Anyone be able to point me to some good ones? started to get into it after a match with Generico/Colt vs Kings of Wrestling. :
Testify said:You should obviously start with Aries-Punk, Aries-Joe, Punk-Joe matches back from 2004/2005 to see how and what the things are all about in ROH. Then watch some of the epic Nigel McGuinness-Danielson feud, Briscoes on their prime (every match with them is fun), Kings of Wrestling vs. MCMG you have on YT I think, then Steen-Generico from Final Battle 2010, Tyler Black reign, Austin Aries 2nd reign, Richards-Edwards Best in the World PPV match from 2011 and so and so on. Tons of stuff, just search the names I've given you.
CM PuLs3 said:Very recent match that is SUPAAAA CRAZZZYYYYY would be,
Kyle O'Reilly vs Adam Cole Hybrid Fighting Rules
deth said:Man, I love Daniel Bryan.