Well,I guess we figured out what a lights out match is. I was still hoping it would be a match in the dark,now we gotta watch Garret wrestle.:downer:
Who fused Grover and Oscar the Grouch together, put him in his underwear, then had him sell shit?
Well,I guess we figured out what a lights out match is. I was still hoping it would be a match in the dark,now we gotta watch Garret wrestle.:downer:
Cool fact: One of my friends who was on House Hunters last night also got to meet Sting yesterday morning and took a photo with him. He said Sting is a big fan of House Hunters actually and was going to watch that episode last night. :
Tapa debuting soon, I guess TNA knows they are code blue for the Division, what does everyone think about her.She doesn't blow me away, I remember the fans shitting on her not wanting her to get a contract.
For me, it was more that the other chick really deserved one. Ivelisse is all kinds of awesome.
But Lei'D brings some really needed diversity to the division. She's not bad at playing an aggressive heel.
Most people just hated that somebody besides a hot chick is working for a wrestling company.
Fans wanted Velez to win and I thought she could be such an asset with her style in the ring, but TNA had a hard on for her.I expect her to get a small momentum and die in the end, she's not Awesome Kong and that's how TNA is trying to build her up.
Did you see the 12-minute rematch on Knockouts Knockdown? It was okay. She's getting better.
This could be the last time we see Hulk Hogan on Impact... lease:
For real?:mog::yay:
I saw it but outside of Gail Kim, who can make her look great? Mickie is gone, we need more than her to save the division.