Getting to know the sexy members of IWF

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Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Bit late, but oh well... all of you redhead haters can kiss my ass. You just hate red hair because the worlds told you to!
*Proud redhead/ginger*

Personal Information

Name: Lee
Birthday: 13th Dec
Birth Place: Nottingham, UK.
Currently Reside: Nottingham, UK.
Age: 19
Gender: Vaguely female
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Brown
Siblings: One sister
Parents still together?: Nope
Heritage: British

What is your favorite...

Color: Green
Game: GTA Series or Tomb Raider series
Song: "What difference does it make?" by The Smiths
Animal: Dog.. or on the less conventional side, Penguins.
Sport: The only "sports" I really watch are pro wrestling.. so meh..
Place: On my ass infront of the laptop
Movie: Star Wars!! (Original trilogy pwnz your souls)
Food: Hmm, ice cream.


Boy(Girl)friend: No
Are you in love right now: No
Do you have a stalker: No
Do you miss someone right now: No

What *blank* do you hate?

Food: Mushrooms
Color: I don't really hate a colour, they're all nice in a weird sorta way.
Hair color: Again, I don't really hate any hair colours. It's only hair.
Tv show: Don't watch that much TV, to be able to hate it. I guess I don't like soaps, really.
Movie: Not a movie, but I dislike a lot of romcoms, they're only good to laugh at...

Random Questions

Have a lot of friends: A fair few
Write good: Okay, I guess. But the correct way would be "Do I write good?" especially in the context of the question. :p
Like the day Friday: Not really, I work weekends.
Like the month December: Yeah, it's my birthday and christmas.
What celebrity do people mistaken you for? Eh.. nobody.

Do you(or are you)

Give good advice: Probably not.. haha
Talk crap: Oh yeah, a hell of a lot of crap.
Play a lot of games: A fair few, not as much as I used to.
Always happy: No, that'd be kinda freaky.
A good friend: I'd like to think so.

ETA: Oh yeah the photo bit.. haha. urgh pale english legs. yo.



Apr 3, 2008
Reaction score
Personal Information

Name: Blake
Birthday: October 19th, 1993
Birth Place: Melbourne, Australia
Currently Reside: Melbourne, Australia
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Was Blonde. Now it's turning Brown :eek5:
Eye Color: Blue
Siblings: MiTCHY!!!!!!!!!!
Parents still together?: YUP :).
Heritage: Pom Convict, lol :D

What is your favorite...

Color: Green
Game: MARIO!!
Song: It's A hard Farkin Choice, any Acka Dacka, Barnsey, Etc.
Animal: Mans Best Mate, Me Dog
Sport: Footy & Cricket
Place: Aussie Beaches
Movie: Fuckin Chopper!
Food: Meat Pie :)


Girlfriend: Can Git Farked.
Are you in love right now: Nar.
Do you have a stalker: Probably some stalking old silvertail.
Do you miss someone right now: Narh.

What *blank* do you hate?

Food: Farkin Beans can get farked
Color: Emo Black/Red
Hair color: Red Nuts
Tv show: Any Bloody Singing show or Big Brother shit, Gar! Git Farked!
Movie: Chick Flicks can git Farked!

Random Questions

Have a lot of friends:
There Called Mates.
Write good: If i Farkin want to, i can.
Like the day Friday: Start of the Bloody Weekend, WOO!
Like the month December: 6 Weeks off for farkin summer! Go down n Surf at the Beach, WOO!
What celebrity do people mistaken you for? Warnie Once :|

Do you(or are you)

Give good advice:
If i have a few beers in me :smile_1: .
Talk crap: Whatta mean by this ya farkin carnt?
Play a lot of games: Yar.
Always happy: Yar.
A good friend: It's Called Mate ya bloody Yank.


Farkin hell, i look like 10 :|

CT Styles

Personal Information

Name: Charlie
Birthday: October 31, 1993
Birth Place: Melbourne, Australia
Currently Reside: Melbourne, Australia
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Siblings: Little Sister
Parents still together?: Yes, but that could change soon.
Heritage: Australian, but like all white aussies have another heritage way back and I think mine is English.

What is your favorite...

Color: Don't have one. Maybe blue?
Game: I don't like gaming.
Song: Changes everyday. Currently 'Bed Remix' by J Holiday and Chingy.
Animal: Dog?
Sport: Australian Footy (but I'm over it.) and Pro Wrestling if it counts.
Place: Melbourne, I've only been overseas once to France and it was alright.
Movie: Maybe Longest Yard
Food: Good old blue steak!


