Health Nuts

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Moonlight Drive

Boxing is a fucking workout, go pick up a cheap bag and some gloves like Seventh Reason said.

If you want to do it for free, jogging. Just go and run around your block or something.


How about some tips for a newly quit smoker who wouldn't mind getting back in shape?

Mostly cardio tbh. The biggest issues though are; I'm not willing to buy a gym membership or really any equipment that is costly because I cannot guarantee my continued usage. And I'm not entirely sure I'd enjoy running right now as it is winter and -20 (Or -35 like it is today) isn't really conductive to running anywhere.

I'm sure I'm being picky here but if anyone has any ideas, I'll be more than happy to try them.

20 minutes of jumping jacks could help imo


Guest I said...jumping jacks are really under rated cardio.

Anyway yeah. Any kind of boxing, martial art...whatever...incredible cardio. Even if you buy a bag, don't really know what the fuck you're doing and just beat on that shit for 20 minutes a day...great workout. Just be careful not to break a finger or wrist or

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
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I need to lose a little weight, I have been trying the exercise bike but that gets a bit boring after a while. At the moment, I can't do boxing or weights in case it pulls my wrist back out of place, I will probably try the jumping jacks, anything else you guys recommend?


Well, we've talked about the excersice side of it...but let's not forget a healthy diet as well. All the jumping jacks and boxing won't do anything if you're not eating right.
And when you're on the bike are you just going nuts with no resistance or do you have a course plotted out? Because if you're not challenging and shocking your body to do different things, you'll hit a plateau and level off in results.

seriously...follow this, be'll see results...

-Oatmeal w/ a piece of fruit
-2 eggwhites w/ turkey/turkey bacon on whole wheat
-and HEALTHY whole grain cold cereal (cheerios, cornflakes, wheaties...ect) w/ a piece of fruit
-breakfast smoothie (i always recommend using acai berries in smoothies...taste great...great energy boost)

- A HANDFUL! of unsalted almonds
- HANDFUL of pretzels
- a piece of fruit. (also...kinda be aware not all fruit is great for losing weight. Apples, bananas and grapes can be on fattening sides. so try and limit)

-SALAD SALAD SALAD SALAD. (seriously, always try to have a salad for lunch. ruffage is great for you and your uhhhhh well it makes ya shit!)
- Another thing I recommend for those who like an actual hot lunch is those "Smart Ones" frozen meals made by Weight Watches...low in calories, taste pretty good as well.

Same here... try to use common sense with what your shoving in your face as

There are far too many options to list for dinner. But you really need to use portion control. If you're eating meat...have ONE piece of chicken...not 3. If you are eating steak or pork try to eat lean cuts. And the rule is that the portion should be around the size of your palm. Try to avoid eating white rice...go for brown...a lot better for you. And another simple rule... drink a nice big glass of water right before your meal.
(I've got some great dinner plans a dietician wrote up to give to my clients at the gym. I'll scan it in next time I hook my laptop up to the printer.)

And of course...try to avoid eating after around 7 o'clock....redundant but true.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
I guess I'm somewhat lucky in that respect. I can pretty much eat whatever I want and my metabolism takes care of it for me. In reality I'm aware that weight gain isn't the sole factor for eating properly but until I start turning fat, bald and greasy like my father I'ma take advantage of it while I can.


May 17, 2008
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As a physical educator and a basketball coach, I feel it would be completely irresponsible of me to demand good health from my students and players, and not do the same myself. So, while I don't always eat the healthiest of foods, I do remain in very good shape, mostly because I'm always active at my job, and I work long, long hours. I should probably amend my diet, but the way I see it, since I don't drink or smoke, or really engage in any other unhealthy or risky behaviors, enjoying food will just be my one vice. And since I'm in good shape, and a healthy weight, it'll probably be all right.

I do my best to eat healthy and as for 'working out' I've got a home gym thing I try to get to every day, and walk down to the beach most days, so there's my cardio.

Well, I have a question for you health nut folks. I was talking with my dad about it, is it better to do more reps or to have heavier weights?
Like has been said, it really depends on what you are intending to do with your weight lifting. Are you training for anything, or just lifting in general? Trying to get stronger, or develop stamina?

