R'Albin said:
Testify/Others interested, I'm curious to what you made of the last of the Aries/Punk series? I watched it a couple of months ago and thought it was such an awful ending. The start through to the middle I seem to recall thinking was absolute perfection, some great technical stuff and some cool spots(Love how Aries takes a barricade bump). Then the end turned into a load of false finisher crap where Punk just no sold everything Aries hit on him pretty much. Thought that just sucked.
Interested in what folk with a more informative opinion have to say, cause that match seems to be so highly rated by so many.
The ending worked from a psychological and emotional stand point (an art which is lost in wrestling currently IMO) this was Punk's last shot at fulfilling his dream from a year before and winning the title, the no selling worked because he was desperate to it. A true emotional rush, kind of like Taker vs Trips at Mania this year. Especially the symbolism of Punk powering out of the plunge, it was a manic but magical sequence. Then again I am a fapping Punk fan boy.
Any who OP grab Steen vs Generico obviously, Nigel vs Danielson ( I love unified personally), Tyler Black vs Austin Aries, Bry vs Aries, Morishima and practically anyone will do. Low Ki vs Danielson vs Daniels, Hero vs Edwards, Low Ki vs Kenta, Team ROH vs Team CZW, Punk vs Joe (the whole trilogy but at least 2.) Briscoes vs Steenerico.