Girlfriend: Not currently.
Are you in love right now: No.
Do you have a stalker: I'm beautiful, of course I do.
Do you miss someone right now: Nah.

What *blank* do you hate?

Food: Mushrooms and Eggplant mostly.
Color: ?
Hair color: Ranga (Redheads)
TV show: Cartoons.
Movie: Too many.

Random Questions

Have a lot of friends: Yep.
Write good: I dunno, I think I have good grammar.
Like the day Friday: Of course.
Like the month December: Yep.
What celebrity do people mistaken you for? Brad Pitt. Nah, none. Actually someone said I looked like some kid in a movie, never heard of him though:laugh:

Do you(or are you)

Give good advice: Hope so.
Talk crap: Maybe sometimes:shifty:
Play a lot of games: Not video games, I dunno about others.
Always happy: Nope.
A good friend: I hope so.

For pictures, search in the 'Real You' thread.

the dark knight

Personal Information

Name: there's a reason its called PERSONAL information. some of you may know part of my name, some know "AJ", but you can all keep dreaming about getting my full or first name lol.
Birthday: Dec 22nd, 1990
Birth Place: Hospital
Currently Reside: Granada, Bahrain.
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Born blonde. then turned to dark brown, and now its almost black.
Eye Color: Brown
Siblings: a brother and a sister.
Parents still together?: Yup.
Heritage: Mixed...mainly durk turkish

What is your favorite...

Color: Black, dark blue, blood red.
Game: Resident Evil
Song: Changes....i dunno. amy lee/seether's broken, bring me to life, salive's always, muse's starlight. there are a lot so fuck it..
Animal: Cats
Sport: Football
Place: My bed
Movie: fucking hate general info. series are star wars and batman. single movie's american history x.
Food: sween n sour chicken/steak


Boy(Girl)friend: complicated...:raincloud:
Are you in love right now: yea
Do you have a stalker: c4, ws and sheepshow.
Do you miss someone right now: dying

What *blank* do you hate?

Food: onion
Color: pink and yellow(i can only tolerate it on porsches)
Hair color: depends...
Tv show: reality shows and smackdown.

Random Questions

Have a lot of friends: see italian outsider and monkey.
Write good: when i feel like it, yes.
Like the day Friday: why not?
Like the month December: :D
What celebrity do people mistaken you for? my msn smily "nff".

Do you(or are you)

Give good advice: yea i guess.
Talk crap: yea but everyone knows im joking.
Play a lot of games: -_-
Always happy: ofcourse................
A good friend: as long as you love me, baby.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
Personal Information

Name: Jordan
Birthday: October 15, 1989
Birth Place: Toronto, Ontario
Currently Reside: Scarborough, Ontario
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Siblings: One sister
Parents still together?: Nope.
Heritage: Jamaican

What is your favorite...

Color: Blue
Game: Donkey Kong Racing
Song: Too many to choose from
Animal: Hate animals
Sport: Football
Place: New York
Movie: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (90's)
Food: Pizza


Boy(Girl)friend: Nope.
Are you in love right now: With my money.
Do you have a stalker: Probably.
Do you miss someone right now: No.

What *blank* do you hate?

Food: Fish
Color: Beige
Hair color: Carrot Top red
Tv show: Reality shows/babyish animes like Pokemon and all that kind of crap.
Movie: Borat

Random Questions

Have a lot of friends: Yes.
Write good: Meh.
Like the day Friday: Yes.
Like the month December: Winter in Canada are bitches.
What celebrity do people mistaken you for? No one really.

Do you(or are you)

Give good advice: At times.
Talk crap: Who doesn't?
Play a lot of games: No really.
Always happy: Yeah, I guess.
A good friend: Yes.



Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Titletown, Mexico
Well Since Little-Miss-Stalker-McMilk-Shake (aka Ladyhotrod) wants to know all about us and stuff like that...:ermm: (oh my gosh!?!?!) and'z like...I guess since tha-rest of yo-suckass-mo-fo'z wanna know how to be macking it-like a G-GANGSTA?!?!(such as myself):xmas: then, I guess its all Aboard The CumRide With KenFan!!!!:gun_bandana:

:watsup: Ya-Heard?!!?!


Name: Jake Weaver (weaver-rockz-beaver!)

Birthdate: June 16th, 1992 (I am currently celebrating my Golden-Year).

Birthplace: I came outta some chick's geed while in like a hospital and lame-generic-birth-shit like that...basically..go-whack off to knocked-up and you'll understand...

