Well, I'd just like to start by saying that I still don't buy this story that the guy left because he was mad. Still may be all just a work (I don't really care at this point, but I still find this "leaving" deal weird). Anyway, yeah, his attitude was considered that of a spoiled brat, and in my opinion, it kinda felt like it was because... why did he leave again? Because he wasn't getting the main event spot? I mean, come on. It's not like his work right before leaving was WM ME level (and I'm a fan of the guy usually), and it's not like WWE killed his character or anything. Does he think wrestling HHH at WM is beneath him? Think about it, the guy was probably going to work with Hunter at WM, most likely beat him, and all of that when he was just a generic babyface. If he was crying about that and left because of it, yeah, he was a baby. Now, if he was a midcarder and was actually being held down, then people would probably respect the decision, if he was jobbing and they just didn't let him get over. I really, really have a hard time sympathizing with Punk if he was just "lol HHH is overrated don't want to work with him want main event or I walk" and I also have a hard time seeing him go "DB's spot was stolen by Batista? Lol screw this" and leave. Thus, yes, if he had a legitimate reason to complain he'd be praised.