HCW- Hardcore Championship Wrestling

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Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Opening Video and Music play for the debut episode of Implosion
J.R: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the debut epiosde of the HCW brings to you the brand of Implosion.
J.L. Oh my gosh JR this crowd is going nuts and so and I so lets get this show on the road.

Abyss vs. Big Daddy V

*The music of Abyss hits the arena *Crowd cheers
L.G: The following contest is set for 1 fall. Making his way to the ring, Standing 6’8’’ tall, weighing 340 pounds, “The Monster” Abyss *Crowd cheers.
J.R: “Well its not very often Abyss is at a weight disadvantage, but tonight that is the case.”
J.L: “That’s right, 140 pound to be exact J.R.”
*The music of Big Daddy V hits the arena *Crowd Boos
L.G: And his opponent, weighing in at 480 pounds, Big Daddy V.
The bell sound as we are underway with a stare down between the two monsters. BDV backs Abyss into the corner and hits a knee to the gut. Irish whip from BDV, who collides with Abyss when he attempts a shoulder block. Abyss then makes his attempts at shoulder blocks only moving to a stale mate. Abyss with a kick to the gut and attempts the Shock Treatment but he cant lift BDV, BDV the spends the next couple of minutes working on the lower back of Abyss. BDV then attempts a big splash but Abyss is able to avoid it. Abyss then goes to work with right hands on BDV. Abyss then goes off the ropes and hit’s a clothesline, then another, then another, on his next attempt BDV counters and hit’s the Samoan Drop…Cover…1...2.…No. BDV sends Abyss into the turnbuckle and hit’s a splash in the corner….Cover…..1.…2...No. BDV showing signs of frustration. BDV attempts to Irish whip Abyss only to be countered and somehow Abyss is barely able to lift BDV and hit the Black Hole Slam…Cover..1...2...3!!!!! And its over.
L.G: Here is your winner, “The Monster” Abyss (7:17)
J.R: “Good lord what a war of monsters we just witnessed.”
J.L. “And the night is just getting started JR.”

-Backstage Promo from Chris Jericho-

-Jericho stares at the close-up camera with great intensity-

Jericho: Tonight, I'm walking out HCW World Champion

Bobby Lashley vs. Rellik

*The music of Bobby Lashley hits *Crowd Boos

L.G: ''The following contest is set for 1 fall. Making his way to the ring from Colorado Springs,CO, weighing 295 pounds, Bobby Lashley.''

J.R: Noone has been more impressed with Bobby Lashley than me, but his attitude as of late is the only thing that I have not been impressed with.''

J.L: There is no doubt that he has changed and maybe its not for the better and we are going to find out tonight what he is really made of right here tonight.''

*The music of Rellik hits as he comes out to a mixed reaction standing on the rampway and then makes a beline for Bobby Lashley in the ring and here we go.

Rellik goes to work right away with forarms to the side of the head of Bobby Lashley. Rellik goes off the ropes only to be knocked down with a shoulder block from Lashley. Rellik has a look of concern on his face now knowing the power Lashley is capable of. Rellik and Lashley tie-up in the middle of the ring and Lashley powers Rellik into the corner. Ref attempts to pull Lashley out of the corner but Lashley gets a cheap shot on Rellik to gain the advantage. Rellik reverses an irish whip attempt by Lashley but when Lashley hits the turnbuckle he explodes with a huge clothesline and goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Lashley raises Rellik and stays on the offense with a scoop slam and elbow drops and attempts another cover and gets another 2 count. Lashley then lifts Rellik and shoots him off the ropes trying for a back body drop but Rellik counters with a kick to the chest of Lashley. Rellik then goes for a spinning clothesline and connects but Lashley has the awarness to roll out of the ring.

J.R: King, look.

J.L: What the hell is Umaga doing here on Implosion? He belongs to Inferno.

As the referee is counting out Lashley, Umaga runs in and delivers the Samoan Spike, leaves the ring, and begins to walk up the ramp way. Lashley goes back in the ring and connects with the Dominater to get the 3 count.

L.G: Here is your winner, Bobby Lashley (6:21)

J.R. What the hell was that all about?

J.L: I do not know but I hope we get some answers soon.

J.R: Well bottom line Rellik just got screwed out of this match and I am sure he will be looking for his revenge on Umaga.

-MVP backstage promo-

MVP: Tonight its every man for himself....and that is just how MVP likes it. Why u ask.....its because there is not a man on this planet who can stand up and match pure talent with the MVP. Tonight I WILL walk out with the HCW Title around my waist.

