Why are we so much alike?
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Have you ever played any musical instruments?
How many boyfriends have you had?
What junk food is your greatest guilty pleasure?
What's your favorite food?
When you're with your friends, what are some of your favorite things to do together?
Do you have any pets?
Who knows, lmfao. Ily anyway, bby. <3
Uhh, New York, I s'pose. It's the first place I'm dying to go to. I've never been there before.
Yes, I was in a grunge band in high school, played bass guitar.
In total? Eight or nine, i'm not sure, I don't really like keeping track like that, lol.
Is candy an option? Definitely white chocolate, ever since I was little. I have no idea why. I eat bags of Hershey's hugs all the time. It's definitely not healthy and I should stop, lol.
Umm, I don't think I really have a favorite. I'm not picky with my food at all. I'm willing to eat anything and not care. Soup, I guess, would be my favorite if I had to choose.
Eat. Movies. Walking our dogs. Video games. Watching RAW. Random road trip to another city just to go to a food place that's only in that city, lol.
I have one dog, half Poodle half Bichon Frise called Mocha. :3
Top 5 members you fap to?
How many hours of karaoke do you do a week?
R Albin,
Dat Kid, @Farooq, and of course @Sehnor Perfect. :ksi:
None unless you count me randomly singing on Skype to annoy the admins, lmfao.
Can I spam the hell out of you?
Spam me until I cum. <3
Would you consider being part of a WWEF gangbang video?:ksi:
Without a doubt.
Would you have a coke with anyone who you don't know?
Uhh, depends if you mean coke like cocaine or coke like Coca-Cola, lmao. If it's just a cola, then sure, as long as I'm the one providing the beverage because I don't eat or drink anything from someone I don't know, lol.
How many dildos do you own?
None. Send me one? <3
If you could pick five members to meet in real life, who would you choose and why?
What do you like best and what do you like the least about WWEF?
Who is your favorite current Superstar and Diva in the WWE?
Which superstar/female wrestler got you into wrestling and what did you like best about him/her?
Omg, not this again, lmfao.
Crayo, because he bitched me at for not being in my list and not being first, lmfao.
CrayJ Lee because you and I would have a blast doing random shit and gossiping about members.

1: @Farooq because he's awesome and I think we'd have the best time ever.
Dat Kid because I can see us having a good time as well just doing random shit. And actually
Xanth because he might just be as weird and awkward as me. :dawg:
The best is that some of the members are just the greatest people ever that I enjoy talking to even outside of the forum and worst because of the same reason, the members. Some are just members I wish I could just block from posting in any of my threads or something similar. They never have anything to add and just always insult for no reason at all. Yeah, it's the internet, whatever, but I avoid places where people just say shit like that, but I really like talking to other members on here so I guess dealing with the other members is worth it.
I don't have any specific favorite for Superstars, there are pros and cons to each. If you want to see my whole list of Superstars that I enjoy watching, go to my profile. But for Divas, Emma is definitely my favorite of all time right now.
Hmm... I guess that'd have to be AJ Lee and unfortunately Sheamus. I started watching WWE again at Raw 1000 and it was my first time watching since the 90's. It was the most interesting episode I've seen around that time so I continued watching. I found AJ really similar to me. I have been wearing Converse ever since I was a little kid and never really wore anything else and when I get upset, I kind of get REALLY upset. And Sheamus, idk, I really liked his gimmick at first, I thought it was pretty interesting, just a humble Irish brawler but I lost so much interest around the time of Summerslam because at that point he had like 9875198741 rematches against Alberto Del Rio and it was just the most boring thing ever.
i cant wait to see deth's questions

Do you scream like asian girls do :ksi:?
Not really. :silva: At least, I don't think I do.

Ask my boyfriend. :happy:
A secret admirer keeps sending weird sexual messages to me. Is that you? (Can't be CrayJ Lee, as are sexual tension is hardly a secret.)
I'll leave that up to you to figure out. :ksi:
But I actually am going through the same thing on my Tumblr. Someone keeps sending my random anonymous compliments on there and it's getting annoying and creepy. I can't tell whether it's the same person or multiple people. I wish there wasn't an anonymous option on there.
Luzadas. In the FIlipino culture, your mother's maiden name becomes your middle name.
If Pedro cheated on you, would you move to Scotland to have sex with
R Albin
In a heartbeat.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Hopefully in a house of my own with either a husband or some friends living in it. Maybe have a job related to computers and have graphic design as a side thing. Who knows.
Can you take a picture of your foot and post it here?
Too lazy. I just got back from Tesco.

Would you rather have sex with
Crayo or
R Albin?
R Albin. Crayo refuses to give me love and affection sometimes.

Could you please mail me one of your old and unwashed panties? :gusta:
What color do you want them to be? :happy:
If we meet up (assuming you cum to So Cal) will you put out?
I'm still gonna' be with Pedro over the summer. :dawg: Sorry mang.
Last time you got laid?
Who'd you lose your virginity to?
Ever sleep naked?
Do you masturbate in the shower?
Would you ever take it up the butt?
Third boyfriend named Nathan. Worst boyfriend I've ever had.