I kinda like Aids's shout of a random Rock return here... Does that make me a terrible fan? :urm:
WWE changes gimmicks once they are called up, try experimenting with CorbinCorbin is billed as The Lone Wolf of NXT. His shtick is that he rides alone and isn't really a team player. I just don't get why would he care to join forces with Ambrose and Reigns?
They can just write it as Reigns and Ambrose went out to NXT to find someone who had the urge to kick some ass with them at NOC.I don't like Corbin the way he is, I doubt a slight gimmick change would make me like the guy. lol
As far as the size goes, he is the dude who can match Strowman's power game. But, they've made this feud about brotherhood, about family.
Corbin doesn't have any sort of connection with either Ambrose or Reigns.
They can just write it as Reigns and Ambrose went out to NXT to find someone who had the urge to kick some ass with them at NOC.
I don't know if people think that, but it does seem like they're kinda setting something like that up.
The references to Reigns' family member Jimmy Uso on SD could have easily been applied to Rocky. I just don't know why there would be a Rock return at a "B" PPV (of course, Taker returned at one before main-eventing Summerslam, so....).
I could see Rocky coming in to be the third member, but I also think Bryan makes sense returning as part of the Reigns-Ambrose stable (although I'm not sure where the "family" angle comes in and that's also assuming, of course, that Bryan's healthy enough to come back per WWE's medical staff).
Apparently the Corbin image was a hoax, I heard it was people on another forum photoshopped it.
Hey, what if Rowan joins Ambrose and Reigns only to turn on them later on?
It doesn't sound like the greatest idea, but they've just introduced this Braun Strowman guy. So, I don't think The Wyatts should be losing at NOC.
Idk, they could prolly stretch it out till Hell In A Cell.
I gave my thoughts on that in post #30. Unless your intention is to make Ambrose and Reigns look like total idiots by siding with a guy against the very family he himself used to be apart of, then it's a terrible idea.
If you want to save the Family's loss for Hell In A Cell or something, then you could always have shit get out of control and descend into total anarchy, bringing about a double disqualification. Then you could book a multi-man HIAC match if you wanted, in a way where the cell would actually have a logical reason for being injected into the feud.