Just my thoughts
Pretty Solid opening promo with all the top faces who got jumped last week wanting revenge and Roode saying Strom is behind it cause he never got jumped. Nice to see them advancing the Roode/Storm angle some more. I wasn't a fan of Angle breaking the brawl up, but hey nothing we can do about that.
I love how they acting like Chavo is some kind of big names. More angry Roode promo
Other then a few sloppy moments this was a pretty fun tag knockouts match. I got what they trying to do with the finish but it came off looking awful and stupid. Anyway it was nice to see Mickie's thighs on TV again. *1/2 for the match
If your gonna have a Gut Check match at least have the match be longer then 2 and a half Minutes. To tell you the truth i was hardly watching this i spent most of the time laughing at the 87% signs and Joey Ryan showing up and sucker punching Al Snow.
Pretty okay Aries/X-Division backstage segment. I likes the shit talking they did, can't wait to see the other stuff they do. If King doesn't get the shot, IT'S A FUCKING CONSPIRACY.
I don't know what i enjoyed more the awful song they gave him or that PINK SHIRT he's got on. I liked this promo by Chavo talking about his Families knows is how to conquer a ring and to be a champion everywhere they go. And he's here to conker TNA, he also gave props to the TNA locker room. But then Kid Kash and Gunner come out
of everyone that TNA has on the rooster they pick these two. mock the Guerrero name until they fight. Hernandez arrives to even the odds. Looks like we got a pretty solid tag match feud for the next 2/3 months.
No one gives a FUCK about this Sam guy and Gut Check outside Joey Ryan.
The Storm/Styles match was going really good back and fourth tv match until A & 8 arrive and attack Styles and the referee. And then it…..Goes to commercial. So i guess Storm was not attacked so it makes it look like Roode was telling the truth. It's a shame Claire Lynch didn't get jumped that would of been great.
So Shaw gets a contract and not a single fuck is given. I like how Prichard said he did a hell of of job,
i guess he wasn't watching cause most of the match he spent getting his ass kicked.Kenny King's backstage promo was great. Aries cuts Dakota and he says "Tell your dad hello, his repo business is great." AWESOME.
Ion/King was alright the finish comes when Bobby comes back into the arena and attacks Kenny. Zema is able to take advantage and hits the Moonsault for the victory. After the match, Aries and Bobby fight each other. We would later find out that it will be Aries and Kenny vs Bobby and Zema for next week's show. It seems that TNA wants to give Kenny some spotlight, which I don't have a problem with.
Damn! Bully and Angle had a great match. Full of counters and great back and forth action.After the match, A & 8 arrive and attack Kurt. Styles, Aries, and Sting arrive to help Kurt out. You see Styles and Aries running, but you see Sting strolling along. It's like his body gave up on him or he's just walking through the park on a sunny day. Storm comes down to help out the TNA guys, and after that little brawl Kurt and Aries really question Storm's motives. Yeah, so I guess they want to put the focus on "who's the boss?" until they finally reveal who's controlling Aces and Eights.