@ Enzo: Do you own a TV-compatable Pop-O-Meter? : P
...As I say, I'm dying to know how you're (or anyone else... The general 'you' being the target of my original statement) managing to accurately compare the overness or pop-level of X or Y wrestler.
Perfect: Ultimately, I think you're right in saying that Hennig is not one of the best 16 or all time... Just better than this thread was giving him credit for (and I maintain that he WAS over more than you give him credit for).
As for all the talk of Smarkdom... See ya PM. ;o]
...As I say, I'm dying to know how you're (or anyone else... The general 'you' being the target of my original statement) managing to accurately compare the overness or pop-level of X or Y wrestler.
Perfect: Ultimately, I think you're right in saying that Hennig is not one of the best 16 or all time... Just better than this thread was giving him credit for (and I maintain that he WAS over more than you give him credit for).
As for all the talk of Smarkdom... See ya PM. ;o]