Would I want too No but would I yes.
Payback, Ryback beats Cena for Title (only as I hate Cena and it would be more interesting seeing him with out the title.)
Ziggler would beat Del Rio clean for the WHC, at the end of the match Big E and Ziggler Destroy Del Rio leaving him in the middle of the ring
Earlier that night In the WHC MITB match only those who had not Won the Title before would be in it
Barret, Rhodes, Sandow, Kofi, Axel and R-Truth, Kofi Wins
Next night on Raw Ziggler would have a "I'm the greatest" Brocks Music hits and he destroys Big E while Ziggler runs away
On Smack down Big E cuts a promo saying that Brock got the jump on him goes out and beats say Barret or Rhodes.
Raw: Brock and Big E has a match street fight to see if Lesner can earn a title shot, Lesner wins again and gloats over Ziggler.
Next PPV Brock beats down Ziggler for the title In a hell of a match (not a hell in the cell but a really brutal one) Big E looking to get back at Brock for the beat down over the last couple of weeks leave Brock laying in the middle of the ring "injurying" him. Kofi's music hit he goes to Cash in at first Big E goes to take him out too but Ziggler stops him as "Kofi would be easier for him to beat for the title later" So Kofi wins the title has a run to SS where Ziggler takes it back.
much see wade winning it. and koif he out for 3 month with a shourter injury.