Currently resides: on a rez(native american reservation) near Siren,Wisconsin!

Age: 16!!!!

Gender: I've got a dick...and I gotz some that makes me a MALE!!!

Hair Color: Darkish-Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Siblings: My Father had another several that makes me a brother and I love my little brother and my little sister..they're both badasses!!!

Parents Still Together?: Ok...lets get something straight...when in wisconsin, it is a golden-rule that everyone shall drink beer daily and nightly...and when you got a half-indian-half white guy with a full on native indian woman..:starwars: ...and like...well basically to sum-it

Heritage: 62% Native American, 18% French, 20% Irish-German...:red_indian: + :disguise2: + :xmas: = me.:watsup:


What is my favorite....

Color: The Green Bay Packer Colors!!!!

Game: MarioKart64!!!

Song: That Chumbawamba song...the one that goes like "I get Knocked DOwn!!..But I get Back Up Again!!! cause nothings gonna ever-keep me down...I get knocked down!!!..But I get back up again!!!(etc.)"

Animal: My One and Only SHADOW CAT!!!!


Sport: Pro-Wrestling...(Ka-DURRH!?!?)

Place: In a Chick's Pu(*beep*)sy!!!

Movie: Anything With Mel Gibson, or Bruce Willis...basically I'll watch anything besides gayass batman/ironman/spiderman/superman/boyzinthehood/blade/etc.(I hate Comic-Book Movies, but I'll enjoy anything else..Even the Rez-Evil Movies...)

Food: Buffalow Wings!!!!



Girlfriend: Had Several and currently plan on having several more...but at the moment, no...

Are You In Love Right Now: Something You've gotta know about me is that I have a severe lack of love for anything...kinda don't wanna get emotionally-attached to anything or anyone...ya-know?

Do I have a Stalker?: I dunno...In Reallife?...well this time at a china buffet, the waitress kinda took a drink outt've my glasscup of mountain dew and he kind've winked at me and I basically "No-Souled" it and got out of there as fast as I could...
Online?...I dunno, Probably Mike Chaos, MatthardyV1, Randall, y2Jasmine, Rell, osama, sharkboy, etc...

Do I miss someone right now?: I miss when The Rock used to wrestle...but other then that, I don't miss anyone much..


What do I *Blank* Hate?.....

Food: La-Zong-Ya!

Color: Super-Super Lime-Green houses...(YUCK!!!)

Hair Color: Gingers!!!(pukes at the thought of them!)

TV show: That Mind of Mencia show...
(he's a Be-*BEEP*-er!)


Random Questions..........

Have alot of Friends?: online, I have quite a few, but not much...people still kind've hate me when it comes to The NET....but offline, in real life, I live in a social circle, where people basically grew up together and everyone knows everyone and then theres the town "SIREN" and we all go to school together and basically everyone gets along and has the same like...yea! in real life..I have a huge fucking!, not so much...ya-heard?!

Write Good?: I dunno, I just say whatever the fuck I gotz-ta-say...but other then that, Who Gives a Shit About The Quality of Posts?! honestly, if you judge someone by how they type on some fag-forum then you're a striaght-up BUSTA-PA-DAr!!!...just saying, I judge people on several stuff that actually matters( like personnality and good looks), but never do I judge someone on how they write and stuff like that...:gun_bandana:

Like The Day Friday?: Last Day of The School Week, thus causing Friday to become the Favorite day of the week by default...ohh-yea..and Considering that KENNEDY HAS COME BACK TO FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN!!!!!.......SMACKDOWN!!!....Fridays have just become a whole lot BETTER'er'er'er'er'e're'er'er'er'er even'er'er' more'er!!!!

Like The Month December?: Not really...end of a year, and basically budget wise(considering christmas) I become broke cause I don't cheap-out on getting gifts for my El-family..

What Celeberity Do I get Mistaken For?: Dwhodre,Rell,Jasmine,randall,matt, and peepshow have been known on occasion to compare me to "eric-bischoff" by calling me "Bischoff jr." and stuff like that...:ermm:



^I dunno...decide fo-yoselfs i guess...what celeb-do I look like?


Do you(or are you)....

Give Good Advice? I think outside the box, and so far whenever someone's suffering from personnal problems, I like to think that I can verbally "BitchSlap" them back into being Men...basically Learn to Eat Shit and like the taste of it...ya-heard?!

