Latest episode again was solid. Not as good as the first two.
Great choice to open the show with a Nemeth match. This time though the heels got the better of him.
Kazarian's heel turn was ironically paint by numbers. The heel turn was to help move him from being so generic. And then he does the cliche "why?" heel turn promo. He's obviously got a feud with EY, but if he doesn't pivot straight into a feud with someone like Josh Alexander, it's just another waste of time.
Speaking of Alexander, was that segment meant to make him feud with Angels? Or just create a new obnoxious character for Angels?
Great to see Shelley getting a rematch, but once again, the System,and Moose specifically since his title win, hasn't done an in ring all conquering promo. Maybe I'm just too sports entertainment brain washed, but I think this is really hurting The System and Champion Moose. OR maybe D'Amore thinks his Champion really can't cut a promo in front of a live audience??