Man, turning off alerts for being tagged has been such a breath of fresh air! :yay: You don't even know, Aids! It's still snowing in Antartica buddy, and given my post quality lately a penguin would be a mighty fine comparison.
6/10 Impact, but I really, really want to rate it higher. The show came off a little flat, but there are so many positive things going on. Everything was good (except Angelina vs Gail, although it makes me laugh that Angelina's title reign, in the most random turn of events ever, just existed to put over Kurt Angle) and some things were great. And the MVP and Dixie stuff... hell, no Dixie... being off the show made a HUGE difference. So do dominant heel champions who are already disliked in 2014.
SIGN NEW TAG TEAMS. Maybe even old tag teams! Pop a 40 and check your rollies. Anyway if Rhino returning is just temporary, that's great.

He's fine just filling a role. But other than signing Cryme Tyme, which released talents do you guys think TNA should go after? Only one that seems like a good fit is Hawkins, imo.