JR: Back from commercial with the very first edition of Hardcore championship wrestling

King: Yeah thats right JR. Those singles matches were intense. But now we have another great match between CM Punk, John Morrison and Kurt Angle.

JR: That's right King time for the match.

CM Punk vs Kurt Angle vs John Morrison

All the superstars make there way to the ring as they stare at the Inferno title glaring throughout the ring.

Morrison and Angle both talk together after the bell was rang. CM Punk looks around and runs at them but he ducks their double clothesline attempt. Punk springboards and hits a flying double clothesline. CM Punk looks fired up as he pulls up Kurt Angle and gives him an irish whip towards the turnbuckle and goes for his signature double knee but Kurt moves and CM Punk seems to somehow leapfrog over the steel post and onto the steel steps. Kurt doesn't look where CM Punk is as Angle goes to work on Morrison. Angle hits a belly to belly on Morrison before noticing Punk on the steps. Punk jumps to the top turnbuckle and hits Angle with a missiledropkick and makes the cover 1...2.. Kickout by Angle. CM Punk then gets hit with a springboard enzuiguri to the head from Morrison. Morrison poses for abit before being given a german suplex from the now standing Kurt Angle. Kurt attacks Morrison stomping him down then locking in the angle lock on Morrison. Morrison screams out in pain as Angle wrenches the hold as Morrison screams again and he tries to kick Angle off. Angle holds on and Morrison is about to submit when Punk saving his title oppurtunity gives Angle a knee to the head. Angle goes down like a bag of bricks to the ground. Punk lifts up Morrison who can hardly stand on his left ankle and gives him an Irish whip to the turnbuckle but Morrison collapses on the way to the turnbuckle. Punk then tries to Irish whip Angle to the turnbuckle but Angle reverses into an Irish whip into the turnbuckle but Punk grabs the ropes and springs up and hits a hurracarana onto Angle. Morrison starts to limp to Punk and tries to kick Punk in the mid section with the injured foot. Punks grabs the leg and Morrison jumps up and hits a step up enzuiguri on Punk. All superstars are down and the referee starts the count. At 5 all superstars start to get up and Angle is first to get to his feet. He punches Punk in the gut but Punk retaliates with a european uppercut. Angle goes back where Morrison gives him a hard right hook to the cheek. Punk then gives him a knee to the head while Morrison gives Angle an Irish whip into the turnbuckle. Punk goes back to the opposite turnbuckle and starts to run at Angle. Morrison moves in front of Punk who is going full steam ahead and Morrison gives him a back body drop onto Angle and the turnbuckle. They both fall to the ground. Morrison hops out onto the apron and springboards with a legdrop onto the heads of both Punk and Angle. Morrison rolls Angle off of Punk and makes the pin 1..2.. kickout by angle at about 2 7/8. Morrison argues with the referee, before stomping on Punk and then Angle. Morrison Springboards and hits a body press onto Punk and then does the same to Angle but this time Angle moves and Morrison hits the mat and Angle trips the referee while he rolls over. The referee goes down so there is no count. The crowd starts to will CM Punk on by chanting CM Punk. Punk starts to get up as does Angle but Morrison stays down for another minute or two. Angle gives Punk a left hand to the cheek. Punk retaliates with a kick to the rib. Angle goes down to one knee but comes up and gives him a closed hand uppercut to the jaw. Punk goes back against the ropes, Morrison comes to the back of Angle and hits a dropkick to the back of Angle before clotheslining Punk over the top rope. Morrison the climbs to the top ropes and hits a corkscrew moonsault into a pin 1...2...3

Winner: John Morrison.

Morrison celebrates with the title as we go to a commercial.

Commercial Break

Maria: John you just won the inferno title, how do you feel.

John Morrison: How do you think I feel I just went through a hellacious match up with Kurt Angle and the so called straight edged superstar, CM Punk. What the hell kind of name is that. I nearly got my ankle snapped by Kurt Angle.

Maria: But you still won the title right.

John: Of course I just won the title, Would I have this title over my shoulder if I just didn't win the title. Now get lost Maria I have to go celebrate with by women Melina.

Maria scurries away as Melina comes into view and they share a passionate kiss as we go back to King and JR

King: Okay I don't know what to make of that but anyway let's get straight on to our next match. Motor city machine guns vs Edge and Christain for the HCW tag titles

JR: Let's get into it right now.

