I actually wouldn't mind a DQ finish (as simple and cheap as it may sound) if they booked it similar to the way the Steve Austin/Kurt Angle WWF Championship match from Summerslam 2001 ended.
For those who have never seen the match (and if you haven't and are currently subscribed to the Network, I urge you to... It's high on my list of "Underrated Matches That For Some Reason Barely Anyone Wants To Talk About", possibly even my #1), the ending involved Austin (who was the heel that night, and Angle the babyface) laying out a bunch of referees in a row in a clear effort to get himself disqualified after realizing that nothing he was throwing at Angle that night was gonna be enough to keep him down. The thing was, is that each new official that ran into the ring didn't want to let Austin get off as easy as a cheap DQ loss that would have allowed him to retain his championship, so they kept bending the rules a little bit by allowing the match to go on in spite of Austin's blatantly illegal actions. And then just when Kurt Angle had a guaranteed pinfall victory over Austin after hitting him with the Angle Slam, the next referee to run in, unfortunately for Angle, was infamous crooked WCW referee Nick Patrick (this was during the WWF vs WCW/Alliance invasion angle, for the record), who sarcastically pretended to get down on the mat as if he were about to count the pinfall, but then stopped himself and got up and called for the bell to end the match via disqualification instead, awarding Angle the victory but Austin the championship. Kurt Angle put Nick Patrick in the Ankle Lock afterwards for revenge.
Point is, Rollins could go a similar route with Brock, only in this case, it's The Authority's own crooked referee Scott Armstrong (whom I'm sure they keep on speed-dial) that runs in and calls for the disqualification instead. Lesnar can destroy Armstrong afterwards, perhaps even writing him off for good if they want.