 21 Seconds (2/5)

Post-match, Garcia cut a promo, promising to 'Seduce The Competition'. Whether this was meant to guys or girls is unknown. The promo was delivered well, despite how awkward it felt. Garcia seems to be improving on the mic.


In our first segment, the bossman James Capbringer was sitting at his desk with a man who looked like Roman Reigns but caucasian (not white washing. It's the best I can think of). Capbringer addresses this man as Onyx Barkley, and Barkley promises to whoop some ass for Capbringer. Capbringer is about to tell him his first job before the camera cuts.


Killamanjaro and Dr. 5 were up next. The match was extremely one sided, with Killamanjaro throwing 5 everywhere. Killamanjaro would put away the veteran with an 'End Of Mankind' (One-Armed Chokeslam)

Match Time: 49 Seconds


Following the two short squash matches, Bobby Dann and Robin Wortz were sure to blow the roof off the building.Both men had an MMA background, which made the encounter brutal. Midmatch, Matsu Avasa came out to the ring, wanting to "watch" the match. 23 minutes in, Wortz had Dann in a sleeper hold, choking him out. Before Dann could tap out, Avasa got up onto the ropes to distract the referee. He wanted payback against Wortz for the attack last week. Dann reversed the Sleeper Hold into his famous Kimura Lock, making Wortz tap out.

Match Time: 24 Minutes 38 seconds

Dann stood over Wortz as Avasa entered the ring. We were given a new, updated Match Card for Escape To Florida


Added Matches:

Grudge Match
Matsu Avasa vs Robin Wortz

The Book Of Sins vs The Tyrants (Tyler Kaz and Hanzo)

INCW Canadian Championship
Jerry Kana vs Bobby Dann or Santiago Garcia


Weekly Show #4 Matchcard

Battle Royale Including: Hank Malphis, Everest Sky, Marvin Uleister, Dravo, Anakin Loco, Bergz, Erich Vawa Ramon, El Tigre, Dr. Dynasty, and James Butler

Semi Finals MAtch
Bobby Dann vs Santiago Garcia

Killamanjaro vs Movi Ruder

Dravo meets La Mascara Morada backstage inside of James Capbringer's room.


Onyx Barkley makes his debut

Women's Tag Team Action w/ Annie Duplie wrestling as well

Darren Keen and Jinto Keen speak on The INCW Title.

Dirk Dickbutt

Dec 3, 2020
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Changing this up to be a history of my companies. The first history will be the legendary
Mesoamerican Fight Club

Episode 1:

Ernie Gonzalez


July 12th, 1924. In Puerto Rico, the top star of Latin America was born. Ernie Gonzalez. Born to a Priest and a Chef, Gonzalez had a good home life. His family was well respected, he never went hungry. But he had a secret. His father, who was a priest, was also a wrestler. The Great Garet. In Puerto Rico alone, The Great Garet held their World Title 4 times. He was known throughout the lands for his speech skills. He had some of the best charisma in Latin America, moving everyone with his words. Ernie wanted to be like his dad, so at the young age of 13, he began to train.

By the age of 18, Ernie was set. And he entered his first match in the Puerto Rico Wrestling Alliance against Dame Dani. Ernie played the face and Dani played the heel. The green Ernie fell in comparison to Dani, who was 37 and next in like for a world title shot. That isn't to say Ernie didn't do well. It was apparent that his dad trained him, who was the World Champ. They shared similar moves, such as Axehandles, Body Slams, and the famous Sleeper Hold. The first match would go on from somewhere between 12 and 18 minutes, but we know it ended with Dani beating Ernie with a Facebuster.

Ernie would continue to have matches for the next 8 years, bulking up in size. Winning a House Show title twice, Ernie grew in size. At Puerto Rico's annual Tropical World, the biggest match ever was made. Ernie, who was 26 at the time, vs his father The Great Garet, who was 48 and the World Champ. Family vs Family. Both were faces, which meant nobody knew who to cheer for. And for the next 37 minutes, the Puerto Rican fans witnessed history. Blood was drawn, the Top Ropes were used. The fans were electric. This is all descriptions from Ernie's biography and magazines. And in the end, Garet fell to a Sleeper. Ernie was the youngest Puerto Rican champion ever. At the age of 26, he retired his father. And then he turned heel.

Ernie had the most heat in all of Puerto Rico. He had trash thrown at him in the streets, people attempted to break into his home. Ernie had to have Police by his side at all times. But he could cut a promo. Whether he was a face or a heel, he made you want to watch. He was so hated, you couldn't help but cheer for anyone he faced. Whether they be a jobber or a top star. He had that star power. He could turn someone who botched every move into a credible main eventer. He brought a High Flying style to Puerto Rico. Sometimes people traveled to Puerto Rico just to watch Ernie Gonzalez, one of those people being his greatest Rival Ever.

The King Of Paradise, or better known as Marshall Hartwood from American Audiences. He came to Puerto Rico to learn the High Flying style. But he knew it wouldn't work in the States. He decided to dawn a mask and become The King Of Paradise. Ernie Gonzalaz at this time had been champion for 10 years, being only 36. Hartwood was 39 years old. For the next 2 years, the two would meet at shows. Though they would never wrestle, the fans came to every show in excitement. And it was set. The King Of Paradise vs Ernie Gonzalez at Tropical World 1962.

These two put on a show. The first recorded 60 Minute Match. Aired on TV. Viewers from Latin America and North America tuned in to watch. Paradise and Gonzalez beat each other with weapons, stiff shots, and high flying moves. It was an emotional match that ended with Paradise ending the 12 year-long reign on Ernie Gonzalez with a Superkick. It was a feel-good moment for everyone. Paradise unmasked to reveal himself as Marshall Hartwood. He was the 19th champion of PRWA. Gonzalez would turn face post-match to hand Hartwood the World Title, the picture being the second most famous photo in wrestling history.

For the next 12 years, Gonzalez transitioned from In Ring Competition to a Backstage Role. But when he hit 48, he got a group of close friends and began to set up a wrestling show based in Latin America. The headquarters were set in Brazil, and by 1974 at the age of 50, Mesoamerican Fight Club was set. The wrestling scene in Latin America was about to get crazy.
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Stay Fluid
Mar 30, 2020
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I would say - being picky. Created wrestlers - always need pictures. Struggling to imagine what some of these people even look like etc.
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