The MCMG vs E&C
The superstars all make their way to the ring with Edge and Christain using their old theme

Chris Sabin and Edge start out the match. Chris Sabin comes off the ropes and goes for a clothesline on Edge but Edge ducks and Sabin again comes off the ropes and this times misses a dropkick fwhen Edge moves. Edge laughs before pulling Sabin to his feet and coming off the ropes and going to hit a clothesline but Sabin goes over and tags in Alex Shelly who comes in over the top rope and hits a dropkick on Edge. Shelley is really hyped and he lifts Edge up and pulls him over to the corner and tags in Sabin and he springboards and hits a seated senton on Edge. Edge goes down while Christain comes in and attacks Sabin. Shelley comes in and hits a missile dropkick from the top rope on Christain knocking him out of the ring Shelley goes back to the corner while Edge starts laying punhes on Sabin. Edge Irish whips Sabin into the corner and comes in and hits a spear into the turnbuckle. Sabin comes out of the turnbuckle in pain trying to tag in Shelley who stretches for the tag. Edge waits for Sabin to get close to Shelley before stomping hard on him. Sabin stops crawling, and lays flat on the ground. Edge drags him back over near Christain and tags Christain in and Christain stomps on Sabin and stares at Shelley menacingly. Shelley goes to get into the ring but the referee stops him. Christain laughs as he lifts up Sabin and irish whips him into the corner. Christain runs in and goes to hit a spear into the turnbuckle but Sabin seemingly falls to the side so Christain's shoulder hits the turnbuckle. Sabin springs back to his feet and hits a german suplex onto Christain before crawling to try and tag in a fired up Alex Shelley. He makes the tag as does Christain to Edge. Shelley comes in with a springboard dropkick and hits it on Edge. Shelley comes off the ropes and gets a drop toe hold from Christain. Edge gets up and hits a clothesline on Sabin who came in to try and help Shelley. Christain Irish whips Shelley to the ropes and hits a back body drop on Shelley. Christain stomps on Shelley before climbing to the top rope. He jumps of and hits a flying elbow onto Shelley and pins 1...2... Kickout by Alex Shelley. Shelley tries to make the tag to Sabin but Christain stops him. Shelley stands up and hits an enzuiguri. He tries to make the tag to Sabin but Edge pulls Sabin down. Christain gets up and lifts up Shelley but suddenly Team 3d's music hits as replays of the TLC matches start to play. With Christain distracted Shelley rolls him up 1...2...3

Winners The MCMG

The new tag champs celebrate as we go backstage with Matt Hardy speaking.

Matt Hardy: Tonight is the battle royale for the HCW championship. I will win the title and become the first HCW world title holder. This will be history in the making as I will ecome the world champion.

The screen fades to black as a promo for Sadistic wrestling alliance plays.

10-Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal for the HCW World Championship: Gregory Helms vs. Marcus Cor Von vs. Elijah Burke vs. Sting vs. MVP vs. Chris Jericho vs. AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Matt Hardy

J.R: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to Tuesday night Implosion. While we were away the 10 competitors in this HCW World Championship match made there entrances during the commercial break and we are now ready for the bell to sound and have Lillian Garcia explain the way this match is going to work.

L.G: The following contest is a 10-Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal and it is for the HCW World Title. Now in this match there are no pinfalls, submissions, countouts or disqualifications. A superstar is eliminated when he is thrown over the top rope and both of his feet hit the floor. The match will continue till only 1 man is left and he will be the HCW World Champion.

Bell sounds and we are under way. Gregory Helms and Marcus Cor Von go at it right off the bat as all of the 8 other competitors stand there ground and watch Cor Von and Helms slug it out. After a few minutes of tying to gain the advantage over the other. MVP then runs over and eliminates both Cor Von and Helms and both look pissed at each other on the outside.

Gregory Helms and Marcus Cor Von have been eliminated at 3:00

AJ Styles then attacks MVP from behind and then all the competitors begin battleing it out with each other. Sting and Chris Jericho team up and attempt and elimination on Randy Orton but are unsuccessful after Randy rolled back in the ring after getting him down to the apron of the ring. On the other side of the ring Elijah Burke has Matt Hardy reeling in the corner and lowers his knee pads for the Elijah Express......he misses and is thrown out by Mr. Kennedy who was standing in the corner picking his spots.

