Q1: 0.89 rating - Dixie Carter and A.J. Styles talk backstage, Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam in a BFG Series match, Austin Aries entrance
Q2: 0.87 rating - Aries promo interrupted by Bobby Roode, back and forth between Aries and Roode, Claire talks backstage, Kazarian yells at Daniels
Q3: 0.80 rating - Sonjay Dutt vs. Rubix, Gut Check recap, footage of Bruce Prichard, Al Snow, and Taz talking, two commercial breaks
Q4: 0.91 rating - Samoa Joe vs. Bully Ray in a BFG Series match, two commercial breaks
Q5: 1.07 rating - Joe vs. Ray continuation with Joseph Park, Park promo, Claire and Dixie Carter talk backstage, Kazarian talks with Hulk Hogan
Q6: 1.00 rating - Madison Rayne talks with Garett Bischoff, Brooke Hogan talks with Miss Tessmacher and Gail Kim, Rashad Cameron vs. Mason Andrews
Q7: 1.03 rating - Hogan with Jeff Hardy and James Storm backstage, Gut Check judgment with Snow, Taz, Prichard, Jeremy Borash, Taeler Hendrix, and Joey Ryan, A.J. Styles and Kurt Angle talk backstage
Q8: 1.16 rating - A.J. Styles and Kurt Angle vs. Daniels and Kazarian, post-match angle with Daniels announcing that A.J. Styles is the father of Claire's baby