I also watch the WWE network though my apple boxWhy are fans in the UK buying WWE network?
Why watch on a computer, when you can watch on the old box. The last thing a lad needs after coming in from a night on the lash is to be fannying around with a laptop. Loggin in and all that bollocks. Plus, the quality off WWE on a computer is crap, and its harder to watch with others, and you cant even convert it to VHS.
At the end of the day, plnking down 15 quid to wathc on the telly, is your best bet
Simple as that.
I have no idea if I should be aroused.You need to flick some spuds in the sink lad.
VHS is better, at the end of the day. DVDS break easier. Spill a swift half on a DVD, and its fucked. VHS survive.
Imingine you bring a tasty wench back before you watch a PPV. You will look like a lilly livered cunt if you are logging into a computer, or turning a friverlous game console on. Just slap on the old box.
Internet connection go down too easy. The connection down my area is crap. Box Office come through.
what the bleeding hell is seabs on about.
I dont even know what nandos is. All I know is like me women fit, and a bit of NIN on the jukey.
Now kiss it
if i had confidence, the pussy would be legs spread lad
your a troll. in real life, you wouldnt say this to my face.