Elijah Burke is eliminated at 8:19

After eliminating Elijah Burke, Mr. Kennedy goes to work on a beaten up Matt Hardy. Sting is attempting an elimination on Chris Jericho only to be attacked by AJ Styles. AJ Styles then attempts and elimination on Jericho and gets some help from Sting. AJ and Sting are able to get Jericho to the apron and they think that they have eliminated him but Jericho is able to get up. MVP then runs at Jericho trying to eliminate him but is unsuccessful. MVP is now lying on the apron, he gets up, and his upper body is hanging over the top rope. Jericho notices this and runs at MVP and hits the Code Breaker and the momentum sends MVP over the ropes and out of the match.

MVP is eliminated at 11:45

As Jericho looks on at his fallen victim AJ Styles misses an attempt at the Pele Kick on Jericho. As those two battle Sting and Mr. Kennedy are on the rope trying to throw each other out. Jericho ,on the other side of the ring, irish whips AJ to the turnbuckle that Kennedy and Sting are on top of and Mr. Kennedy shoves him away. AJ then attempts a Pele Kick on Kennedy but Kennedy moves Sting in the way of the blow and the kick knocks him over the rope.

Sting eliminated at 13:04

Matt Hardy is trying to get Kennedy to go off the rope and to the floor but is unsuccessful so he goes up to the top rope and tries a superplex from the top but Kennedy hits Hardy in the midsection with fist and connects with the Green Bay Plunge on Matt Hardy. Then Mr. Kennedy gets up to throw Hardy out and Randy Orton who was hiding outside the ring comes in and nails the RKO on Kennedy. Randy Orton takes Matt Hardy's lifeless body and throws him over the top rope.

Matt Hardy eliminated at 17:20

Randy Orton,Mr.Kennedy, AJ Styles and Chris Jericho remain. Randy Orton goes after Jericho and Kennedy goes after AJ. Orton makes a quick attempt at the RKO only to be reversed and Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho. AJ has the advantage on Kennedy puts him on the top rope and hits a Pele Kick to try to knock him out but Kennedys foot gets tied up in the ropes so AJ goes over and hits the Pele on Jericho to break up the Walls of Jericho. AJ is the only one standing and decides to go after Jericho. AJ lifts Jericho over the top rope and runs off the rope but Kennedy's foot is stuck in the rope and AJ goes over the lowered rope and is in shock on the outside.

AJ Styles eliminated at 23:30

Orton, Kennedy, and Jericho have a 3-way stare down. Orton and Kennedy both attack Jericho and hit and double clothesline. Orton and Kennedy go for a double suplex and Jericho counters and hits the Code Breaker on Kennedy. Seconds later when Jericho gets up he goes back down after the RKO. Randy Orton then looks around and decides to eliminate Mr. Kennedy. Orton takes Kennedy and puts him over the top rope but Kennedy hangs on so Kennedy hits Orton with a shoulder to the gut and stumbles back into the ring Orton attempts another RKO but Kennedy counters and hits the Steam Roller. Kennedy then runs at Jericho and is thrown over the top on the apron and Jericho hits the triangle drop kick as Kennedy falls to the floor.

Mr. Kennedy eliminated at 31:57

Kennedy then goes and grabs a steel chair out of anger and runs in the ring and hits Jericho on the ropes and then hits Orton out of frustration. After minutes of Orton and Jericho being knocked out Orton gets up first and attempts and RKO but Jericho was playing possum and hangs onto Randy Orton and throws him over throws him over the top rope and we have crowned our first HCW World Champion.

Randy Orton eliminated at 36:20

L.G: Here is your winner and the New HCW World Heavyweight Champion, Y2J...Chris Jericho.

*Crowd Pops huge for Jericho winning the HCW World Title

J.R: Chris Jericho....Chris Jericho.....Chris Jericho did it. Somehow some way Jericho took all that punishment and didnt not stop fighting.

J.L: I cant belive it he did it JR.

J.R: And now Jericho is the new and first ever HCW World Heavyweight Champion.

* Everyone in the crowd, Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler stand and apploud the new NCW World Heavyweight Champion as the debut episode of Implosion goes off the air.

-End of Show-


Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
some of it is sloppy so sry about that i had to use wordpad


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Pretty Good show, but some bad typing errors. Like the one with the inferno title..lol, its the Implosion title.

Also, at the end, it says he won the NCW World Title....lol, but other than that, it was a good show!

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Are you going to review properly wwerko619.

mrcmrc you really need longer matches at least the size of my MCMG vs E&C


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
lol, ok.

BM: 10-Man Battle Royal
WM: n/a
BP: MVP's Backstage promo
WP: Y2J's ( too short lol )
AI: I think the show went very well, and it looks like you guys were organized. It was the debut show, so ofcourse it wont be your best. But just give it another week, and it should really show up. Well, also you guys had 2 days to write it.


Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
yea i know the single matches were short but with the little time i had i tried to focus on the battle royal more than anything but once i get about 4 to 5 days then ill be able to extend my matches more


Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
now thursday night inferno is next


Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
awesome.......well i have to be up for school in 3 hours so im going to try to catch some sleep and hopefully ill have some reviews and opinions from others to read tomarrow


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
ok. Im going to create a review for my show later. But i should do the same.

See ya's tomorrow!


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Ya, i would do all of that after Inferno, cuase there is something that happends on Inferno.


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Written By: mrcmrc & GardsJr


Opening Video and Music play for the debut episode of Implosion
J.R: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the debut epiosde of the HCW brings to you the brand of Implosion.
J.L. Oh my gosh JR this crowd is going nuts and so and I so lets get this show on the road.

Abyss vs. Big Daddy V

*The music of Abyss hits the arena *Crowd cheers
L.G: The following contest is set for 1 fall. Making his way to the ring, Standing 6’8’’ tall, weighing 340 pounds, “The Monster” Abyss *Crowd cheers.
J.R: “Well its not very often Abyss is at a weight disadvantage, but tonight that is the case.”
J.L: “That’s right, 140 pound to be exact J.R.”
*The music of Big Daddy V hits the arena *Crowd Boos
L.G: And his opponent, weighing in at 480 pounds, Big Daddy V.
The bell sound as we are underway with a stare down between the two monsters. BDV backs Abyss into the corner and hits a knee to the gut. Irish whip from BDV, who collides with Abyss when he attempts a shoulder block. Abyss then makes his attempts at shoulder blocks only moving to a stale mate. Abyss with a kick to the gut and attempts the Shock Treatment but he cant lift BDV, BDV the spends the next couple of minutes working on the lower back of Abyss. BDV then attempts a big splash but Abyss is able to avoid it. Abyss then goes to work with right hands on BDV. Abyss then goes off the ropes and hit’s a clothesline, then another, then another, on his next attempt BDV counters and hit’s the Samoan Drop…Cover…1...2.…No. BDV sends Abyss into the turnbuckle and hit’s a splash in the corner….Cover…..1.…2...No. BDV showing signs of frustration. BDV attempts to Irish whip Abyss only to be countered and somehow Abyss is barely able to lift BDV and hit the Black Hole Slam…Cover..1...2...3!!!!! And its over.
L.G: Here is your winner, “The Monster” Abyss (7:17)
J.R: “Good lord what a war of monsters we just witnessed.”
J.L. “And the night is just getting started JR.”

-Backstage Promo from Chris Jericho-

-Jericho stares at the close-up camera with great intensity-

Jericho: Tonight, I'm walking out HCW World Champion

Bobby Lashley vs. Rellik

*The music of Bobby Lashley hits *Crowd Boos

L.G: ''The following contest is set for 1 fall. Making his way to the ring from Colorado Springs,CO, weighing 295 pounds, Bobby Lashley.''

J.R: Noone has been more impressed with Bobby Lashley than me, but his attitude as of late is the only thing that I have not been impressed with.''

J.L: There is no doubt that he has changed and maybe its not for the better and we are going to find out tonight what he is really made of right here tonight.''

*The music of Rellik hits as he comes out to a mixed reaction standing on the rampway and then makes a beline for Bobby Lashley in the ring and here we go.

Rellik goes to work right away with forarms to the side of the head of Bobby Lashley. Rellik goes off the ropes only to be knocked down with a shoulder block from Lashley. Rellik has a look of concern on his face now knowing the power Lashley is capable of. Rellik and Lashley tie-up in the middle of the ring and Lashley powers Rellik into the corner. Ref attempts to pull Lashley out of the corner but Lashley gets a cheap shot on Rellik to gain the advantage. Rellik reverses an irish whip attempt by Lashley but when Lashley hits the turnbuckle he explodes with a huge clothesline and goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Lashley raises Rellik and stays on the offense with a scoop slam and elbow drops and attempts another cover and gets another 2 count. Lashley then lifts Rellik and shoots him off the ropes trying for a back body drop but Rellik counters with a kick to the chest of Lashley. Rellik then goes for a spinning clothesline and connects but Lashley has the awarness to roll out of the ring.

J.R: King, look.

J.L: What the hell is Umaga doing here on Implosion? He belongs to Inferno.

