Or what, Ryan?
He'll get his homies from Sunderland and I'll get mine from Scotland.
Will you be cocky when we have Xanth and Jonathan backing us up? Bitch :jesse:
Who do you think is the friendliest user? I'll probably go for Leo C.
What do you like best about being a moderator? Being able to ban spammers, they annoy me crazily although we haven't had any recently I think. People who come in just to advertise for example without contributing annoy me crazily.
What do you like the least about being a moderator? Aside from working with Xanth? It can be a chore when people complain about rules then complain they aren't be enforced, overall though this place is a great place to moderate as it's really easy going.
Who is your favorite Superstar on the current roster? TNA - AJ WWE - Punk Indies - Steen Japan - Okada Mexico - Rush (overall it's AJ currently)
Favourite footballer (not playing for Wednesday):Scholes, shame he just such a terrible team to play for thoughas for currently Messi.
The next Messi/Ronaldo: The next global superstar is Neymar, both from a brand point of view and a talent one.
Ronaldo or Messi: Messi, both are great but I just love how the ball is glued to his feet.
Favourite current wrestler: AJ Styles.
Favourite in WWE (assuming above isn't in WWE): Punk
Have you watched any more Breaking Bad? Sadly no, I plan to though.
What is your favorite show? Not a huge TV guy oddly enough, I'll say Top Gear though.
Who's your favorite MP user? MachininamamkaubmnPalooza? It has to be Jwab.
Which Team Showoff members would you Bang/Marry/Kill - Bang - Alkaline Marry - Walter Jr Kill - Dolph's to save Jeff Savage.
What is you favorite breed of Pigeon? - A seagull[/quote]
How big a beard has that vagina got?