Grim Watches NWA Powerrr and Other Shows (So You Don't Have To)

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Mar 7, 2019
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NWA Powerrr (October 15, 2024)
S20E3: “NWA 76: Part III”

Oh goodie goodie gumdrops, another episode of everyone’s least favorite wrestling promotion. We get Jazz and Simon Diamond kicking things off in the ring. They’re really there to just hype up the crowd. Of course we get more ECW legends, because all the NWA legends are either more known for being a part of WCW or WWE. Nice to see Jazz though, she gets a nice standing ovation. So yeah that’s how we kick off this edition.

Our first match of the evening is for the #1 contender for the Junior Heavyweight Championship, it’s Jack Cartwheel (who allegedly holds a world record for one-handed cartwheels within 30 seconds) facing off against Alex Misery, who seems to have a whole Sabu/Mankind-esque gimmick. Upon looking up who Alex Misery was, I was shocked to find out he is the son of former TNA talent Apolo! @Sky and @Canadian Dragon will know who I’m talking about, but yeah, pretty interesting! Holy crap, I’m surprised, we’re actually getting technical wrestling! We’re… getting good wrestling!? In the National Wrestling Alliance? These two are doing all sorts of flips and techniques, with Cartwheel incorporating cartwheels into his moveset; he manages to pull off a cartwheel into a Japanese armdrag, which is crazy to watch. Then he does a full standing moonsault, and it was actually very impressive!


[Finally, some good fuckin’ wrestling–]

We get a really cool spot with Misery where goes to do a top-rope moonsault to Cartwheel on the outside of the ring, but Cartwheel dives into the ring, and Misery lands on his feet as Cartwheel hits a cartwheel backflip senton over the rope to Misery on the floor. Fucking insane spot. Misery kicks out at one after that, which is wild. The crowd is really into this match, and with good reason, it’s two high fliers and technical guys just hitting big spots. Misery even hits his own standing moonsault on Jack! Misery then starts to strategize and go after Jack’s leg.

We get a commercial break advertising Samhain 2, which is whatever. Afterwards, Alex Misery continues to keep control while Jack Cartwheel tries to mount comeback after comeback. Misery slaps on a figure four leg lock, but Jack rolls over to the ropes. Here comes the babyface comeback by Alex! Another great spot sees Alex Misery go for a roundhouse kick, but Jack Cartwheel hits a cartwheel at the same time and counters with a Flatliner! Cartwheel then hits a neckbreaker on Misery, and then a crucifix pin! Cartwheel starts selling the attack on his leg, including not being able to lift up Misery for a Samoan drop. This gives Misery enough time to re-take control of the match.

Misery goes for a top-rope moonsault, which Cartwheel gets out of the way of. Again, Misery lands on his feet, and it becomes a case of both men trading hard strikes with one another while Jack sells his leg. Jack Cartwheel finally gains the advantage by tying up Misery in the ropes, and he hits a Coup-de-Grace on Misery! Misery still kicks out! Cartwheel starts climbing up the turnbuckle, Misery tries to suplex Jack Cartwheel off, but Jack throws Misery off and hits a corkscrew senton splash! That’s all she wrote for this match! Jack Cartwheel wins! I… liked this match? I liked this match! It was actually a *good* match. My god, the NWA did it, and it only took the third episode of Powerrr to get here.


[This is what good wrestling looks like, folks.]

So after that exciting match, we get a Kenzie Paige interview, which is after her victory over Max the Impaler last week. She’s asked about the Burke Invitational Gauntlet Match. She just takes the time to brag about herself. She also hypes up Kylie Paige. Then we get a promo from a guy named Rolando. I’m not actually sure what he said, but it was something, alright. So now we’re finally on the Burke Invitational Gauntlet, which has the rules as follows:

- Two women begin in the ring.
- A new competitor enters every minute.
- Eliminations occur via pinfall, submission, or over the top rope.
- There must be a winner.

Oh goodie, it’s one of those matches where I have to keep track of who comes and who goes. Great; see shit like this is primarily why I do dislike reviewing Pay-Per-Views like the Royal Rumble, largely because I just can't stand having to keep track of everything. Nevertheless, I’ll try my best.

Our first competitor is Ruthie Jay, and our second is Kylie Paige, so yeah, we’re already just starting off the storyline for this, with Pretty Empowered wanting to win this gauntlet so they can hold all the gold. We get a lock-up, with Jay controlling things first over Kylie. Already, we get Competitor 3: Lili Pescadita. I have no clue who she is, so she better impress me. Lili goes after Kylie first, allowing Jay to catch her breath before attacking Lili. Very quickly, we’re onto Competitor 4: Big Mama. Alright then. Lili tries to hit a reverse Death Valley Driver on Jay, who lands on her feet before Big Mama gets in the ring and just wrecks shit. Just before our next competitor is introduced, Ruthie Jay gets pinned by Big Mama. Elimination 1: Ruthie Jay

Competitor 5: Haley J
, apparently this is her debut in the NWA, so uh, that’s not a good sign of things to come. She gets in the ring and immediately gets bodied by Big Mama. Haley convinces everyone to attack Big Mama and eliminate her by throwing Mama over the top rope, again just as the next competitor is being introduced. Elimination 2: Big Mama. Competitor 6: La Rosa Negra. Hey, someone I’ve heard of! She gets into the ring and starts kicking ass, going after Lili. She then hits a Death Valley Driver to Kylie onto Lili. Competitor 7: Natalia Markova hits the ring now, and she’s probably my favorite right now. Markova hits a head scissors to Rosa, throws Kylie into Rosa, and hits a roundhouse kick onto both of them.

