Hulk Hogan appearing on WWE television again would make me mark, but him wrestling again in even just one more match would just make me nauseous. I guess I wouldn't mind him making a surprise appearance in the Royal Rumble match though, just keep it short and sweet. Imagine about midway through the match that a bunch of people (let's say they're all heels) are all ganging up on Bryan and kicking him while he's down, and then all of a sudden, Hogan's "Real American" theme explodes throughout the arena. Hogan comes into the ring and he and Bryan team up against however many (probably 4-5) and start tossing people over the top left and right and completely clear the ring of everyone. Then let a few more people come in before Hogan gets eliminated. Have Hogan maybe battling The Real Americans and he tosses Swagger but then Swagger grabs and holds onto his arm from the outside and Ceasro comes up behind Hogan and with Swagger's assistance, helps dump Hogan over the top and eliminate him.
After that though, just make him the Host of Wrestlemania 30, which I feel should play out like this - Hogan comes out and talks about how special it feels to not only be back in the WWE (which he refers to as "home") but back at Wrestlemania three decades after it all began with him and Mr. T teaming up at Madison Square Garden in 1985. He then shares some backstage segments with people throughout the show, then The Real Americans cut a promo in the ring about how pissed they are to not be included on the card (similar to Hassan/Diviari at WM21) and Hogan comes out to confront them, gets double teamed, hulks up, points the finger, delivers the punches and the big boot and the leg drop, grabs Zeb Coulter and punches him, and then tosses everyone. Finally, at the end of the night, when Daniel Bryan wins the WWE Championship, Hogan comes out and applauds him and raises his hand in victory as confetti rains down from the ceiling. That's a great final image for the 30th Wrestlemania... having Hulk Hogan, who thirty years ago helped make Wrestlemania the spectacle that it is today, raise the hand of the current babyface of the company in victory.