In theory though, this should be the right way to use them. The Lesnar-Goldberg marquee will draw eyeballs... Maybe... And then the next two biggest matches are Undertaker and Triple H laying their asses down for Roman and Seth. So the extra viewers get to see the current guys defeating legends...
Solidus said that they did this because they draw and I agree but they don't need the title to draw. I mean unless they plan on Brock winning it and being a regular till next wrestlemania then having him put someone over in a big way, I think it stinks!
I don't think that it looks that bad to be honest.
In regards to the Lesnar/Goldberg match, I think WWE's reasoning for putting the belt on Goldberg is pretty sound. Yeah, the match doesn't need the belt in order to draw. But the match could use the belt to get a little bit of bragging rights back to Lesnar. For example, Lesnar has been beaten twice by Goldberg, once in 86 seconds. But if Lesnar beats Goldberg for the title, then Lesnar won the match that mattered the most. World title matches are always viewed by them as being more important.
Secondly, this is Goldberg's third world title reign. No one has ever defeated Goldberg cleanly for a world title. Kevin Nash used a cattle prod to beat him for the WCW title. Triple H had Evolution interfere in order to beat him for the WHC. If Lesnar wins cleanly against Goldberg, he'll be the only one to take the world title from him cleanly. Perhaps they think these two things would, in some way, make up for the previous losses and Royal Rumble elimination.
Apart from that, I think whatever match is for the WWE Championship looks like it's going to be good. I want to see KO vs Y2J. Sure, it would have meant more for the Universal title, but there was no way Jericho was going to win that anyway. So I am looking forward to the match. If Rollins and HHH actually happens, I know I'll enjoy that. I don't care much about Reigns but I'm happy as hell he is not in the main event.
So, honestly, I am not as down on it as many seem to be.
I will respond to this with a question. Does Brock Lesnar really need it? You know, the guy who killed the Streak, with the exception of Goldberg, hasn't been beat since WM 29 almost four years ago?
I'm not saying I agree with it. I was only saying that is probably the way they are thinking about it.
But to answer your question, yeah maybe he does. After that match at Survivor Series and that Rumble elimination, maybe he does.
And he hasn't been beaten "cleanly" in four years other than Goldberg. He did lose to Undertaker... but I don't think that matters as much, I am just being an ass by pointing it out
For him needing it, even with the whole "Goldberg squashed him" thing, he shouldn't need it. He's Brock Lesnar! He eats puppies for Breakfast! He doesn't really need the belt, he can just go to Wrestlemania, finally get the monkey off his back and beat Goldberg and brag about it. Also his lost to Taker did involve a hit to the groin and a screwy finish...
So yeah....BORK DOESN'T NEED TITLE! derp:
Looks like dog shit
KO vs Jericho.... Only thing worth watching.
And it should have been the main event for the Universal Title.
Why thank you Nyan Cat, I tryYour posting has been so colorful lately :kitler:
I think Bray vs Orton will be good. I have no issue with that match either. I feel that it SHOULD main event over Brock and that old fart what's his name.