So far this match isn’t actually going bad, it’s just chaos. Competitor 8: Tiffany Nieves comes out, and it’s another wrestler I’ve heard of! She’s probably the best dressed out of all of them, sartorially resplendent in blue and silver ring gear. She makes her way down slowly to the ring, taking her time. Markova throws Lili over the ropes, so now she’s gone. Elimination 3: Lili Pescadita. Rosa Negra and Tiffany fight on the apron but Tiffany doesn’t get thrown out. Competitor 9: Mystii Marks comes on out, and the ring is filling up pretty fast here. I’m actually not sure how many women are gonna be in this match, but we’ll find out! Marks hits a nice hip-toss on Tiffany.

Marks slams down Rosa Negra, and then slams Tiffany onto Rosa just as Competitor 10: Kayla Rossi comes out. Kylie Paige hits a German suplex on Haley J when Kayla Rossi rolls into the ring and lariats Kylie. She comes in as a dominant force and largely focuses her wrath on Kylie. Heck, Rossi hits a standing moonsault on Kylie too. It’s a minute in and I already like Rossi! Our next competitor comes out, Competitor 11: Adrianna Mosley. It’s her hometown, and she gets the pop for it. Rossi and Mosley fight in the ring, meanwhile we have a brawl on the outside as Haley J and Tiffany Nieves are going at one another; neither have been eliminated yet. Mosley hits a Fallaway Slam to both Markova and Rosa Negra, then a DDT on Kayla Rossi.


[A sign of things to come.]

Competitor 12: Kelly Madan
heads on down to the growing pile of women, going right after Kylie Paige first. There’s a lot of women in this ring right now, but that’s about to change, because Madan and Mystii Marks get thrown onto the apron by Kayla Rossi, who then clotheslines both of them out! Elimination 4 & 5: Mystii Marks & Kelly Madan. Suddenly, Kylie Paige rolls up Kayla Rossi and she’s eliminated now! Elimination 6: Kayla Rossi. Everything is going on, and it’s time for Competitor 13: Santana Garrett is out here! Hey hey hey, Santana’s here, and she’s arguably the best wrestler in the match! Haley J goes for a dive but Tiffany Nieves hits a spinebuster on her, and then forces a submission on Haley for the elimination. Elimination 7: Haley J. Adrianna Mosley manages to get Santana Garrett on the apron, but suffers from One Man Gang syndrome and runs herself over the top rope. Elimination 8: Adrianna Mosley. Kylie Paige manages to hit a big move on Natalia Markova, but Tiffany Nieves prevents the pin. La Rosa Negra and Santana Garrett are fighting on the outside, but Santana manages to throw Rosa to the floor for the elimination! Elimination 9: La Rosa Negra.

We’re down to our final four here: Kylie Paige, Natalia Markova, Tiffany Nieves, and Santana Garrett! Natalia slams down Tiffany and goes for a pin, but Tiffany kicks out, meanwhile Santana, still on the apron, is fighting with Kylie Paige. Paige kicks Santana, who ends up doing the splits, before Kylie hits a dropkick on her and Santana gets eliminated! Elimination 10: Santana Garrett. Markova tries to eliminate Kylie Paige, but it doesn’t work. Tiffany Nieves brings a chair into the ring! Finally, Markova eliminates Kylie Paige, and we’re down to our final two! Elimination 11: Kylie Paige. It’s Natalia Markova and Tiffany Nieves, but as soon as Markova turns around, Tiffany hits a chair shot to the head! Tiffany goes for a pin, but Markova kicks out! Tiffany grabs a kendo stick, and she goes to town on Markova. They’re actually nasty looking shots, and then Tiffany starts choking Markova with it.


[A chairshot to the head in 2024, who’da thunk it.]

Markova on the outside finds her own Kendo stick and now these two are just swinging for the fences on each other. Nieves maintains the advantage and tries to choke out Markova with the stick. Then Tiffany attempts a suplex on Natalia, but Markova reverses it with her own onto the concrete floor. These two girls are just beating each other up. Markova goes for a pin, but Nieves kicks out, and she hits Markova with a headbutt and spear combo! Markova still kicks out! Tiffany Nieves pulls out a table (because of course there’d be tables in Philadelphia). Billy Corgan on commentary quips, “Why am I having anxiety about thoughts of fire in this building?”, he’s referencing ECW’s flaming table shticks. Nieves sets up the table, then slaps Markova in the face. Tiffany Nieves goes to try for a superplex onto the table, but Markova hits an Uranage onto the table, and that’s it for this match! Elimination 12: Tiffany Nieves. That was actually an unbelievably fun match, all things considered. I will say this about the National Wrestling Alliance, there’s actually an abundance of talent in the women’s division that I hope to see more of, specifically: Santana Garrett, Kylie Paige, Kayla Rossi, Natalia Markova, and Tiffany Nieves!

I was actually surprised to see that NWA Powerrr would have a genuinely good episode this early. Cartwheel vs. Alex Misery is genuinely a good wrestling match and the Mildred Burke Gauntlet was a bit chaotic but had some fun moves in it and a very good finish. I can’t believe I’m actually about to say this, but you should definitely check out this episode of NWA Powerrr. MUST-SEE
Jack Cartwheel d. Alex Misery***1/2
Natalia Markova Wins Burke Invitational Gauntlet**3/4


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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I went back to my post about the Devil's Last Dance match to see if I mentioned Alex Misery being Apolo's son.

Commentary tells me Alex Misery is the son of Gran Apolo from old NWA-TNA? News to me, but I think he's more over with me now that I know that.​

Turns out I did, nice
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Ruthie Jay you should have heard of. She had one of the few decent matches at Samhain '23 and she's got a LOOK so if an actual good promotion gives her a shot she can go places
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Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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NWA Powerrr (October 22, 2024)
S20E4: “NWA 76: Part IV”

Sup, chucklefucks? It’s another day of “exciting” action from everyone’s favorite slowly dying company: National Wrestling Alliance! It’s part four of the NWA 76 show, and I have to wonder how much longer we’re going to be going on with this one show, because we already saw the World Heavyweight Championship match and it was garbage. Out of seven matches shown so far, only 2 have actually been something I could consider good! So yeah, not good prospects for this episode.