Do I Talk Crap?:.....:scooter: *bails before commenting on the the question*

Do I play alot of games?: To be,not really...I'm usually an outdoors person(from wisconsin ya-know)...basically just chilling and stuff outside and usually f'n'ing around all day with cousins and stirring up trouble somewhere ...

Always Happy?: Well I like to think that my father, surroundings, and cousins and friends and family and such managed to somehow by accident make me very somewhat mentally-disciplined(like I don't really get depressed much cause thats for P(beep!)sy's!!!) and stuff, so like..yeah!...I'm happy most of the time cause most of the time I just goof-around and such...

A Good Friend?: I'm not out to be a friend nor am I out to be an enemy, I'm basically just deal with it or Go Sucka-Fart-Outt've an Ass Ya-bizznitch-A$$ Busta!!!

:scooter: AND!!!!!!I"M OUT OF CONTROLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!_YEA!!!!!


Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Name: Brian
Birthday: February, 06th, 1985
Birth Place: Christ Church, New Zealand
Currently Reside: Sydney, Australia
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Brown (natural)
Eye Color: Brown
Siblings: 1 brother (younger) and 1 sister (older)
Parents still together?: Yes
Heritage: Australian/New Zealaner

What is your favorite...

Color: Blue
Song: Changes - 2pac or Hit Em Up - 2pac
Animal: Dog
Sport: Rugby League
Place: Australia
Movie: American History X
Food: chicken Pasta


Boy(Girl)friend: Fiance
Are you in love right now: Very much so
Do you have a stalker: Only god knows
Do you miss someone right now: No

What *blank* do you hate?

Food: Beetroot
Color: Yellow
Hair color: Your typical red hair
Tv show: Big Brother, Real World actually any and all reality TV
Movie: Vanilla Sky

Random Questions

Have a lot of friends: Depends by how many is alot
Write good: I don't think i'm that bad
Like the day Friday: Yes, it's the weekend then.
Like the month December: Christmas, doesn't matter how old you are you'll always like Christmas
What celebrity do people mistaken you for? Jonah Lomu (when I dyed the top of my hair blonde)

Do you(or are you)

Give good advice: ....Sometimes
Talk crap: I'm abit of a smack talker, you know when your competing against some one or a team I always talk it up. it's the competitive spirit in me doing it.
Play a lot of games: What type of games, sexual?
Always happy: most the time
A good friend: I think I am


Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
All of your ginger abuse offends me, really have people not advanced mentally at all from being age six, when different hair colour was a huge thing? It's like oh we are rascist if we insult skin colour, but hair colour somehow escapes the whole prejudice factor.

I will quote Jeremy Clarkson (except change it slightly) "I honestly believe in some parts of the world, people have now started mating with vegetables"


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Titletown, Mexico
KenFan, chilling with his condom crew of KenFan'Cummies:
Captin KenFan: "Yo-Homiez and Mack-Daddys...Lets go lynch ourselves some of them Cracker-ass GINGER-GEEDS!!!...ya-heard?!?!"

*whole place begins to chant; "Tan-POWER!" *

KenFan: "Ya-Damn Right Bustaz...and To Thee Forums we shall start lynching gingers-one-by-damn one..ya-feel me!?"

*Whole Place erupts with Inspirational Hatred for the Gingers!*

ps: just kidding, but like..seriously, we don't hate gingers...we only intensly-dislike them....well unless they're chicks of course..then its cool,cause my boy Qwan will probably "Tap-THat!"


the dark knight

All of your ginger abuse offends me, really have people not advanced mentally at all from being age six, when different hair colour was a huge thing? It's like oh we are rascist if we insult skin colour, but hair colour somehow escapes the whole prejudice factor.

I will quote Jeremy Clarkson (except change it slightly) "I honestly believe in some parts of the world, people have now started mating with vegetables"
the idea of anti-racism itself and how it's done in the world today is fucking Blue, what do you expect?


Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
So if somebody said "Hated skin colour:" And you all said black, that would be as acceptable would it? I don't think so somehow...

Whatever just the same as everything else on this forum.. dunno why I even bother.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Titletown, Mexico
well we were kind've sort've kidding...

and we make fun of blacks(that is if Rell is even Black)...

so like...Don't Worry, no-one here hates gingers...

cuz if we did...then we'd hate the "Ginger-BreadMan"...and that'd mean that we wouldn't get any christmas-cake or cookies or whatever rich-white people get on christmas....

so basically...

Calm down...and only hate on Peepshow(aka pubestash)

(or as the Singing Bass would say)
"don't worry, be happy"