Hogan's goin mad on the Steroid issue right now..wonder guys on his show will be on the 'roids or not..one thing for sure,if he makes wrestler's not to do 'roids,he wont have many heavyweights around..gettin MTV,VH1 to air his promotion wont be that bad for starters..Spike TV already movin UFC to wednesday's to increase TNA show to 2 hrs..dont think they will take on another promotion for now,surely..
"On July 26th, Hulk Hogan appeared on QVC and sold 13,000 units of his Hogan Grill for $1.3 million.
It looks as if Eric Bischoff has been trying to drum up investors for Hogan's proposed international pro wrestling tour.
- PWmania.com"
as expected,eric is indeed helping Hogan..lol,a WCW recreation is not far from here on..
comments people..