We got two big matches at the moment tonight, our first match of the night is a four-way tag team match for the NWA United States Tag Team Championships (what a mouthful). It’s The Slime Ballz vs. The Country Gentlemen (managed by Joe Cazana) vs. The Fixers vs. Daisy Kill & Talos (managed by Vampiro). Alright since nobody knows who half these people are, allow me to illuminate you by partaking in their far more popular counterparts. It’s the Nasty Boys vs. The Blackjacks vs. Bam Bam Bigelow & Tatanka vs. Brian Pillman & Diesel. Does that help? Eh, who cares. We kick off the match with Wrecking Ball Legursky and one of the Slime boys. A minute in and the other Slime Ball tries to tag in so they can pull the old New Age Outlaws trick of pinning each other to win the belts. It doesn’t work because this ref is actually smarter than the average ref and it doesn't work like that, fellas. So both men instead try to beat up Legursky, but he overpowers both of them, before taking in his partner, Jay Bradley.

Bradley beats up Rant (which is what one of the Slime guy’s names is). Daisy Kill gets tagged in here, and he’s already like the best worker in the ring at the moment. Rant tags in Sage, and Kill is unphased. Kill actually pulls off a Gory Stretch and he walks around the ring with all the other guys slapping the shit out of Sage, so I’ll take it as a fun spot. In comes Talos, who tries to go for a chokeslam before all hell breaks loose. Funnily enough, the Cowboys are the only guys who don't do anything until they’re tagged in. JC Cazana is in and Talos gets tagged out by Legursky (Talos is selling a leg injury because he collided into the ropes). JC tries to go for a low blow but is caught by Legursky’s knees, who hypes up the crowd with a head butt. Sage is just continually thrown around when he gets tagged in and beaten up real bad. The Fixers attempt to run into Sage on opposite sides to sandwich him, but end up colliding with each other like the big dumb goofs they are. Daisy Kill and Tommy Rant both tag in, and Rant is hot shit for a second. Rant tags Sage in and they both pull off a team cannonball into the corner on Kill.

There’s a lot of action actually happening but funnily enough the Cazanas are barely involved for some reason, they’ve only tagged in like three times the whole match. We get a big brawl on the inside and the ring clears. Legursky actually hits a pretty nice top turnbuckle slide over to the apron and then a leap to Talos on the outside. During all this chaos, the other Cazana was tagged in and attempted to knock out the Slime Ballz while the ref was distracted, but he missed like the clumsy guy he is and almost got pinned for his troubles. There’s a big dog pile on the outside as one of the Slime Ballz is thrown into the crowd of wrestlers, and then the Country Gentlemen decide to cheat with Joe Cazana smacking Sage with the NWA Rulebook he brought with him. Yes, I’m not kidding. So they hit their finisher and I notice, while the pin is going down, Vampiro is having a nice chat with Daisy Kill who seems to be in no hurry whatsoever to break up the pin… Yeesh, the camera was simply in the wrong place for that shot and it made Kill look like an absolute fuckin’ joke. This was a match.


[A spot we’ve seen a thousand times.]

So after that match we get a little man Eric Smalls being asked about taking a punishment or something or another. It was a segment alright, I don’t care about it. After another commercial where we can barely see the product because the light glare is covering the damn thing up (it’s an NWA Lunchbox by the way, which, eugh). So now we get Eric Smalls coming in to get his ass kicked by Rolando, which now I realize what last week’s promo with the guy was about. This full size manager is looking to kick a mini’s ass. So Eric Smalls is like, 4 feet tall? Rolando is about barely a foot taller at 5 feet nothing. There’s a funny moment where Slade, the wrestler accompanying Rolando, shouts out where the mics can catch him, “You’re about to get your balls punched tonight!” I couldn’t help but laugh at that, what a concept. So basically the story is Smalls lost a ladder match against Rolando (because Slade interference) and thus he gets to be punched in the balls. We get five minutes of just stalling, primping, and preening; so Smalls just says “fuck this” and attacks Rolando, before Smalls kicks him in the head. Then out comes this dude Mr. Grim, and Slade gets kicked out of the ring, and Grim beats up Rolando with a Death Valley Driver. So I guess this is a team that’ll be happening.

So after… that– We get a segment with Ella Envy & Samantha Starr. Ella makes fun of the interviewer, and another promo that I just do not care for. She talks shit about her being a 3x Women’s World Champion in the NWA, and I couldn't care less if this is the kind of promo she does consistently. So it’s the main event time, Ella Envy & Samantha Starr: The IT Girls facing off against Charity King & Danni Bee. So as it turns out, Samantha Starr is the daughter of Baby Doll and Sam Houston, which makes Starr a double third generation wrestler, since Baby Doll’s mother, Lorraine Johnson, was a highly appraised wrestler from the Lubbock, Texas territory, and of course Sam Houston’s dad was the evil and disgusting pedophile Grizzly Smith (which also means Starr is Jake Roberts’s niece). So that’s fun.

This match is for the NWA Women’s Tag Team Championships, with Charity & Danni being the de facto faces of the match since the IT Girls are kind of jerks. The rings clear within four minutes and we get a commercial break. We’re back and somehow the IT Girls got back in control and it’s a back and forth match. Samantha Starr has a neck brace on her, but she doesn’t have a neck injury, it’s a gimmick in the vein of Bob Orton’s classic arm cast. So Danni Bee is playing the Ricky Morton role here by getting the shit out of her by the heels until Charity can get tagged in.


[I'll admit it was kind of cool.]

