Dittooooooo.. Velvet is awesomeeeeeeeGet rid of Sabin Velvet come home with me!
LOL Wordhole, jeebus.. nice AA v. Sabin for X-Division at Gen Day 2?!?
Dittooooooo.. Velvet is awesomeeeeeeeGet rid of Sabin Velvet come home with me!
I shall if I can't stick around, good idea. :Review the show later like only you can!
"Wordhole" that's a new one
Sabin doing the asshole boyfriend thing.... hate those storylines.
Goooo, Aries!
Velvet doing the dumbshit girlfriend who puts up with his shit for months thing... hate those storylines.
YES! Cage match, so we can get the match that we want. THANK FUCK.
Haven't you always wanted to see Velvet in a cage?
How doesn't Sam Shaw get fired because of this attack oh it's Wrestling.