As the referee is counting out Lashley, Umaga runs in and delivers the Samoan Spike, leaves the ring, and begins to walk up the ramp way. Lashley goes back in the ring and connects with the Dominater to get the 3 count.

L.G: Here is your winner, Bobby Lashley (6:21)

J.R. What the hell was that all about?

J.L: I do not know but I hope we get some answers soon.

J.R: Well bottom line Rellik just got screwed out of this match and I am sure he will be looking for his revenge on Umaga.

-MVP backstage promo-

MVP: Tonight its every man for himself....and that is just how MVP likes it. Why u ask.....its because there is not a man on this planet who can stand up and match pure talent with the MVP. Tonight I WILL walk out with the HCW Title around my waist.

JR: Back from commercial with the very first edition of Hardcore championship wrestling

King: Yeah thats right JR. Those singles matches were intense. But now we have another great match between CM Punk, John Morrison and Kurt Angle.

JR: That's right King time for the match.

CM Punk vs Kurt Angle vs John Morrison

All the superstars make there way to the ring as they stare at the Inferno title glaring throughout the ring.

Morrison and Angle both talk together after the bell was rang. CM Punk looks around and runs at them but he ducks their double clothesline attempt. Punk springboards and hits a flying double clothesline. CM Punk looks fired up as he pulls up Kurt Angle and gives him an irish whip towards the turnbuckle and goes for his signature double knee but Kurt moves and CM Punk seems to somehow leapfrog over the steel post and onto the steel steps. Kurt doesn't look where CM Punk is as Angle goes to work on Morrison. Angle hits a belly to belly on Morrison before noticing Punk on the steps. Punk jumps to the top turnbuckle and hits Angle with a missiledropkick and makes the cover 1...2.. Kickout by Angle. CM Punk then gets hit with a springboard enzuiguri to the head from Morrison. Morrison poses for abit before being given a german suplex from the now standing Kurt Angle. Kurt attacks Morrison stomping him down then locking in the angle lock on Morrison. Morrison screams out in pain as Angle wrenches the hold as Morrison screams again and he tries to kick Angle off. Angle holds on and Morrison is about to submit when Punk saving his title oppurtunity gives Angle a knee to the head. Angle goes down like a bag of bricks to the ground. Punk lifts up Morrison who can hardly stand on his left ankle and gives him an Irish whip to the turnbuckle but Morrison collapses on the way to the turnbuckle. Punk then tries to Irish whip Angle to the turnbuckle but Angle reverses into an Irish whip into the turnbuckle but Punk grabs the ropes and springs up and hits a hurracarana onto Angle. Morrison starts to limp to Punk and tries to kick Punk in the mid section with the injured foot. Punks grabs the leg and Morrison jumps up and hits a step up enzuiguri on Punk. All superstars are down and the referee starts the count. At 5 all superstars start to get up and Angle is first to get to his feet. He punches Punk in the gut but Punk retaliates with a european uppercut. Angle goes back where Morrison gives him a hard right hook to the cheek. Punk then gives him a knee to the head while Morrison gives Angle an Irish whip into the turnbuckle. Punk goes back to the opposite turnbuckle and starts to run at Angle. Morrison moves in front of Punk who is going full steam ahead and Morrison gives him a back body drop onto Angle and the turnbuckle. They both fall to the ground. Morrison hops out onto the apron and springboards with a legdrop onto the heads of both Punk and Angle. Morrison rolls Angle off of Punk and makes the pin 1..2.. kickout by angle at about 2 7/8. Morrison argues with the referee, before stomping on Punk and then Angle. Morrison Springboards and hits a body press onto Punk and then does the same to Angle but this time Angle moves and Morrison hits the mat and Angle trips the referee while he rolls over. The referee goes down so there is no count. The crowd starts to will CM Punk on by chanting CM Punk. Punk starts to get up as does Angle but Morrison stays down for another minute or two. Angle gives Punk a left hand to the cheek. Punk retaliates with a kick to the rib. Angle goes down to one knee but comes up and gives him a closed hand uppercut to the jaw. Punk goes back against the ropes, Morrison comes to the back of Angle and hits a dropkick to the back of Angle before clotheslining Punk over the top rope. Morrison the climbs to the top ropes and hits a corkscrew moonsault into a pin 1...2...3

Winner: John Morrison.

Morrison celebrates with the title as we go to a commercial.

Commercial Break

Maria: John you just won the inferno title, how do you feel.

John Morrison: How do you think I feel I just went through a hellacious match up with Kurt Angle and the so called straight edged superstar, CM Punk. What the hell kind of name is that. I nearly got my ankle snapped by Kurt Angle.