There’s an interesting spot where Samantha Starr uses her legs to smash Danni Bee’s head onto the mat. Eventually we get the comeback and hot tag to Charity, and Ella Envy gets hit with a nice Fisherman Buster and Samoan Drop combo. Envy then hits Danni Bee with a TKO, before it’s a back and forth punch battle with Envy & Charity. Charity tags in Danni Bee who hits an awesome Shining Wizard to Envy. The next thing I know, Samantha Starr throws her neckbrace into the ring, which *somehow* distracts Danni Bee and allows Envy to roll her up for the sudden win? What the fuck? That’s how you choose to finish this match? Oh National Wrestling Alliance, don’t change. Anyways, Envy wins on her birthday, and Samantha Starr & Danni Bee might actually be the only quality talents here, while Envy I feel is a bit overblown. Envy then make the announcer sing happy birthday. This was a wet fart of an episode, and of course the finish was just plain bad. Still though, I’m not gonna say the action in the ring was necessarily bad, it was just completely lacking, especially after last episode was so good. Perhaps my expectations were just a little too high, alas… DISCRETION
Country Gentlemen d. Slime Ballz, The Fixers, & Kill & Talos (c)
[NWA United States Tag Team Championships]
The IT Girls d. Dannie Bee & Charity King (c)
[NWA Women's Tag Team Championships]


Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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NWA Powerrr (October 29, 2024)
S20E5: “NWA 76: Part V”

Hi everyone, it’s National Wrestling Alliance time again, and I haven’t had my coffee yet. This feels like it’s gonna be just another really long and boring episode, but we got three matches to go through in this “exciting” finale to NWA 76. At least I hope it’s the finale. If not, I’m gonna be pissed. So let’s just get into it, our first match of the episode is– What the fuck am I looking at? No, really, what am I looking at? The pre-match overlay has Gaagz the Gymp vs. Lev, and I am just wondering to myself, what kind of fucking name is that? Is Billy Corgan trying to have as offensive a product as possible? It’s a literal gimp versus a blonde Raven wannabe. They better impress the shit out of me because I really don’t know about this. Anyways, Gaagz is better known as Johnny Yuma in various promotions, and Alexander Lev is a protege of the Nightmare Factory, so that’s… hopeful?

Lev starts off by attacking Gaagz and taking over in the early going. I suppose Gaagz is the de facto face here, as Lev is acting like a real asshole in the ring. Lev also attempts to de-mask this Gaagz character throughout the match. About four minutes into the match and I’m already of the determination that Lev has a little bit of potential, which is fitting for somebody who trained under Cody Rhodes. Lev focuses too much on the mask, which allows Gaagz to get back into this match; Gaagz attempts his finisher, but Lev tosses him into the ropes, and Gaagz botches running into them and basically flips upside down between the ropes before thankfully getting caught up in them. It looked pretty ugly.


[Talk about an ugly fall.]

So after that, Lev finally gets the mask off. Gaagz immediately goes underneath the ring, and the ref starts counting him out… that is until Gaagz comes out– with another mask on. He came prepared, I guess. He sneaks up behind Lev and hits the Slop Drop on Lev, and wins. That was a match. Honestly not much to say about that; Lev looks alright, I hate Gaagz’s gimmick, I’m fine with a masked man, but a gimp? Come on, Corgan.

So after that match, we get a promo with Austin Idol’s tag team, Magic Jake and Zyon. Idol calls themselves 3M: “Magic, Mystery, and Mania”. I notice Magic Jake is smoking a fake cigarette. Austin Idol calls Jax Dane & Baron Von Storm a bunch of jabronies and then cracks an innuendo to the interviewer, Maye Valentine. So apparently the theme song to Zyon & Mike is fucking literal static noise. I’m not kidding, it’s fucking white noise (it might actually be black or grey noise, but semantics). Corgan calls it a great theme and jokes about the Spotify numbers for it being crazy. So apparently Tim Storm turned into Baron Von Raschke for reasons? I have no clue why this is happening especially considering I really don’t give a fuck for the lore of Corgan’s TNA. Both Zyon and Mike are tagging each other in back and forth out of fear for Storm. It looks like neither can actually do anything, so Storm tags in Dane, and now we’ll actually get some action.

Jax Dane fucking sucks though, he’s arguably the worst NWA World Champion, even more so than Rob Conway. So anyways he just beats the breaks off of Magic Jake, including a big Belly-to-Belly Suplex and Samoan Drop, so then Jake tags in Zyon. Zyon also gets decimated for his troubles, and Dane tags in Storm. Storm is ready to hit the claw on Zyon, who dives out of the way and tags in Jake, who wants nothing to do with Storm. Dane and Storm combine for 103 years of age; like holy shit these boys are old.


[Always fear the Claw.]

We get back from commercial break where we see Jake and Zyon slam Storm’s hand into the barricade, which will affect his ability to hit the claw. Storm and co. get back into the ring, where Jake is almost hit with the claw, but a distraction by Zyon allows for Jake to low blow Storm; this causes Dane to try and get into the ring, but the ref stops him. The heels now have control of the match, and the story is them working on the arm and hand of Storm. He continues to try and fight back, but Zyon & Jae continue to heelishly deal with him. Jake hits a moonsault on Storm, before going for a pin, but he gets hit with the claw by Storm! Storm nearly gets DQ’d at the ropes, but Dane convinces him to let the claw go. Dane gets tagged in while Storm goes out to hit the claw on Austin Idol. Jax comes in and is a house of fire, but he gets rolled up by Zyon, who was the legal man the entire time, and somehow they won. What the fuck was that finish?

So after that “match”, we get a segment which is a 10-bell salute to all the trailblazers of NWA’s history who had recently passed. On the list is: Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie, Brett & Bart Sawyer, Emile Dupree, Joyce Grable, Absolute Andy, Osamu Kido, Killer Khan, Kurtis Chapman, Francisco Ciatso, Asahi, Ice Train, Anthony Gaines, Virgil, The Mongolian Mauler, Chris Markoff, Yutaka Yoshie, Ole Anderson, Akebono Taro, Billy Reil, Paul “Butcher” Vachon, Villano V, Sika Anoa’i, Silver Cat, Tony Jones, Bad Bones, Pequeno Nitro, James Castle, Afa Anoa’i, Big Cat Henson, Kuniaki Kobayashi, El Signo, Kevin Sullivan, Mosco de la Merced, Sid Eudy, and Liger Rivera. Kind of nice to spend a little bit of time paying tribute to everyone who passed away over the last year.

