Ideas to get non-major titles in the WWE relevant again.

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Cry About It
Dec 17, 2010
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For me i'd like to see guys with actual credibility mixing it up in the division from time to time like we're seeing with The Big Show. Seeing somebody beat The Big Show for a midcard title should give you a 'Shit, this guys pretty legit' kind of reaction. There's absolutely no reason at all why the Rey Mysterio's and such shouldn't be getting involved in the scene and putting over the next emerging face / heel.

If they do decide to do matches involving a main eventer (like Cody/Orton) i'd much prefer them to actually put the belt on the line aswell. Maybe it's just me, but seeing Cody/Orton feud without the belt being on the line is kind of pointless, because I know that it isn't going to change hands regardless. When the belt is on the line, it brings it to the forefront of peoples minds and it gives it that extra bit of spotlight.

Don't do any unannounced 'bonus attraction' PPV matches as I don't see the point in them. If you don't have anything in place for one of the champions heading into the PPV, just announce a triple threat or fatal fourway match or something on the last RAW or SD because even if that match got them 1 extra PPV buy, it's more than what they would have got anyway. Besides, most people love a little triple threat / fatal 4 way.

That's all i've got for now really, just give the guys more spotlight and consistently aswell. It felt like Swagger won the title then he dissapeared off screen until it was time to lose the belt.
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May 11, 2010
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For me i'd like to see guys with actual credibility mixing it up in the division from time to time like we're seeing with The Big Show. Seeing somebody beat The Big Show for a midcard title should give you a 'Shit, this guys pretty legit' kind of reaction. There's absolutely no reason at all why the Rey Mysterio's and such shouldn't be getting involved in the scene and putting over the next emerging face / heel.

I completely agree. It is good to see some of the bigger names in the division every now and then since it makes the title more important if a top guy is going for it. Rather than seeing the US/IC champion as just a midcarder what it should mean is that they are one step away from being able to challenge the world/WWE champion. If more mainevent/upper-midcard guys joined the mix it would help the divisions. Even someone like The Miz getting involved again along with guys like Show/Mysterio would be a boost.

Dale said:
If they do decide to do matches involving a main eventer (like Cody/Orton) i'd much prefer them to actually put the belt on the line aswell. Maybe it's just me, but seeing Cody/Orton feud without the belt being on the line is kind of pointless, because I know that it isn't going to change hands regardless. When the belt is on the line, it brings it to the forefront of peoples minds and it gives it that extra bit of spotlight.

Again I agree. By not having those matches for the title it made the IC title seem beneath Orton and that he was too good for the title. It would have made it much more interesting if they had a title match and Cody managed to sneak a win out of it and defend his title against a massive name like Orton.

Dale said:
Don't do any unannounced 'bonus attraction' PPV matches as I don't see the point in them. If you don't have anything in place for one of the champions heading into the PPV, just announce a triple threat or fatal fourway match or something on the last RAW or SD because even if that match got them 1 extra PPV buy, it's more than what they would have got anyway. Besides, most people love a little triple threat / fatal 4 way.

I can't even remember the last time WWE booked a triple threat/fatal four way match for either the IC or US title on PPV. Would be good to see them again since it puts over more guys in the one match and shows that there is more than one person chasing the title.


Sep 19, 2011
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Blowme, Iowa
I say the IC title needs to be defended more regularly and given a prominent role in pay-per-views all the while feuding Cody with upper card talent and booking him as a credible threat by actually defeating them. It used to be a mainstay with main eventers. This wouldn't be hard if the WWE would actually try.

The US strap should stay as the midcard aspiration. Have feuds over the title where the people fighting for it actually show a drive to BECOME the champion. Much like Ryder's build to winning it was. This, is also not that hard to make happen...

The Tag titles are more or less fucked. I see them as less relevant than the US title. Create a few original teams that aren't a random pairing, that have chemistry, and let them slowly get more air time. Let them grow on the crowd. Maybe throw a microphone in a team' hands every week for 2-3 minutes. The crowd doesn't give a shit right now because the WWE isn't giving them a reason to.

But I would say the ratings would be a big reason why none of this will happen anytime soon. It kinda feels like the WWE are in a rut when it comes to trying to establish the stars of tomorrow. Combine that with the backstage reports that a lot of talent are fine where they stand and not many have the strive to push for the top slot and you've got your reasoning as to why this isn't/won't be happening.