Have any of you ever had the chance to personally meet a WWE wrestler?

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Have any of you ever had the chance to personally meet a WWE wrestler?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 12.5%

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I lost it. I'm InSaNe!
Apr 16, 2014
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A few times. But they'd have to be in San Jose, California to make that happen. The first time I was close to the area where Austin fainted during a dark match after the shovel hit by Undertaker. That was the closest I got to meet my favorite wrestler. I would've loved to meet him and at least talk to him. Big Show before Summerslam, I believe. I was very close to meeting The Rock at Summerslam, if only I had been there at the same time he came down. My seat was close to the area where The Rock arrived at Summerslam. This is the Summerslam that Austin vs Kurt Angle took place. Those are the closest I got to meet those stars.

On Sunday Night Heat, you could see me on TV, too. :D All that, in the same night.

Patriot Pants

LDW Champion (855+ days)
Jan 23, 2017
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When Smackdown came to Little Rock, Arkansas last year I went with my girlfriend. It was great and literally made my year.

While I didn't get to meet anyone, I did see the likes of Big Show (he's freaking enormous in person), Cesaro, Zack Ryder, Roman Reigns, the Dudleys, New Day, and Dean Ambrose. Also a guy I never heard of who tagged with Ryder. I think he's Meatloaf from Up Up Down Down.

So that was cool

Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
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Three, well two and one kinda.

The kinda was Matt Bloom, I mean, A-Train/Lord Tensai/Prince Albert. His mother was a teacher at my elementary school so one day he came and talked to some of the classes in the auditorium for some reason about his career and afterwards took pictures with the entire class. I didn't start watching wrestling until middle school and the only familiarity I had with the product was from the WrestleMania X8 video game I played with my cousin and information gained through osmosis from my friend who was a wrestling fan so bluntly put, I only cared because it was better than doing work. I was introduced to him as Matt Bloom, only every think about him as Matt Bloom, which means I'm consistently correcting myself in wrestling discourse because not referring to a wrestler by their stage name is a sin even when they've branded themselves under multiple names throughout their career. Anyway, I didn't actually interact with him from memory but I think it's an interesting connection to a wrestler I actually don't like very much.

Now about wrestlers I really like, I met Booker T & Tommy Dreamer. They were both at a Big Time Wrestling event I attended with a friend and I meet them during the autograph/picture segment prior to the show. I didn't bring enough money to get a Tommy Dreamer autograph but I did shake his hand and talk with him briefly, cool dude.

Booker T on the other hand was awesome, he signed my duck.


The Artiste
Oct 25, 2016
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London, United Kingdom
Ive been lucky to meet a few WWE wrestlers. Back in 2002, at an autograph signing event in London, i got autographs from Edge, Kurt Angle, Rikishi, and Rey Mysterio. Before the event, i knew i would have limited time with each guy, so i planned everything in advance.

There were only about a hundred people in the queue. I'm glad there weren't more, because i was able to have a very brief conversation with all the guys. They were all very friendly. I had the time to take photos with all of them. I got the feeling that they really appreciated their fans.

I was able to have a laugh with Edge. With Edge, i jokingly asked him 'where's Christian?', and he replied with 'he's at home sulking because he couldn't beat me at Mario Kart last night'. It was great to know he was a funny guy in real life too. With Rikishi, i told him how much i appreciated his involvement in the 'Who ran over Austin?' storyline, and how it was my favourite wrestling storyline of all time. FYI, its still my favourite storyline to this day. He said he appreciated it, and said that was the first time a fan had mentioned the storyline to him. Kurt Angle was wearing his gold medal around his neck. So instead of asking him 'who's the best guy you've been in the ring with?' i asked him if i could see his medal more closely. He said it was ok, so he held up the medal, and i leaned in more closely. It was very nice. By the time i got to Mysterio, the security guards were rushing me, so instead of asking him 'What was it like when you made your WWE debut?', i asked him if he could write me a quick message. He wrote 'From your friend Rey. Stay cool forever.' I thought it was a nice touch to call me his friend.

It was one of the best days of my life. To have been able to get up close and personal with the guys is something i will never forget. They could have been assholes and told me to hurry up, but they didn't. People always say don't meet your favourite celebrities, because more often than not, they're rude and nothing like they are on tv. But they were very friendly and professional. They were great guys.
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