It’s main event time, Colby Corino vs. Silas Mason, and after all of that crud throughout the episode, I’m actually excited for the prospect of a decent match! Colby starts the match off by attacking Mason before the match starts and then hits a dive on the outside! We’re already brawling on the outside before the match even starts. Colby trips up Mason into the barricade. Colby hits a large senton to the outside to Silas again. Colby flies too close to the sun and tries a third time before being powerbombed into the apron. Silas is in control and finally gets the match started properly by getting in the ring. So now Silas is beating on Colby’s head with clubbing fists. It’s crazy how Colby Corino looks like a spitting image of his dad, just a little smaller. It’s a pretty back and forth match between the two of these guys, and after a little offense by Corino, Mason hits a great tilt-a-whirl backbreaker to get back into it.

Getting back from commercial break sees Silas Mason locking on a Boston Crab on Colby Corino, but Corino counters it and locks on an Indian Deathlock; Mason gets to the rope before Colby can do too much damage. Mason hits a big chest slap that reverberates through the arena, and Colby tries to hit a comeback, but Mason overpowers him. It’s really just hope-spot, power move, hope-spot, power move in this section. It’s simple booking, but hey, it’s decent so far. Corino finally gets some momentum going, and hits a standing forward flip senton, which looked pretty cool. He then goes for a moonsault, but Mason dodges out of the way! Corino lands on his feet and then is flipped into next week by a massive LARIATO!


[A pretty cool sequence.]

Unfortunately for Mason, it only gets him a count of two. Colby Corino refuses to die. Both men get involved in a stand-off where Corino keeps taking chest slaps and getting back up. Corino spits in Silas’s face; Silas, upset by this development, runs at Corino who pulls the top rope and causes Silas to fall to the outside. Corino then goes for a suicide dive onto the outside, but Silas just catches Corino on his shoulders. Corino escapes and then hits a fucking Code Red onto the steel ramp by the entrance-way. Both guys are gonna feel that one in the morning, especially Colby. Both guys crawl back to the ring. As Silas is stepping through the ropes to get back in, Colby hits a flying knee right into Silas’s face, which gives him just enough time to hit a flying press. Silas kicks out at two, and Colby goes for it again, but there’s a series of reversals until Silas hits a massive spinning Bossman Slam, and that’s all she wrote! Silas gets a big win!

That was a solid match for the most part, Colby is definitely one of the better workers in the NWA, and I feel like it’ll be a matter of time before AEW or WWE come knocking for him, hopefully AEW cuz I think he could put on bangers there. So we’re finally finished with the NWA 76 tapings. My thoughts overall? The main event and tag-team scene of the NWA is fucking horrendous. Thom Latimer finally gets his big win, but like the entire scene is just a series of what the fuck names and has-beens. I mean god damn, Trevor Murdoch and Mike Knox in 2024 as your tag team champs? It’s a shame because actually the mid-card and women’s division is a really strong point in my opinion, and the cruiserweight division has promise. I can definitely see some of the people that the NWA are looking to push eventually, like Tiffany Nieves, Kayla Rossi, Haley J, Kerry Morton, Colby Corino, Jack Cartwheel, Alex Misery, Daisy Kill, and Lev. So overall, a pretty boring episode, the main event was pretty solid, but I really wouldn’t recommend watching the episode. SKIP
Gaagz the Gymp d. Lev3/4*
Magic Jake & Zyon w/ Austin Idol d. Jax Dane & Baron Von Storm*
Silas Mason d. Colby Corino**1/4


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Have they indicated what they'll show in episodes after the NWA76 episodes?


Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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Have they indicated what they'll show in episodes after the NWA76 episodes?
They have not, they'll probably announce it in the next few days or classically keep everyone in the dark about it lmao


Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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It's largely gonna be Powerrr TV tapings though, rather than from a special show.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Seems they taped some stuff more recently in Chicago
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Mar 7, 2019
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NWA Powerrr (November 5, 2024)
S20E6: “Bell Time”

Oh joy, oh joy, oh joy. It’s time for National Wrestling Alliance’s Powerrr program, and an actual honest to god television taping for once. This can only go so well. For the record, I am watching without an account, because I deactivated my Twitter so I’m not sure how long this’ll be able to go on, but we’ll find out at least. So we’re a blank slate from here on out. It’s the first show following NWA’s 76 show, so let’s find out what’s in store for us. We get a promo from Aron Stevens who rightfully declares that Kratos and Odinson didn’t ring that silly bell three times, so now it’s a storyline. He’s gone full conspiracy theory about them winning.

So I guess there’s a rematch, a fucking Liberty Bell Brawl Rematch. They’re really doing this stupid match again; Corbin, haven’t you done enough damage? When will enough be enough!? Additionally we’re getting an NWA World Television Championship match between Max the Impaler vs. Mr. Grim. Additionally Thom Latimer will be cutting a promo following his NWA World Heavyweight Championship victory over EC3. Anyways, our first match of the night is Bryan Idol vs. Carson Drake, and this ought to be decent. Drake continues looking like a silly goof with his shit-eating grin. Idol controls the offense early on with slams, wrist locks, and punching Drake to the outside. This is an extremely small set for Powerrr, which makes sense since it’s run in like a television studio.

