How awesome are Jericho and Christian?

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If you watched yesterday's match against Yoshi Tatsu, focus on Yoshi. You'll see that he was just doing his rounds. There was nothing special and if it was a lesser opponent, the cheers won't be as much. Chrisitan worked the crowd, sold Yoshi's offense to perfection and made Yoshi look good.


^As a veteran should do. Christian is phenomenal in the ring. I was seriously hoping for a program between he and Jericho to start up. I'm honestly looking at the ECW title as the most valuable title in the company right now since it's the only one which is booked properly and had the right person holding it right now.


Only just got a chance to watch last weeks ECW....

Hats off to J & C..... Shit hot match right there! :y:

If I was Christian, until they sort out the rest of the product, I wouldn't WANT to go anywhere else.


If you watched yesterday's match against Yoshi Tatsu, focus on Yoshi. You'll see that he was just doing his rounds. There was nothing special and if it was a lesser opponent, the cheers won't be as much. Chrisitan worked the crowd, sold Yoshi's offense to perfection and made Yoshi look good.

Watch some of his Japanese stuff. He's no slouch in the ring.

Double J

Feb 27, 2009
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Lol, I love it how just because Christian isn't fucking main eventing Raw or SD Vince is down on the guy.

How about the fact that Vince has always wanted a veteran with star power in ECW? It's a fact he has always tried to have one. He sent Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Kane, wanted King Booker in there, all names that could go for a main title to that show so they could work with younger talent. For one reason or the other they didn't last in there, so I just see it as Vince milking the only veteran he has managed to get in there for a long time.

He'll be back to a main show eventually. He has just exceled in the role given to him.

Actually the only reason Christian is ECW champion, or on ECW period, is because the writers/bookers kept pushing Vince to let them put him there. Christian was signed with WWE for months and he was suppose to be Jeff Hardy's attacker until rumors got out on the internet and Vince scrapped the plan.

He then had nothing for him and so Christian was just there. The bookers didn't like that and pushed for him to at least be on ECW, hence why he just debut on a regular episode without any hype.

I Vince see's now how good a champion Christian is, and a better face of ECW than anyone else on the roster right now, but I still don't think he's that high on him.


^And you'd know all this for a fact how? lol
I do believe the fact that he was originally supposed to be Jeff's attacker but I'm sure Vince wouldn't let someone he didn't care for lead a show full of all his young talent.
It's going to get to the point where Christian is going to get too popular for Vince to deny and he's going to have to push him.

Great One

Rofl, exactly what I was gonna say. I love how this guy and many others come off and act like they have the TRUE news story. When in reality, none of em no shit and probably never will. I always thought that Christian attacking Hardy story was bullshit and I had a ton of proof to prove it. But I thought people stopped believing that story altogether, oh well.


I thought most all WWE matches were more like freestyles depending how long. It's not ecactly a spot happy wrestling style they use.


Yeah, the finish and a few key spots are usually mapped out before hand, they're given a time limit and how they reach those things are usually their call. Unless there's something specific or important that needs to happen in the match and in that case the match is usually completely worked out before hand. If every match was 100% planned you wouldn't see them talking to each other the entire


Botchamania is a wonderful use to see when spots are called in the ring.


So what if we hear them talk in the ring? Sometimes its not easy knowing whats next for a spot. I know ive wrestled. As long as the end oft he match is planned and you know what your doing, i dont see a problem mid match. You can do whatever you want if your in Jericho or Christians shoes. In fact more matches should be like this. Punk vs matt hardy would be sweet if it had this type of match up.


Yeah i really do think so. Ok tubby hardy he as been lately but cmon, matt hardy can put on a good match up and i think punk could elevate him.


New Member
Oct 11, 2009
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I didn't know the match was called in the ring, goes to show what chemistry Jericho and Christian have, and also how good both are in the ring.