RE: Impact Wrestling 3/8 Discussion Thread (Quarter Hours are up!)
Q1: 1.10 rating - Garett Bischoff's arrival, Ric Flair, Eric Bischoff, and Gunner promo, Kurt Angle introduced and promo, Sting and Eric Young backstage
Q2: 1.09 rating - ODB and Eric Young vs. Madison Rayne and Gail Kim, Young proposes to ODB
Q3: 1.06 rating - Young and ODB engagement, Joseph Parks arrives, Bully Ray pre-tape, Austin Aries vs. Zema Ion, Parks talks with Velvet Sky
Q4: 0.98 rating - Bully Ray and Sting in-ring promo, Bobby Roode and Sting backstage, two commercial breaks
Q5: 1.10 rating - Bobby Roode vs. Bully Ray, Garett Bischoff talks backstage, Parks talks with Matt Morgan and Crimson,
Q6: 1.00 rating - Matt Morgan and Crimson vs. Robbie E and Robbie T, A.J. Styles pre-tape, Gunner backstage, A.J. Styles promo with Christopher Daniels and Kazarian
Q7: 0.97 rating - Styles segment continued with Mr. Anderson's return, Garett backstage with his mystery partner, fan video package, main event introductions
Q8: 0.93 rating - Jeff Hardy vs. Garett Bischoff vs. Gunner and Kurt Angle