Drake can’t seem to mount anything on offense, continually being countered by Idol. It takes a slip-out from the corner to actually get something going. He does his silly pose before fist-dropping onto Idol’s face. It’s actually a pretty nice fist-drop too, reminds me of Ted DiBiase Sr. Idol starts his hot comeback, and does the classic 10 punches in the corner with the crowd chanting. He goes for a high knee in the corner, but Drake slips out of the way and attacks the knee. Drake then attempts to blatantly cheat, with some wrist-tape, but the ref catches it and warns Drake. So while the ref is distracted with the tape, Drake grabs a pair of brass knuckles from his trunks and smashes Idol in the face for the win. That was a television match between two lower midcarders. So yeah.


[Oldest trick in the wrestling book.]

Our next match though is Pretty Empowered vs. Tiffany Nieves and Haley J, and I’m actually pretty excited to see the match, I’m hoping it’s a good one. We get a stupid video package about the EC3 vs. Thom Latimer. EC3 cuts a dumb promo about being the best, claiming he motivated Thom Latimer to win the title off of him, but he’s gonna win it back. The usual schtick. This promo is whatever. EC3 is just like “Oh I did all of this, I allowed this to happen, I made you so I could crush you”, like bro, stop acting like you’re so fucking star-spangled awesome, you clown. So anyways, the women’s tag match. It starts off pretty fast and loose as everyone starts fighting right away. Tiffany Nieves is probably my favorite of the match, and she gets the offense early on. Nieves tags in Haley J who goes to town on Kenzie, then causes a ref distraction by getting Kylie to enter the ring, and both Nieves and Haley start cheating on Kenzie. Nieves is a star in the making, and Haley J so far isn’t actually bad. She seems like she’s competent enough. Kenzie finally pokes Haley in the eye and tries to get a tag going, but Nieves tags in quickly. While the ref is distracted getting Haley onto the apron, Kenzie rolls up Nieves, which doesn’t work.
Nieves retakes control quickly, and this match is basically Kenzie trying to get Kylie for the hot tag while the heel team continually cheats.


[I think we can call it a Paige-buster. Eh? Eh!?]

Unfortunately Nieves likes to hotdog and grandstand, so she punches Kylie and poses on the ropes, which gives Kenzie the chance to hit a facebuster. Haley J gets in and does some offense, forces Kylie to get in the ring, and then drags Nieves to their corner for the fake tag. Of course, this gives Kenzie just enough time to hit a superkick on Haley J. Kylie gets tagged in and she hits some quick offense on Haley J, and hits the Shining Wizard on Haley! Nieves comes into the ring to break up the pin, and Kenzie and Nieves take a dive onto the outside. Haley rolls up Kylie and pulls the tights! Nieves and Haley steal the win! Was a pretty solid match, a bit boring, but there wasn’t any bad action. There’s a small piece of dissent after the match between the Paige sisters.

So anyways after that match, we get a promo with the Southern Six: the Junior Heavyweight Champion Alex Taylor, Kerry Morton & Silas Mason. He calls out Jack Cartwheel, but he declares that he runs the division, and that he’s going to beat Cartwheel when they face off. Mason talks about how he put Colby Corino down for the count, and then calls out Thom Latimer, he wants his ass. He reiterates that Colby Corino is a classic case of nepotism. Kyle Davis pushes back on Mason, which causes Morton & Taylor to attack him from behind. Out comes Colby Corino to try and fight the Southern Six by himself, but he is just destroyed and whipped by them with Mason’s belt. Nobody comes out to help them.

So after a commercial break, we get to a match between Boz and Spencer Slade. Two lower midcard guys who are looking to get wins under their belts. Both guys seem to be evenly matched, though Slade gets the best of Boz early on with technical maneuvers, but his showboating costs him because being distracted is a normal heel move. Slade uses more technical moves, while Boz uses more brawling/high impact moves like kicks, clotheslines, etc. Slade hits a very nice German Suplex but only gets a count of one on his pin attempt. Slade seems like a very solid wrestler here, and he wears the same kind of wrestling headgear as Josh Alexander. Boz gets the business end of a hard lariat by Slade, who takes the time to pose once again. Slade slaps on a full nelson, but Boz counters into a set up for a Samoan drop, but Slade counters it into a leg-lock. Boz gets to the rope, tries to set up the Samoan drop again, and gets countered again. Slade hits the White-out and wins in a fairly short match. Solid match by both guys.


[Putting the White in Whiteout.]

Another commercial break, and we got Danny Dealz interviewing Thom Latimer, holding the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. EC3 is going to enact his rematch clause at NWA Samhain 2, but Latimer isn’t worried, he’s confident he’s going to win again. Short and sweet. I’m ready for the next match, which Max the Impaler defending their NWA World Television Championship against Mr. Grim. So we’ll see how this match goes. We got seven minutes for Grim to beat Max, and he immediately goes for a pin on Max. It doesn’t work, but it’s a mad scramble for Grim to win. He tries to go for a German Suplex, but Max doesn’t allow it. Grim is getting most of the offense in, but is still unable to get Max to stay down. Max eventually comes back and spears Grim. We’re sub-4 minutes now, and this crowd is dead. Three minutes left, and it’s slowed to a crawl, but Grim is out with a simple sleeper. We have defense number 4 from Max. A totally lifeless match with no special moves at all.


[The most exciting moment of the match. I’m not kidding.]

Oh goodie, main event time. The shitty Liberty Bell Brawl. It’s fuckin Kratos & Odinson vs. BFT. Odinson & Masked Rodney Mack on the outside while Kratos and the other guy on the inside. Odinson goes for a dive at Masked Mack, but Mack gets out of the way; Odinson’s shoulder collides with the steel post, and he’s out of commission for a bit. Kratos goes for a Vader bomb but Damage gets out of the way, and now Mack and Damage are attacking Kratos. Just another slovenly match between four guys who are brawlers. Odinson is the best person in the match, but that isn’t saying much. Mack goes out and grabs the ladder, and as they’re sliding it in, Odinson comes in for the fight, and he overpowers both guys, just kicking the tar out of them.