It really depends on what you are trying to achieve.
How about some tips for a newly quit smoker who wouldn't mind getting back in shape?

Mostly cardio tbh. The biggest issues though are; I'm not willing to buy a gym membership or really any equipment that is costly because I cannot guarantee my continued usage. And I'm not entirely sure I'd enjoy running right now as it is winter and -20 (Or -35 like it is today) isn't really conductive to running anywhere.

I'm sure I'm being picky here but if anyone has any ideas, I'll be more than happy to try them.
Aside from what others have said, try making life harder on yourself. By this I mean simple things like when going to the store, park farther away, and then force yourself to jog/run inside. If it's -20 degrees, it should be pretty easy to be motivated to run inside. Instead of taking elevators, take the stairs. Go to the mall, and walk around the mall, perhaps even doing some shopping. Do exercise that is not really exercise, but still has an end goal of something else, exercise that you don't even think about the fact that you are doing.

That'd be the best way to start, if you're not too up on the idea of training or memberships.


Absolutely... ya gotta do it...if not to be healthy at least to look

I'm actually a personal trainer as a side job. Honestly I overweight until I was about 19. I started hitting the gym really hard and eating right. As soon as I saw those first 20 pounds fall off I was hooked.
I used to be very into mass building workouts and building as much muscle as I possible could. I recently altered my workout...back in September I believe.... to drop about 15 pounds of bulk for a leaner look.
When I get around to it I'll post up my diet/workout program.
This could be a cool thread for all of us gym rats to
And as I said, seriously. If there is anyone here who needs some pointers on how to shed some unwanted pounds definately don't be scared to ask. Be glad to help...been there, done that.

You don't HAVE to go to a gym.

I don't bother paying for a gym membership because I go outside and walk for a few hours a day. Winter is a different story. If it's not bad outside, I'll still go out. If it's freezing, I just find some other way to burn calories like dancing or just simply playing the wii for a while.


Yeah, the Wii is no joke. My friend's kid lost about 40 pounds sticking to a workout on the Wii Fit. But of course you don't have to go to the gym. It's just nice since most gyms have equipment that makes your workout so much easier than searching for ways to hit those weird areas of your body. A simple weight set and your imagination will get the job done though.


Yep, gyms are good because you have lots of equipment to choose from but I'm cheap and would rather exercise for free, lol. Plus, I don't like being around sweaty strangers while getting my groove on. Ewww.

Moonlight Drive

Like has been said, it really depends on what you are intending to do with your weight lifting. Are you training for anything, or just lifting in general? Trying to get stronger, or develop stamina?
I suppose it's a bit of both. I've starting alternating now, heavier weights every second day and then lighter weights and more reps every other day. Plus my Dad got me a bench press now.

I love have a fast metabolism. I can live of Doritos and coke for a week (which I have done once almost) and not gain a kilo. Although you feel like shit whenever you move.

I hate gyms, lol.
Dec 14, 2008
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Melbourne, Australia
There is a term for alternating between bulking and cutting on a regular basis. For the best results you should concentrate on a single particular form of working out for 2-3 weeks and then switch over, not change every day.

You need to allocate a rest day for all forms of weight training. By lifting weights you are essentially causing minor tears to the muscle, and you need to give the muscle time to "repair itself". If you are lifting weights every day these minor tears are continuing without recovery, they will become serious major tears and you will be out of action for weeks.

Unless you wish to do a Brock Lesnar and spend time in ice baths?

Moonlight Drive

Alright, thanks for that. Although I usually skip a day or two every week since I'm not always home.
Dec 23, 2008
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You don't HAVE to go to a gym.

I don't bother paying for a gym membership because I go outside and walk for a few hours a day. Winter is a different story. If it's not bad outside, I'll still go out. If it's freezing, I just find some other way to burn calories like dancing or just simply playing the wii for a while.

Umm..does the umm...dancing consist of wearing minimal clothing and platform heels while wrapping your body around a steel pole?

Cause my perfect world it does..:grin_1: