Microsoft's chief of interactive entertainment, Don Mattrick apologizes for the xbox one being a failure and not meeting to their customers standards.
Microsoft's chief of interactive entertainment, Don Mattrick apologizes for the xbox one being a failure and not meeting to their customers standards.
I was always a Playstation fan and I can't describe how happy I am that Sony won the next generation war..
I am not mad over the games themselves, nor am I going to stop living life over this... The principle of the matter pisses me off. How are they going to say what a person can or can't do with a game they bought? And PS4 is no different. They are leaving it up to the publishers as well so who knows what is going to happen. I just think its bs. I am aloud to be mad about this. Yeah they screwed themselves but they screwed people like me who just want to play a game, buy used games & share games with my friends and still be able to get it back and play it. I was looking forward to the new xbox and its just a giant disappointment now.
Posts like these make me want to slap people. 1.) why would you care 2.) really, they won the war before fucking launch? get real 3.) who gives a fuck about consoles war? Certainly nobody that has ever put their dick inside of a woman
Console wars, because when us wrestling fans are done complaining about Cena, we complain about Microsoft next.