How long before Jericho is battling it out for the IC title?

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I say 2 months. The dude, for a supposedly huge return, is getting almost no reaction. Maybe a spattering of Y2J chants. The crowd really does not care about him.

He doesn't have the look at all. He looked like an 8th grader standing next to Orton. He just doesn;t have the physical prowess we all look for in our main eventers.

His promo's are also long winded. The crowd was falling asleep during his promo last night. He was racing through it to try and get in the 5 or 6 points he has already made over the last week. Thank god he was interrupted by Orton so we could finally get excited about something.

In conclusion, if Y2J is not over now, where will he be once the "shock" of his return has worn off?


TO be totally honest... The crowds have SUCKED as of late. Don't believe me? Go and re-watch RAW. Barely anyone got a pop, it doesn't help when the fans look to have drank a bottle of Nyquil before the show.

And I'll say he goes back to the IC title picture after Wrestlemania.


as much as i've said his return will flop, which i think it will. I cant see him sinknig THAT low to the IC division. I'm pretty sure in his contract too, he has a fair amount of creative control. I''d assume near WM, he would be in a mid card fued like Lashley/Umaga OR in MITB.

King Of Kings

Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
Speak for yourself Y2J is not boreing at all Orton is the boreing one he talks like a robot.


TO be totally honest... The crowds have SUCKED as of late. Don't believe me? Go and re-watch RAW. Barely anyone got a pop, it doesn't help when the fans look to have drank a bottle of Nyquil before the show.

And I'll say he goes back to the IC title picture after Wrestlemania.

I took the shitty crowds into account. Jericho got cheered a lot less than any other main event face (HHH, HBK, Hardy). Yes, I have finally come to the realization that Jeff Hardy is main event material. Even though it appears he is only being used as a stepping stone for heel/tweener HHH. He also got a shitty reaction compared to Kennedy, Orton, and Hornswoggle.

Hell the crowd might have been lame because Jericho opened. They got more and more quite/bored as Jericho kept rambling on. The only significant pop Jericho got was when he announced HBK would be Orton's opponent.


^^^Actually, he got a couple of pops during his comeback against Umaga. I think it also didn't help that Jericho decided to cut a serious promo (for the most part). Its a bit of a change from the usually humorous promos that Jericho gives.


^^^Actually, he got a couple of pops during his comeback against Umaga. I think it also didn't help that Jericho decided to cut a serious promo (for the most part). Its a bit of a change from the usually humorous promos that Jericho gives.

Serious promo or not, the crowd just doesn't believe that he can beat Orton and it shows. It seems to me like they are wondering why HBK can't get another shot and, at the same time, they are wondering how a guy who hasn't wrestled in two years automatically gets a title shot.

Whatever happened to building up credibility? Say what you want about HHH, but at least he waited over a month for his title shot and it was only because Cena got hurt.

Jericho would be better off if he ran a program with a midcarder like Santino before entering the main event picture.


Jericho would be better off if he ran a program with a midcarder like Santino before entering the main event picture.

See, now that would be a bad idea. Because then after all the hype that Jericho got, we see him wrestling a comedy-guy (which Santino has become). Jericho is supposed to "save us"... It wouldn't make sense for him to come back and save us from a mid-card comedy act.


as much as i've said his return will flop, which i think it will. I cant see him sinknig THAT low to the IC division. I'm pretty sure in his contract too, he has a fair amount of creative control. I''d assume near WM, he would be in a mid card fued like Lashley/Umaga OR in MITB.

You said you don't see him thinking that low...and then you say you see him mid carding...Isn't the Ic title basically the Middle Card dudes....Like the last few champs are Marella, Hardy, Umaga which are basically Middle...and yea i kinda agree with him slippin' to mid card...He could have some good fueds with Hardy to begin...


Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
and, at the same time, they are wondering how a guy who hasn't wrestled in two years automatically gets a title shot.

I agree. People who were'nt around to see Jericho the first time around are probably wondering 'WTF?! Who is this guy? Why is he getting a title shot?...and more importantly...why should I care?' So quickly has Jericho been pushed, that either he will be severely beat down at Armeggeddon and be made to work for the title....or...WWE signed him for the sole purpose of 'Filling the void' while Cena is out and will be moved down to mid-card status when he returns....


Guys people moaned about y2j being a good addition when he came back now people are moaning. Its not his fault he isnt over with the shit crowds. Its got to a point now with the wwe crowds that they will cheer for something like a divas finisher and not y2j. I think the net has kileld wrestling myself. People already knew those save_us promos where y2j's. hes got stale already.

Great One

They should have had his in ring debut wait until Armageddon to hype it up more and also get more buys for the PPV itself... stupid. But in all honesty, the crowds have absolutely fucking SUCKED, I hope the WWE never goes back to the area they've been in the past month.


Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
New York
I thought WWE really messed up with Jericho's return. They missed their chance to have a good Santino/Y2J feud last week. It would have gotten Y2J back into main event scene (maybe Royal Rumble?) and made Santino a more credible wrestler.

January 27th, 2008, Royal Rumble at Madison Square Garden. I can guarantee that you won't hear any pussy cheers for Y2J.


But in all honesty, the crowds have absolutely fucking SUCKED, I hope the WWE never goes back to the area they've been in the past month.

I could not agree more. Flair was in North Carolina last week, and the people cheered, but not nearly as loud as you would expect... AND IT WAS RIC FUCKIN FLAIR!!


Jericho would be better off if he ran a program with a midcarder like Santino before entering the main event picture.

See, now that would be a bad idea. Because then after all the hype that Jericho got, we see him wrestling a comedy-guy (which Santino has become). Jericho is supposed to "save us"... It wouldn't make sense for him to come back and save us from a mid-card comedy act.

Yea and on the flip side...At the rate Jericho is going now, he isn't going to save us from anything because Orton will likely go over Jericho two straight PPV's.

He hasn't been built up enough to be taken as a credible challenger at this point. Let him go over guys like Marella, Carlito, and even Kennedy or Umaga before he jumps into a feud with the guy who just pinned HBK clean.