Sincerely, Everyone should just post "If Daniel Bryan was suddenly moved to the Main Event, I would find something else to bitch about." Some people just rock the crutch on WWE being shit, and to me it makes no sense.
Wyatt MIGHT lose to Cena, who cares?
HHH vs DB is hit or miss. LMFAO, compare it to DB vs Orton vs Batista ffs.
Taker Bork might not have a sick build. Do they need it?
NAO dropping the belt to the Real Americans or Usos.
Shield breakup, no one can complain.
The only thing that hurts my ass is it's pretty damn obvious we aren't getting Dust vs Cody yet. I'll live with it, and can wait until SS.
I agree with your post. I honestly didn't mean to bitch at all. I just gave my honest opinion of WWE. I know you weren't directing this at me per say, but I did state that DB has been screwed over too much and I don't like how they're handling some things with him. I don't mind that he's fighting Triple H, however.
I will always have some complaints with WWE in some fashion, but I feel than they've been doing fine. It's just the fuck ups they've had lately are big--Orton and Batista and the RR event, for example.
I can't wait for the following matches:
Bray and Cena: whether Bray wins or loses is irrelevant. It'll make him look big fighting a guy like Cena on the grandest stage of them all.
Brock and Taker: Even though I know Taker will win, having these two battle will be fun and thrilling to say the very least.
Triple H and DB: I would prefer that DB win this match. DB would have more credibility, get his revenge, and it would be fitting for the fans. If Triple can job to Cena at Mania 22 an help put him over, he can do the same for the upcoming DB.
Batista and Orton: (blows his fucking head off)
Shield fighting each other: love it