He then picks up Kratos and slams Kratos down on Damage. Mack stops Odinson from climbing the ropes, but Kratos knocks him out, before Damage spears Kratos. Odinson smashes Damage with a flying elbow, and now it’s Kratos and Odinson here. Aron Stevens runs into the ring and hits a superkick on Odinson. Kratos sees this and tries to slam Stevens, but Stevens gets a rake to the eyes. This gives Odinson enough time to pounce on Stevens. Both Immortals are left in the match, and Odinson has got it. That was a match. Better than their NWA 76 match but yeah, this felt like nothing was going on.


[I think he was supposed to go over the top rope…]

We get a video package with Daisy Kill and John Talos talking about The Immortals, Kill has a very flamboyant song on a ukulele while Talos is trying his best not to corpse. I don’t usually say shit like this, but this song was very homoerotic regarding the Immortals. “Just two jacked-up bros standing nose-to-nose.” A literal quote. So I think Kill is basically accusing the Immortals of being homosexual, but under the guise of them being two totally normal weightlifting bros. I… don’t even know where to go from here. That’s literally the end of the show, a song accusing two other wrestlers of being gay. Man, fuck this company. Show was okay, I guess. DISCRETION
Bryan Idol d. Carson Drake* 1/2
Tiffany Nieves & Haley J d. Pretty Empowered** 1/4
Spencer Slade d. Boz* 3/4
Max The Impaler (c) d. Mr. Grim [NWA World Television Title]3/4 *
The Immortals d. BFT [Liberty Bell Brawl]* 3/4


Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
Reaction score
NWA Powerrr (November 12, 2024)
S20E7: “Kyle’s Gonna Kyle”

Sup everyone, let’s just get through this because I don’t have anything interesting to say to open today’s review. The show opens with a replay of the Southern Six beating up Kyle Davis and Colby Corino, so officially there’s gonna be a tag match with the Southern Six going up against Colby Corino and Kyle Davis, who has allegedly never wrestled before. So that’s a match that’s happening tonight. We also got Max the Impaler defending their NWA Television title against Carson Drake, and of course Knox & Murdoch are in action; Yippee, I’m pissing myself in excitement (this is sarcasm if it wasn’t obvious).

The NWA Television title starts things off with Carson Drake challenging Max the Impaler; the crowd chants “Max is gonna kill you” at the beginning of the match. Carson has 6 minutes to defeat Max, and immediately they spend the first 40 seconds not doing anything. There’s literally one spot done in the first minute, and that’s Carson getting out of the ring when Max threatens to punch him. Bro, why have a time limit if all you’re gonna do for 20% of the match is nothing. Then the crowd chants chicken at Carson because again, nothing is happening in this match. He’s obviously a chicken-shit heel, but like, at some point, you have to do something. 2 minutes gone and no wrestling. Finally we get some actual wrestling as Max wristlocks Carson Drake and bites his fingers. Max goes to the outside, argues with Jim Mitchell, and then gets back in the ring, where Carson Drake had rolled back in to get some offense going.


[What are we doing here?]

Roll back to the outside and now we get some brawling on the outside. Max goes to grab an extension cord to choke out Drake, but Max ends up getting pushed into the ring post. Roll into the ring, and Carson Drake finally gets some offense going. He does his silly little taunt followed by his still very good fist drop. His jaw-jacking with the crowd though is distracting him too much as he eats a surprise spear from Max. Less than a minute left, so Carson eats an Avalanche in the corner, some clubbing blows, and a Mankind-esque attempt to disfigure the face. Carson gets tied up in the ropes for a couple clubs to the chest, and like that, time expires. So that was a match, somehow even more of a waste of time than last week’s against Mr. Grim. Officially a time limit draw, which means a successful defense for Max the Impaler.

After the match, Carson Drake is being interviewed and arrogantly claims victory because he wasn’t defeated, and therefore, Max can’t beat him. He makes a joke about his initials needing to be changed to UPS, “because I always keep delivering”. Yeah, alright there pal. Carson claims to be undefeated, but I seem to remember he was bought out at NWA 76 to eat the pin. So he’s not only delusional, he’s, shocker, a liar! That segment sucked, let’s move on, please.

Oh my god, Primo & Epico are here. God dammit, I was hoping I’d never have to see them in any company, but of course it’s here in the National Wrestling Alliance. It’s a very short promo, and Primo does all the talking, so that’s at least twenty seconds gone. Boy I can’t wait to see them wrestle– sarcasm again. Our next match now is a Submission match between Zyon and Jax Dane; I guess this is a continuation of the Jake & Zyon vs. Dane & Storm feud. So I guess that’s fine. Starting off the match, it’s Dane controlling the offense as he overpowers Zyon, while Zyon tries to technically overcome Dane.

The match changes course as Dane runs into the ring-post when Zyon gets out of the way of an oncoming charge. The commentary team talks about Zyon’s father allegedly wrestling in the studio they’re at 50 years before. I don’t know what they’re talking about; Zyon is formerly Viktor, of WWE’s The Ascension. So anyways Zyon has control of the match, and true to the match type, is trying to work on Jax’s arm, stretching it out of socket or generally injuring it through stomps. Zyon gets a Fujiwara Armbar on Dane, who eventually fights out of it with a standing hip toss. It doesn’t help as he eats a Flatliner. Suddenly, I’m even more confused as Zyon goes for a pin, and the ref… starts counting? Is it a submission match or not!? Try to remember the rules you’re working with guys! Jax pretty much gets his comeback and hits a Samoan Drop/Lariat combo, before putting him in the Camel Clutch, where Zyon taps out. So Jax Dane wins this match. Not a terrible match but the fact both Zyon and the Ref forgot what type of match it was makes this a wet fart.


[A pin in a submission match.]