Maria: But you still won the title right.

John: Of course I just won the title, Would I have this title over my shoulder if I just didn't win the title. Now get lost Maria I have to go celebrate with by women Melina.

Maria scurries away as Melina comes into view and they share a passionate kiss as we go back to King and JR

King: Okay I don't know what to make of that but anyway let's get straight on to our next match. Motor city machine guns vs Edge and Christain for the HCW tag titles

JR: Let's get into it right now.

The MCMG vs E&C
The superstars all make their way to the ring with Edge and Christain using their old theme

Chris Sabin and Edge start out the match. Chris Sabin comes off the ropes and goes for a clothesline on Edge but Edge ducks and Sabin again comes off the ropes and this times misses a dropkick fwhen Edge moves. Edge laughs before pulling Sabin to his feet and coming off the ropes and going to hit a clothesline but Sabin goes over and tags in Alex Shelly who comes in over the top rope and hits a dropkick on Edge. Shelley is really hyped and he lifts Edge up and pulls him over to the corner and tags in Sabin and he springboards and hits a seated senton on Edge. Edge goes down while Christain comes in and attacks Sabin. Shelley comes in and hits a missile dropkick from the top rope on Christain knocking him out of the ring Shelley goes back to the corner while Edge starts laying punhes on Sabin. Edge Irish whips Sabin into the corner and comes in and hits a spear into the turnbuckle. Sabin comes out of the turnbuckle in pain trying to tag in Shelley who stretches for the tag. Edge waits for Sabin to get close to Shelley before stomping hard on him. Sabin stops crawling, and lays flat on the ground. Edge drags him back over near Christain and tags Christain in and Christain stomps on Sabin and stares at Shelley menacingly. Shelley goes to get into the ring but the referee stops him. Christain laughs as he lifts up Sabin and irish whips him into the corner. Christain runs in and goes to hit a spear into the turnbuckle but Sabin seemingly falls to the side so Christain's shoulder hits the turnbuckle. Sabin springs back to his feet and hits a german suplex onto Christain before crawling to try and tag in a fired up Alex Shelley. He makes the tag as does Christain to Edge. Shelley comes in with a springboard dropkick and hits it on Edge. Shelley comes off the ropes and gets a drop toe hold from Christain. Edge gets up and hits a clothesline on Sabin who came in to try and help Shelley. Christain Irish whips Shelley to the ropes and hits a back body drop on Shelley. Christain stomps on Shelley before climbing to the top rope. He jumps of and hits a flying elbow onto Shelley and pins 1...2... Kickout by Alex Shelley. Shelley tries to make the tag to Sabin but Christain stops him. Shelley stands up and hits an enzuiguri. He tries to make the tag to Sabin but Edge pulls Sabin down. Christain gets up and lifts up Shelley but suddenly Team 3d's music hits as replays of the TLC matches start to play. With Christain distracted Shelley rolls him up 1...2...3

Winners The MCMG

The new tag champs celebrate as we go backstage with Matt Hardy speaking.

Matt Hardy: Tonight is the battle royale for the HCW championship. I will win the title and become the first HCW world title holder. This will be history in the making as I will ecome the world champion.

The screen fades to black as a promo for Sadistic wrestling alliance plays.

10-Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal for the HCW World Championship: Gregory Helms vs. Marcus Cor Von vs. Elijah Burke vs. Sting vs. MVP vs. Chris Jericho vs. AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Matt Hardy

J.R: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to Tuesday night Implosion. While we were away the 10 competitors in this HCW World Championship match made there entrances during the commercial break and we are now ready for the bell to sound and have Lillian Garcia explain the way this match is going to work.

L.G: The following contest is a 10-Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal and it is for the HCW World Title. Now in this match there are no pinfalls, submissions, countouts or disqualifications. A superstar is eliminated when he is thrown over the top rope and both of his feet hit the floor. The match will continue till only 1 man is left and he will be the HCW World Champion.

Bell sounds and we are under way. Gregory Helms and Marcus Cor Von go at it right off the bat as all of the 8 other competitors stand there ground and watch Cor Von and Helms slug it out. After a few minutes of tying to gain the advantage over the other. MVP then runs over and eliminates both Cor Von and Helms and both look pissed at each other on the outside.

