Alright, this whole mess is just silly, no, this isn't some one sided thing, both sides are wrong to a extent here, and by the looks of things nothings really gonna be settled here, so perhaps allow me to shed on light on how this whole thing started.
No, you aren't sticking your head out for making a prediction, there isnt a risk when doing something like that, or atleast there shouldnt be. Thats not how things like that work.
Redboys point revolved around Grievous supposedly being disrespectful at the time, which he outright admitted.
But even despite someones previous actions, people should have at the very least a basic level of respect for eachother, we are human afteral.
There isn't a singuler right side to this whole thing, both sides are right and wrong for multiple reasons. So lets agree to disagree, mistakes happen, misunderstandings happen, and we are only human, now lets move on.