So our next match coming up is a Non-Title match with the NWA National Champion Mims facing off against Sodapop. These names are wild, I’m telling you. During the commercial break preceding the match, we have a promo from Natalia Markova who is wary about the Paige sisters, and wants her title match against Kenzie Page to happen next week on Powerrr! Now that is a match I’m actually looking forward to because Markova is awesome and absolutely should win; my prediction is that Markova wins after Kylie messes up and costs Kenzie the match. Alright, so now it’s Mims vs. Sodapop. Soda wants to shake hands, but Mims declines and just goes on the attack right away.


[The disrespect here.]

Mims just dominates this dude with stomps and a choke toss. Soda tries to get some offense in but he’s knocked down by a shoulder tackle by Mims, and it’s back to this man getting jobbed out big time. Suddenly out comes Paul Burchill, who has words to say with Mims. The two jaw-jack on the outside, as they’re both set to face one another as Samhain. So Mims gets back in the ring and Sodapop attempts a comeback now, which ends with a diving crossbody that Mims was supposed to catch but ended up botching. A few moves later, and a heart-punch, and Mims wins. Another nothing match, but at least we had some action compared to Max vs. Drake.

So after a commercial break we get a Tag Team Titles match with Knox & Murdoch facing off against Jake Powers and Christian Hunter. So both young fellers are students of Dory Funk Jr. so it’ll be interesting to see how they do in wrestling. Knox and Murdoch apparently want every match to be a title defense, so that’s why we’re here. Jake Powers has an ego a mile long in the early going before he’s just slaughtered by Knox. Knox is a tall brother, I swear, especially in comparison to the two smaller guys. Murdoch by comparison is only a head taller than Jake Powers; both guys just beat the heck out of him until Powers tags in Hunter. Both guys hit their finisher on Hunter, and that’s that for that match. A pretty easy-going squash match, and another title defense for our old boys. I genuinely wonder who is going to defeat them, and if it’ll hopefully be a tag team that isn’t old men.


[He’s dead, Jim.]

Our next match, which by the way, is the fifth match of the evening, is AJ Cazana facing off against Tommy Rant. Tommy Rant reminds Billy Corgan of Balls Mahoney, and I can see it. The refs start chanting KFC, which is a reference to Joe Cazana’s Kentucky white outfit. AJ Cazana runs into the ring-post after charging at Rant, who gets out of the way. The Cazanas are clear heels here, using manager interference and cheating to get ahead. The story of the match though is AJ’s shoulder hurting and Rant using that to his advantage. It’s fairly back and forth between the two in a sort of brawling sense. Joe Cazana gets onto the apron and tries to allow AJ to cheat, but it backfires. Tommy Rant’s partner Sage shows up to have words with Joe, but then AJ’s partner KC Cazana comes out and attacks Sage. The Slime Ballz and Country Gentlemen seem to have a nice feud going. The match ends with Joe Cazana slamming his NWA book at the back of Tommy Rant’s head, which allows AJ Cazana to hit his finisher for the winner. This match was fine, probably the best one so far, and it had some storyline advancement. I’ll take what I can get.



Our main event of the evening is a tag team match between the Southern Six and Colby Corino & Kyle Davis. Davis was trained in wrestling, but hasn’t had a match in over 14 years, according to the commentary team. Colby Corino & Kerry Morton, who put on a very solid sequence early on. Both guys are kids of legends, Steve Corino and Ricky Morton respectively. Kyle gets tagged in and the match slows to a crawl early on. They lock up, and Kerry Morton dominates early on, but Davis still has a few tricks up his sleeve. Kerry goes for a fist drop on Davis, who gets out of the way and starts firing back up, but Kerry’s angry and keeps the fight going.

It’s at this point where I really have to make a complaint that Billy Corgan needs to spring for a better ring– My god, man, your ring squeaks like a couple having sex on a hotel bed. Fix that shit right up, mate, it’s ridiculous. So anyways, Kyle Davis loses a show in the middle of the match, but still is good enough to hit a T-bone suplex on Kerry, who then tags in Silas Mason. Both members of the Southern Six are just bullying the hell out of Davis, and Silas just headbutts Davis and hits a powerbomb on him. Silas goes for a pin, but then voluntarily ends it at 2. Colby fires up and accidentally elbows the ref, but is still forced out of the ring. Then Kerry grabs Colby and they fight on the outside. Kyle Davis recovers before spitting Silas in the face and saying (censored of course) a big ol’ “Fuck you.” Silas hits the Bossman slam, and this match is over.


[Defiance in the face of destruction.]

Davis got killed in that match, but it was somewhat enjoyable. Colby, Silas, and Kerry are all very talented, and I think Davis held his own. After the match the Southern Six just keep beating up both Colby and Kerry. Joe Galli is offended and he gets to the ring to yap at Silas and Kerry, and suddenly from out of nowhere Bryan Idol comes out for the attack! He causes both Kerry and Silas to flee the ring while Joe Galli has pulled out a metal pipe from under the ring, which causes more chaos and the Southern Six are fleeing! Galli wants to fight them, and the show ends chaotically. Alright honestly I thought this show was gonna be a complete trainwreck but the last two matches made it totally worth it, and we actually had some very good story advancement with some of these feuds. I’m just glad the tag division is starting to heat up outside the world tag team division, and it seems we got a new team in Idol & Corino. DISCRETION

Max The Impaler (c) vs. Carson Drake Goes To Time Limit Draw
[NWA Television Championship]
Jax Dane d. Zyon
[Submission Match]
Mims d. Sodapop3/4*
Knox & Murdoch (c) d. Jake Powers & Christian Hunter
[NWA World Tag Team Championships]
AJ Cazana d. Tommy Rant*3/4
The Southern Six d. Colby Corino & Kyle Davis**1/4


Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
Reaction score
Alright, folks, I have an existential question here; should I keep this thread sticking to strictly NWA Powerrr, or should I review all NWA-affiliated shows? This includes territory showcases that they occasionally post on YouTube. The power (pun unintended) is on you to choose!
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