I'm all for this, especially if Ziggler was the guy they had do this. I can't imagine it ever happening, but it's one of the more interesting ideas. I always kind of figured if this would happen, we'd just get like a double cash-in to end it. Like after successful defending his titles at the beginning and end of the show, or successfully defends both in similar vein to the WrestleMania 2000 (it's a lot less generic than WrestleMania XVI, going purely on the definition of generic and pertaining it to how WWE normally names their WrestleMania's . . . will concede that it sounds lame though) triple threat or even some other way. Then the person who won the WHC MITB comes out and cashes in and wins the belt. Then the person who won the WWE MITB cashes in and wins the belt. Not saying I particularly want it to go that way (though I certainly wouldn't mind it, and have even booked that in one of my fantasy bookings) but I can totally see WWE ending the reign(s) that way if they ever were to do this. But yeah, great idea.