Wrestling Station

^actually the last time SNACKZ and I had a battle with each other, I still remember that it was me who won it. lol
Why doesn't anyone notice that Weebo is banned, and gone? Are you all really that slow? He's been gone for months now.
i do realize when i posted weebo's name he was gone bust he was still a good graphics design person.
There's still absolutely no point in voting for him. He's not on the site anymore. That's like me voting for someone off of another forum. I could just say 'he's a good graphics design person', to use your words.
i did use my own words, since i was the only one that said something about him... he was banned for a lame reason.. and i know when he was here he was one of the power 5 people that did graphics on the sight....
And we would also like to mention Monkeystyle, who is always number one. And so there is no point of him being in the POWER 5, that's because he is as always..... #1 :shifty: