New York is awesome, I went for the first time about 4 weeks ago, my favorite place to go so far apart from Orlando, Florida.
We stayed right on Times Square so it would be perfect if you wanted to go to Broadway and that.
Oh my god, that sounds so awesome. :yay:

If you were stuck on an island and you had to write a message in a bottle (inb4 Farooq) , you had paper but no pen, would you write it with the message with your poop?
Build any houses on minecraft lately? :jeritroll:
Have you gotten my 400 voicemails?
Would you describe your nipples as small raisins or mosquito bites?
Why don't you clean your room?
Do you skate? You look like you skate
Uhh, I'd try and find fruits or anything like that I can just smush and write with, but otherwise, sure. I have the sea to wash my hands. :dawg:
Yes, actually. My friend wanted to surprise his girlfriend for their anniversary and they're really into Minecraft so me and other friends got together and made a chapel and did a mock wedding. It was pretty cute and adorable actually.
Small raisins.
Because I'm lazy and I know where everything is right now.
I haven't in awhile since my friend never brought me my board back and I don't feel like spending a lot to get a good new one so not anymore.
Who is your biggest celebrity crush?
What are you top five favorite shows and movies?
What's your favorite topping on pizza?
I have periods of time where I obsess over one celebrity and move on to another one. I don't think I have on specific one right now (unless you count WWE, then Seth Rollins). I've obsessed over Emma Watson, Leonardo DiCaprio and Francisco Lachowski before though.
damnit. Uhh. I don't wanna pick and choose through all of them. you have my Facebook, I've liked every offcial page of every movie and show I've ever liked. LOL
Mushrooms and olives, tbh. Not many people like them but I obsess over them for some reason.
Not missing much. 9/10 of them are overpriced and annoying.
Yeah, but it's worth it, I've heard. You're probably just thinking about the front seats, which are easily like a few thousand. I would at least try and get middle or balcony or something. I've always wanted to see Wicked on broadway and I still want to. Hopefully in the future I can still get that opportunity.