Everyone who was around in the late eighties/early nineties would mark at a Hogan appearance. Coincidently, that age group is now in their 20s and 30s which I would assume is the largest age group of PPV buyers. It'd be best for business whether you all like it or not. Deep down I'm still a 6 year old Hulkamaniac, brother. If "I am a real American" suddenly starting blasting on RAW I'd pre a little, not gonna lie.
Hulk can come home to WWE and go out like the champion he is. I'm glad he's not wasting any more time in fucking TNA. What a shit hole. They're going down the tubes now that Hogan's gone. It boggles my mind why Sting would still associate himself with that "organization".
I use the word "organization" in the loosest possible sense.
It's Vince's fault. Sting wanted to sign with WWE in 2011 (and face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27) but McMahon wanted him to work a full schedule, even at his advanced age.