Gregory Helms and Marcus Cor Von have been eliminated at 3:00

AJ Styles then attacks MVP from behind and then all the competitors begin battleing it out with each other. Sting and Chris Jericho team up and attempt and elimination on Randy Orton but are unsuccessful after Randy rolled back in the ring after getting him down to the apron of the ring. On the other side of the ring Elijah Burke has Matt Hardy reeling in the corner and lowers his knee pads for the Elijah Express......he misses and is thrown out by Mr. Kennedy who was standing in the corner picking his spots.

Elijah Burke is eliminated at 8:19

After eliminating Elijah Burke, Mr. Kennedy goes to work on a beaten up Matt Hardy. Sting is attempting an elimination on Chris Jericho only to be attacked by AJ Styles. AJ Styles then attempts and elimination on Jericho and gets some help from Sting. AJ and Sting are able to get Jericho to the apron and they think that they have eliminated him but Jericho is able to get up. MVP then runs at Jericho trying to eliminate him but is unsuccessful. MVP is now lying on the apron, he gets up, and his upper body is hanging over the top rope. Jericho notices this and runs at MVP and hits the Code Breaker and the momentum sends MVP over the ropes and out of the match.

MVP is eliminated at 11:45

As Jericho looks on at his fallen victim AJ Styles misses an attempt at the Pele Kick on Jericho. As those two battle Sting and Mr. Kennedy are on the rope trying to throw each other out. Jericho ,on the other side of the ring, irish whips AJ to the turnbuckle that Kennedy and Sting are on top of and Mr. Kennedy shoves him away. AJ then attempts a Pele Kick on Kennedy but Kennedy moves Sting in the way of the blow and the kick knocks him over the rope.

Sting eliminated at 13:04

Matt Hardy is trying to get Kennedy to go off the rope and to the floor but is unsuccessful so he goes up to the top rope and tries a superplex from the top but Kennedy hits Hardy in the midsection with fist and connects with the Green Bay Plunge on Matt Hardy. Then Mr. Kennedy gets up to throw Hardy out and Randy Orton who was hiding outside the ring comes in and nails the RKO on Kennedy. Randy Orton takes Matt Hardy's lifeless body and throws him over the top rope.

Matt Hardy eliminated at 17:20

Randy Orton,Mr.Kennedy, AJ Styles and Chris Jericho remain. Randy Orton goes after Jericho and Kennedy goes after AJ. Orton makes a quick attempt at the RKO only to be reversed and Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho. AJ has the advantage on Kennedy puts him on the top rope and hits a Pele Kick to try to knock him out but Kennedys foot gets tied up in the ropes so AJ goes over and hits the Pele on Jericho to break up the Walls of Jericho. AJ is the only one standing and decides to go after Jericho. AJ lifts Jericho over the top rope and runs off the rope but Kennedy's foot is stuck in the rope and AJ goes over the lowered rope and is in shock on the outside.

AJ Styles eliminated at 23:30

Orton, Kennedy, and Jericho have a 3-way stare down. Orton and Kennedy both attack Jericho and hit and double clothesline. Orton and Kennedy go for a double suplex and Jericho counters and hits the Code Breaker on Kennedy. Seconds later when Jericho gets up he goes back down after the RKO. Randy Orton then looks around and decides to eliminate Mr. Kennedy. Orton takes Kennedy and puts him over the top rope but Kennedy hangs on so Kennedy hits Orton with a shoulder to the gut and stumbles back into the ring Orton attempts another RKO but Kennedy counters and hits the Steam Roller. Kennedy then runs at Jericho and is thrown over the top on the apron and Jericho hits the triangle drop kick as Kennedy falls to the floor.

Mr. Kennedy eliminated at 31:57

Kennedy then goes and grabs a steel chair out of anger and runs in the ring and hits Jericho on the ropes and then hits Orton out of frustration. After minutes of Orton and Jericho being knocked out Orton gets up first and attempts and RKO but Jericho was playing possum and hangs onto Randy Orton and throws him over throws him over the top rope and we have crowned our first HCW World Champion.

Randy Orton eliminated at 36:20

L.G: Here is your winner and the New HCW World Heavyweight Champion, Y2J...Chris Jericho.

*Crowd Pops huge for Jericho winning the HCW World Title

J.R: Chris Jericho....Chris Jericho.....Chris Jericho did it. Somehow some way Jericho took all that punishment and didnt not stop fighting.

J.L: I cant belive it he did it JR.

J.R: And now Jericho is the new and first ever HCW World Heavyweight Champion.

* Everyone in the crowd, Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler stand and apploud the new NCW World Heavyweight Champion as the debut episode of Implosion goes off the air.

-End of Show-

I posted this again, cause people cant find the show.