Breaking into the wrestling business to start, you would maybe make about 30 per show tops. Every Indy star has a job on the side, you need another job until you hit OVW type promotions atleast.
Didn't anyone see my last post? I do have a job. Well, not really a job, but a source of income nonetheless. It's my SSI. I was asking if I could arrange to be paid under the table so that my SSI isn't penalized.
I have been working the indys in NC for 2 years. Various indy's will pay differently based on how well they are able to do through ticket sales, consessions, etc. However, you can expect to get $10-$20 per booking. You are 99% of the time paid in cash so that is under-the-table. I would suggest contacts or finding some way to fasten your glasses to your head. Another suggestion would be to play a "blind" referee gimmick where when your glasses get knocked off you are temporarily blinded to any action that goes on until you have put your glasses back on. As the previous people have told you, you will not be able to survive as an indy worker and would need a real source of income. If you are still interested in working for an indy promotion then go to one of their shows and after the show is over, talk with the promotor. Be forewarned though, many promotors who offer shools for training have high costs. I have friends in the business who pay upwards of $200/month in training costs. So the real question is, what kind of financial commitment are you willing to make to be a part of the wrestling entertainment world?
Can I get some numbers? I know numbers have already been given, but you make it seem as if I can actually make a full-time living off of managing.
Also, what about a referee? The main reason I don't want to be a wrestler is because of the pain. Referees take bumps, but not as frequently as wrestlers do, and they're rarely injured legitimately. I can take the occasional bump, just not fifty of them per night like a wrestler does.
Also, I have glasses. Will that hinder my ability to referee matches? What if I switch to contacts?